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ISRO: No Manned Mission to Moon

I can't find a credible source for that claim(if you got please share it) even ISRO's website doesn't has anything on that it just says it can launch heavier satellites weighing 5 tonnes that's it doesn't even specifies to LEO or GTO. My guess is it can carry payload greater than 5 tonnes to LEO but not as much as 10 tonnes probably around 7-8 tonnes to LEO and around 5 tonnes to GTO just a guess btw.

4 tonne to GTO is the official figure by ISRO .

Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV Mark III
But India still do not have a life support system. A reliable capsule, and above all, a reliable rocket that can safely carry man to space. India is 5-10 years away from sending a man to space after acquire a reliable rocket to carry man to space. And we are not sure if MKIII is the right rocket to carry man to space.

Who cares whether your sure or not....our scientists must be sure that's the important thing.

Seems like India would need a rocket other than MKIII to send man to space. Maybe India can contract Space X to carry Indians to space.

You want me to call you an idiot?

4 tonne to GTO is the official figure by ISRO .

Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV Mark III

I think 7 odd tonnes in LEO is fine for translating to 4 tonnes in GTO (actually I think GTO is a typo- I think it's 4 tonnes GO, but maybe wrong)
I think 7 odd tonnes in LEO is fine for translating to 4 tonnes in GTO (actually I think GTO is a typo- I think it's 4 tonnes GO, but maybe wrong)

If you meant GEO , then a 4 tonnes to GEO will mean approximately 16+ tonne to LEO which is not possible .

SO it is 4 tonnes to GTO .

Even the ISRO annual report says so .
Because they are not controllable like liquid fuel rockets !

You can't stop a solid fuel rocket after ignition !!! :unsure:

That may be the case but the boosters of space shuttle are solid boosters .
"the boosters of space shuttle were solid boosters"

Space shuttle was a risky stuff ...

Not only space shuttle but Ariane 5 , PSLV , etc used solid boosters and found to be reliable .

Please count them ! :coffee:

PSLV , Ariane 5 , Space Shuttle , GSLV MK3 --- off the top of my head .

Oopss ... sorry .... I missed the manned system .

You can't get too much power if you don't use solid boosters early on. Plus, liquid systems are more complex and risk more mechanical failures than solid ones.

Well , solid boosters are not a necessity .

For eg., chinese Long March2F used in manned missions have liquid boosters .
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You can't get too much power if you don't use solid boosters early on. Plus, liquid systems are more complex and risk more mechanical failures than solid ones.

Making a reliable SRB is more complex !
India may be able to send a man to Mars by 2015. As long as the condition of the man is not important, its possible.

That is not true. Both N and S Korea can launch Satellite to earth. France and Britain had independently launched satellite to space. Israel and Iran also had launched their own satellite.

Has DPRK, Israel, Iran and South Korea sent probe to moon? if not, they will not fall in the same league as India do.

India is now deep space power. (thanks to Chnadrayaan-1).
solid fuelled boosters cannot be controlled as with liquid boosters but provide more thrust...liquid boosters provide control but bcos of more no.of movable parts..more chances of malfunction.
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