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Isro to launch German, French, British, Canadian satellites

The whole BBC comment section was filled with why are we giving them foreign aid when they can fly to Mars.

It left an acrid taste in my mouth.

It seems it dents the white man's ego when us slum dwellers have ambitions to join them.

Udupi ramachandra Rao's reply to westerners when why Aryabhata was launched why Indians should spend that money instead of combating poverty still remains relevant.

The last thing a starving man eats is his pride.

That kind of talk is not surprising. Nobody feels comfortable when confronted with a potential rival. And human egos can be larger than the Solar System.

But we ought to remember that Improvement need not be sequential or that Progress will not always be linear.
No; that is not true.

Even the poorest man is not lacking in pride, solely because he may have something that is worth being proud of; whatever some-body else thinks. I have seen that innumerable times in rural India; while it was so easy for me (city-bred, well-educated, world-travelled and what not else) to feel tempted to look down upon him..........till I had the wisdom to understand what he had, and which I could not (or would not) see easily.
That kind of talk is not surprising. Nobody feels comfortable when confronted with a potential rival. And human egos can be larger than the Solar System.

But we ought to remember that Improvement need not be sequential or that Progress will not always be linear.
No; that is not true.

Even the poorest man is not lacking in pride, solely because he may have something that is worth being proud of; whatever some-body else thinks. I have seen that innumerable times in rural India; while it was so easy for me (city-bred, well-educated, world-travelled and what not else) to feel tempted to look down upon him..........till I had the wisdom to understand what he had, and which I could not (or would not) see easily.

I am a keralite, we always look down on people :D
We have built satellite HYLAS 1 for a british firm buddy......

Oh my dream is to see gslv mk3 lifting a 4 tonne communication sat built by IsRO for foreign customer...and that would not take long.

First 4 tonne class communication sat ( I 4K bus ) Gsat 11 would be launched by 2014...And first operational testflight of LVM3 is scheduled for 2017....
I am a keralite, we always look down on people :D

Are you serious?
The Mars mission is irrelevant to satellite launch ability. This author is making unnecessary connection.

And most people are going along with this unnecessary connection. How pathetic.

#MOM demonstrated India's enhanced Satellite Launch Capability

I guess you didn't followed up the Mission Specifications - Objectives and Technological Challenges involved in the PSLV C-25 carrying the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). This mission is extremely relevant in the context of enhancement of the Indian Satellite Launch Capability. A decent connection made by the concerned Journalist who wrote this article.

->The major technical challenges for the Launch Vehicle in accomplishing this Mission arise from the larger Argument of Perigee (AOP) requirement ranging from 276.40 to 288.60 compared to 1780 in earlier Missions. This AOP minimizes the energy required in transferring the satellite from the Earth to the Mars. In this regard, the Launch Vehicle Right regime is extended to 2657s (against 1200s for regular PSLV Missions) with a long coasting (1580-1800s) before the ignition of the PS4 stage.

->The long coasting necessitated specific modification and validation of the coast phase guidance algorithm, on-board battery capacity augmentation, assessment on the performance of inertial systems for extended fight duration and deployment of two Ship-borne Terminals to capture the critical telemetry data during Right in the non-visibility zone.

->Additional provisions were made for the thermal management of Vehicle Equipment Bay, PS4 stage and also the Spacecraft elements considering the longer exposure to extreme cold space.

->Another unique task associated with management of this Mission is the generation and Configuration Control of multiple Initialization files for the on-board computers corresponding to the different launch dates.

#You would have noticed that this was the longest flight of the PSLV - actually the longest one of a solid fuel stage than any other SLV across the globe - PSLV's normal flight-time is only about 18 minutes but this time it was around 45 minutes which on the successful completion demonstrates our capability to place our payloads to a larger Argument of Perigee (AOP) requirement and that too with a longer exposure to extreme cold space. Now the other nations across the globe with such requirements in hand can reliably have India as one of their options - or rather the most economical as well as reliable option for them to chose atleast for the payloads ranging upto 1500 kg. - atleast upto 1337 kg. already confirmed...
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About how the Gora community behaves. There is a prime example (factual one) when HK was a British colony. Back in those days, Brits (of the white types) used to flood HK, stay as long as they wanted while on a shoestring budget living in some ghetto of an island called Lama Island, smoke pot, engage in shoddy businesses, deliver lunches / sandwiches to corporate offices et al.

Soon enough , the local UPPER stiff lipped Brits who were well placed , were ranting on how the young (white) British lads coming to HK were a disgrace by accepting low paid jobs. THere was a huge under current of white opinion that such low paying jobs for newly arrived White Brits should be shelved and that a certain decorum should be given to any low paid jobs done by them.

So a sandwich delivery boy Johny was no more a delivery boy. He was a "delivery facilitator". Part time drivers were known as "chauffeurs". Quick fix carpenters / plumbers et al were called "interior fabricators"

Such was (and still is) the anal retentive stiff upper lip attitude of the Brits in HK. They can land in any land on the earth with slippers and some dirty Bali-esque shorts with unkempt hair and a nearly torn T shirt with a huge back pack on their backs. And the next day they will most certainly land a job in some glassy glittery corporate skyscraper. Qualified or not qualified ... are not issues to be questioned. WHITE sells. And they enforce it.
Instead of just going back and forth, point out an instance when I don't speak the truth. Otherwise, forever hold your peace.
one cannot wake up someone pretending to be asleep. kindly hold your peace as well.

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