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ISRO working to have critical technologies for human space mission

You know they say this as an example. Both India and Brazil started their space programs at the same time. Brazil had a lot of funding while India had nothing. But what the Indian scientists didn't have was the freedom to give up. They took over a church, experimented with sounding rockets, used bullock carts to transfer sats, transferred liquid nitrojen on rag tag trucks and so on.

brazil, meanwhile worked like how somewhat rich people worked. No great urgency to improvise or HARD deadlines they set for themselves.

Results are for all to see- GSLV Mk3 took a space capsule, and they're still stuck with initial stages of launch vehicles. Character trumps resources---every single day!

In the early 1900s, two strange events are said to have occurred there. Local fishermen sighted a beautiful sandalwood statue of St. Mary Magdalene on the beach. The statue was blessed and consecrated in the church, which was later renamed. Shortly thereafter, the sea washed up a long wooden log, which was then fashioned into a flag mast by the fishermen and erected in front of the church.

The site and the church building met with all the technical and security requirements of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) of the launching station. Not finding any other suitable launching site, it was with some trepidation that the ISRO officials approached the Bishop with a proposal that the church and its adjacent areas be given for furthering India's space programme. The response was predictable, for the fame of the church had spread to nearby areas. Nevertheless, a series of meetings took place between the ISRO and the church members. The matter was also discussed with the nearby villagers. The compensation promised included aid to build an identical church nearby. However, the compensation was peripheral to the main issue of weighing national interests against religious, and heated discussions followed.

Finally, in 1962, after considerable deliberation and with the consent of the villagers, the then Bishop, Fr. Bernard Pereira, permitted the transfer of the church and its estates to the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS).

The statue of St. Mary Magdalene was re-consecrated in a new church. The old church became the heart of payload assembly and related activities.

The first sounding rocket was successfully launched from Thumba on November 21, 1963. For the next several years, launches were made from this station every Wednesday night despite primitive conditions. On one occasion, the payload of the rocket was transported from the church to the launch pad on a cycle. Later as India's Space Programme attained maturity, a new space launch facility was set up at Sriharikota in 1969.

November 21, 1963: The Nike Apache rocket being readied for launch.

At a function at the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station in the late 1960s. (From right) Kerala Chief Minister E.M.S. Namboodiripad, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and Governor Venkata Vishwanathan.

At the SLV-3 integration laboratory at VSSC, (from right) Prof. Yash Pal, then Member, Space Commission; P.N. Haksar, Principal Secretary to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi; Prof. Satish Dhawan, then Chairman, ISRO; and A.P.J. Kalam, then Project Director, SLV-3

when Abdul Kalam began his speech with a countdown: "Ten, nine, eight... " Forty years, he said, had not dimmed his memory of November 21, 1963.

(From left) Y.J. Rao, then Project Director, Design Project, SLV-3, VSSC; V.N. Kumaraswamy, Engineer, Assembly and Integration, Sounding Rockets, TERLS; Vikram Sarabhai, founder of India's space programme; H.G.S. Murthy, then Range Test Director, TERLS; and N.R.U.K. Kartha, then head, Assembly and Integration, Sounding Rockets, TERLS, with a Rohini-75 sounding rocket, to be launched from Thumba.


India's truly indigenous space programme began on February 22, 1969, when it launched a "pencil" rocket, weighing 10 kg, from Thumba. It carried a few kg of propellants and rose a few kilometres into the air. From then onwards, there has been no stopping ISRO. Beginning with the Rohini sounding rockets, capable of reaching heights ranging from 100 km to 500 km, with payload capacities varying from 2kg to 200 kg, ISRO has launched about 1,840 sounding rockets from Thumba, Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh and Balasore in Orissa
Now you speak logic...... imagine us going into Afghanistan to avenge an act of terror against us and kill....... let's say 200 Talibanese assholes, and then our PM (Nawaz Sharif) goes on live tv and tries to draw parallels between OBL raid, and at the end of the statement threatens India with similar dire consequences..... after all that by the PM, our ISI, MI chiefs come out like brainless gorillas, chest thumping, repeating and retweeting the same thing..... now HOW DOES that look from your perspective..... this is exactly why, we, saner minds, have been perplexed about, 'THE NEW EL-STUPIDO GUNDACRACY', by-the-obviously-not-so-competent-muffler-donning PM of yours.


Only problem with your argument is that neither Indian PM nor IB or RAW chief made any comments about the Ops .

Only a junior minister came with a tweet which didn't even mention any country .

And [HASHTAG]#56inch[/HASHTAG] has nothing to do with glorifying Modi but it was a dig at opposition .

Why dont you share your imaginary manned space technology :omghaha:

Somebody please check this guys IP .

The more he talks , more embarrassment to Pakistan :P...... must be an Indian hiding behind Pak flag .

A Russian Soyuz MS space capsule stands on the ground shortly after its landing with International Space Station (ISS) crew members Kate Rubins of the U.S., Anatoly Ivanishin of Russia and Takuya Onishi of Japan, as a rescue helicopter lands nearby, outside the town of Dzhezkazgan (Zhezkazgan), Kazakhstan, October 30, 2016. REUTERS
Wrong heading......

ISRO Working Hard to Get It's Hands on all Western Tech before the ABC Honeymoon is over!
I think it should be, ISRO to offend poorly educated PDF think tank analyst by doing some meaningful research while Pakistan can't even dream of space programs anymore.
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