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ISRO: No Manned Mission to Moon

o_O !
guys u need to take a chill pill and send human to moon cause thats what awsome countries do ! :D

go india go !

Then there is only a single awesome country ---- USA .

India right now does not have the necessary rockets nor resources for manned moon mission .

what ???? o_O

Which rocket ?? specifications please .
Oopss ... sorry .... I missed the manned system .

Well , solid boosters are not a necessity .

For eg., chinese Long March2F used in manned missions have liquid boosters .

You don't NEED a solid booster, that's true. But in many cases it's 'optimal'. less moving parts, it's simpler and therefore lesser prone to failure.

'Strap On' boosters for instance- you need something that's a small size, solids can give that compactness much better than liquids in many cases.
how are u doing kurup mate ? :D

fine mate ... how about you ??

lets agree to disagree mate :D

Even if we agree to disagree , that will remain the truth ... :D

then work on building one :-)

wish u all success ! :yahoo:

Even then it will take decades before we can come up with something powerfull enough .
Even if we agree to disag ree , that will remain the truth ...
:astagh: :p:

Even then it will take decades before we can come up with something powerfull enough .

yes , but you mentioned resources .....

why that ? india is very wealthy ..... you can spend as much as u want and sell some computer software to pay for it :P

kidding , but why do u think resources are an issue here ?
Safir-1 ... it is our first SLV ... :undecided:

What is the payload capacity to LEO ??


yes , but you mentioned resources .....

why that ? india is very wealthy ..... you can spend as much as u want and sell some computer software to pay for it :P

kidding , but why do u think resources are an issue here ?

Developing a mammoth LV , space capsule , astronaut selection , training , etc .

None of those is present as of now .

On top of that the criticism from certain intellectual corner within the country against cheap program like MOM was astonishing .

Imagine what it will be for a man mission to moon .
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Not bad .

Our first SLV had the capacity of 40 kg to 400km LEO .

Safir-2A :


nothing to worry bro!
we compared to countries like NK and SK which have ither copied or begged technologies...
iran is moving forward on its own knowledge base...
may take time...but you'll get there :)

I am already there ! :whistle:


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