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Israel’s Second Lunar Mission Beresheet-2

Will Israel's Beresheet-2 Mission succeed?

  • 0% : orbiter not leaving earth orbit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10% : orbiter launched into LTO but not functioning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20% : orbiting but no landing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 40% : 1 landing but not functioning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% : 1 lander full success only

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Aug 10, 2017
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Hong Kong
Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
Israel’s Second Lunar Mission Beresheet-2

Israel announces on 9th December 2020 that Beresheet-2 is going to head to the Moon in the first half of 2024.

It will include two landers, each of which will carry out experiments on the surface of the Moon, and an orbiter that will stay for several years.

Overall mass 630 kg at launch.



https://archive.vn/8l26A/db190d07781e7372dfe7c295f6108389f5b95a67.jpg ; https://archive.vn/8l26A/4421002b21b8fed3f20ef39b375bf0adccd466c9/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201210045658/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EozB6ZLW4AQbmpR?format=jpg&name=large
1. 3D mini models of the Beresheet-2 Lunar Orbiter and Landers.


https://archive.vn/bbi4j/ad2b80dfc31e10b37a37b94eb3ec094f37ede68c.jpg ; https://archive.vn/bbi4j/5dd90063985114f24008d5249dc8c0740e4fa5ee/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201210050131/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EozB6ZMXcAAtXgX?format=jpg&name=large
2. Beresheet-2 Lunar Mission's conceptual arrangement.


https://archive.vn/hSt0s/424acb4287a074db0bcc7c32e0815c1405e90c04.jpg ; https://archive.vn/hSt0s/3f4057b9c76345a5a93c18a233b1e883e6c5ca41/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201210050620/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoyyUrmWEAMVWmv?format=jpg&name=large
3. Lander with folded landing legs, and unfolded.


https://archive.vn/pCjXi/0efa8ae0058bf833952f7160aea3c3dc83913c13.jpg ; https://archive.vn/pCjXi/e2ffeb952e55304f620b691ff329e2661d84c178/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201210051044/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoyzhevXYAAyMQX?format=jpg&name=360x360
4. Lander with folded landing legs.


https://archive.vn/Iod9M/670ee5820a9f533cf6b4cd8aa0ebbc97d1b7ad9c.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Iod9M/7112b765f15d1ee97eee5ec5118d161b4f0c3d05/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201210051331/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoyziWuXYAEQVdZ?format=jpg&name=small
5. Lander with unfolded landing legs.



By doubling the number of landers, the Israeli strategists think they have simply doubled the success probability. Or is it?

By dividing the available payload mass into 2, instead of having a single lander with more redundant and heavier hardened electronics, Israel has chosen to field two smaller landers each much more vulnerable to space radiations!

Time will tell whether this strategy was a colossal mistake! :lol:




I wonder if there is something fundamentally wrong with the turning off rocket engines to manuever the lander approach.
Lunar Exploration Program As Cover For WMD Testing

As already disclosed back in 2012, North Korea's Lunar Exploration Program (NKLEP) will start with an Orbiter. Landers are expected to follow. While permanent bases have been depicted in New Year's show.

Moreover, like Italy, Japan, Germany, India, Israel, South Korea, Spain, etc, it is common practice to test dual-use civilian-military space technologies under the guise of space explorations.

Please note that under the guise of "civilian research and demonstration platform", Japan has tested live and perfected with the tacit connivance of the U.S. its warhead reentry technologies.

With last year's Hayabusa-2 Asteroid Sampling Return mission successful recovery of a Reentry Vehicle at the speed of the second cosmic velocity, Japan concludes a second demonstration of dual-use civilian-military technology. Under the nose and applause of the international community.

After the Epsilon solid propellant ICBM, the re-entry warhead, this same technologies are the third steps out of 4, in the development and testing of a Japanese nuclear vector: the validation of its Post Boost Vehicle.

The expected ultimate and 4th step, to be followed closely will be the detonation in some remote outer space body of its nuclear device, and under the pretext of space exploration!

Moscow and St Petersburg will soon be within Japan's Strategic Forces' striking range!

According to the U.S. playbook of double standard practice in the application of international laws, team India-Israel ups the ante by announcing last December a new Beresheet-2 lunar lander as a cover for testing once more dual-uses military-civilian technologies unlocking Post Boost Vehicle for its ICBMs!

The unprecedented attempt to land 2 mini landers on the lunar surface has never been done before, with little scientific value, due to the smaller scientific payload.

It can only be interpreted as a stern warning to Israel's adversaries of its ability to manoeuver a Post Boost Vehicle and deliver 2 separate nuclear warheads to the pre-designated targets!

The testing being done 384'400 km afar.

Here a more recent example.

We are talking about the Chinese proposal to use the Lunar mission Chang'e 7 to detonate a small bomb (yes) on the surface of the Moon!

This dual-use civilian-military technology is equivalent to a missile with 200g of TNT equivalent explosive warhead, causing a crater of 1.5 meters deep, at a distance of 500-1000 meters from the lander!

In military term, China's People's Liberation Army (P.L.A.) would have demonstrated after the U.S. and Japan, in being the 3rd power in the World to master missiles in outer space.

Capability especially useful when dealing with co-orbital targets, such as Geosynchronous satellites that can not be reached with current ASAT Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) missile from the ground.

In a nutshell, team North Korea and Iran will have to test their PBV and MIRV technologies on the Moon.

Jericho-3 YA-4 ICBM

The only tests were done under the guise of the civilian solid propellant 3 stages Shavit, Shavit-I and Shavit-II space launchers. All measuring 1.35 meters diameters and 17 meters to 22 meters long.

To perfect its Jericho-3 YA-4 ICBM, of 1.56 meters diameter and 16 meter long, components are being tested far in outer space under the guise of space exploration.

Beresheet-1 lunar orbiter and lander on 11th April 2019 was successful enough, as it validated the Israeli Post Boost Vehicle technologies. Landing was not the most important goal. Orbital insertion and deorbiting were simulating the technologies used in Post boost Vehicle.

Beresheet-2 will test 2 separate warheads' guidance from release in orbit until impact to their targets on the lunar surface (though a landing is used to avoid a direct hit).


https://archive.is/Iu1oH/1a52e9b2beb97752d127185cfcc12597256742b5.jpg ; https://archive.is/Iu1oH/f39ca5d6ecea59221f8485491645e1c5aee832a2/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210204100110/https://i.imgur.com/JiMlroN.jpg
1. Israel's Jericho-3 YA-4 ICBM with PBV and 2 nuclear warheads.




Man that was fast.

Iran's leadership listening to Galactic Penguin's guidances!:lol:

Iran's Lunar Orbiter

Morteza Barari, the head of Iran's Space Agency and the Deputy Minister of Communications, in an interview with Mehr, announced the moon exploration program.

A Lunar orbiter project is to be done by the private sector and we have made initial agreements.

This project is about space exploration.

In this way, a satellite will orbit the moon.

An 18-member team from one of the country's universities has now begun the designing.

The lunar orbiter will be an important event.

The UAE has already started this project and has benefit of a lot of knowledge in this area.

Researchers in our country have also started their program.

We plan to send the first orbiter to the moon (380'000 kilometers from Earth) in the next two years.


Well, team India-Israel launched two landers the same year back in 2019.

The ball is now in the court of team North Korea-Iran!:lol:

As for the North Korean orbiter, nothing new:

S. Korean Newspaper Praises DPRK's Planned Satellite Launch

March 28. 2012 Juch 101

A director of a research centre noted with appreciation that Kwangmyongsong-3 is apparently an artificial satellite, adding this is a clear reminder of the high-level technology of manufacturing satellites of the north.

He said the north is likely to launch a lunar explorer satellite.


And for the North Korean lunar lander:

AP Exclusive: North Korea hopes to plant flag on the moon


Aug. 4, 2016 11:30 AM EDT

In an interview with The Associated Press, a senior official at North Korea's version of NASA said international sanctions won't stop the country from launching more satellites by 2020, and that he hopes to see the North Korean flag on the moon within the next 10 years.

"We are planning to develop the Earth observation satellites and to solve communications problems by developing geostationary satellites. All of this work will be the basis for the flight to the moon," Hyon said on July 28, adding that he personally would like to see that happen "within 10 years' time."


That means with a 10 years preannouncement timeframe, a lunar orbiter by 2022 and a landing by 2026.

For Iran, an orbiter by 2022, and a lander still pending official announcement. Expect target date to be 2026.:lol:

Notice the lunar orbiter will precede the GEO satellite as explained below:


https://archive.vn/OvBUF/5fdf8ee766db5db2f7218da19308a5aa37c182f1.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OvBUF/f590bba848f7c7e5a0eaaef872d70c73c5268ff0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20191006202452/https://i.imgur.com/1hLylwc.jpg
1. Lunar gravity assist used to place North Korea's satellite into the GEO belt.

Finally, the Iranian lunar missions launchers:


https://archive.is/lonDF/362e3bf6092fe9feed363755b2d30f1a5c2d4ccb.jpg ; https://archive.is/lonDF/4cc22c96d35c4a424ce80e21c4d753549117fda1/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210208125731/https://i.imgur.com/u5CZAu5.jpg
1. Iran's Sarir-2 lunar lander SLV VS the U.S. Atlas Agena SLV. 2021.

Will the U.N.S.C. find fault with team Iran-DPRK's testing of dual-use military-civilian technologies on the moon, while turning a blind eye on team Israel-India's lunar landers, and the U.A.E.'s Mars orbiter "Hope"?

That would be outrageous double standards practice in the application of international laws and the right to peaceful use of outer space for all nations.




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The Moon as Convenient Test Ground for Dual-Use Civilian-Military Technologies

There is no secret, to perfect one's ballistic missile technologies, the outer space is the best place.

This trend follows team Israel-India, the initiators, with the 2019 Chandrayaan-2/Beresheet-1 lunar impactor & lander.

South Korea's first lunar mission, with Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) that is scheduled to be launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket in July 2022 to orbit the Moon for 1 year

Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO)

The Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) is South Korea's first lunar mission. It is developed and managed by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) and is scheduled to launch in July 2022 to orbit the Moon for 1 year carrying an array of South Korean experiments and one U.S. built instrument. The objectives are to develop indigenous lunar exploration technologies, demonstrate a "space internet", and conduct scientific investigations of the lunar environment, topography, and resources, as well as identify potential landing sites for future missions.
Spacecraft and Subsystems

The spacecraft has a cubic shape with two solar panel wings and a parabolic antenna mounted on a boom. The total mass is 550 kg. Communications are via S-band (telemetry and command) and X-band (payload data downlink). Power (760 W at 28 V) is provided through the solar panel arrays and rechargeable batteries. A monopropulsion system is used, with four 30N orbital maneuver thrusters and four 5N attitude control thrusters. KPLO is equipped with five science instruments and a Disruption Tolerant Network experiment. The five experiments are a Lunar Terrain Imager (LUTI), a Wide-Angle Polarimetric Camera (PolCam), a Magnetometer (KMAG), a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (KGRS), and a high-sensitivity camera developed by NASA (ShadowCam). Total scientific payload mass is about 40 kg.
Mission Profile

KPLO is scheduled to launch in July 2022 from Cape Canaveral on a SpaceX Falcon 9 Block 5 into a 300 km Earth orbit, followed by a translunar injection burn and a one month lunar transfer phase. After capture into an elliptical lunar orbit, it will circularize to a 100 km nominal polar orbit (+-30 km), from which it will conduct science operations for approximately one year. If the mission has an extended phase, it will descend to a 70 km orbit or lower.



https://archive.is/omjt3/8d2b79cdd0fb90bc91af9ec69f27761e48837a6a.jpg ; https://archive.is/omjt3/a1f399328ad6d95c98ad3a7a1b3dd5f505cf70a5/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210127230821/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EqZLa-XUcAIL5wk?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
1. The first launch of the KSLV-II has been postponed to November 2021. The reason is: modification of the assembly procedure, delay in parts delivery, need for more time in stage assembly, and the need for Wet Dress Rehearsal. Second launch is May 2022.

South Korea would then launch its own 830 kg lander by 2030 with its own KSLV-II rocket.

Turkey will launch its own lunar lander by 2028 with its own rocket.

Even Turkey has just announced its plan to launch a lunar impactor on the occasion of its 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey, as a replacement of its goal to join the European Union (E.U.) by 2023.

Then a lander would follow by 2028 with an indigenous launcher.

And it hasn't even placed any satellite indigenously nor tested a single space launcher as of 2021.

Turkey's Lunar Exploration Program (TLEP)

"The only way to ensure justice in the world
is to exist in the space in a powerful manner"

- Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey

Well, Turkey has now entered the global lunar space race today, with the announcement of a lunar impactor for 2023 and a lunar lander by 2028!

End of 2023 first moon mission: A falcon9 SpaceX rocket brings the first Turkish moon Orbiter into low earth orbit.

After separating the moon orbiter ignite its hybrid rocket engine and shots the moon orbiter to the moon for a hard landing!

The second part of the Turkish moon mission: 2028 turkey plans to launch a moon landing module with its own launcher. This is very ambitious

Look to the sky and see the moon
The original : istikbal göklerdedir-> future is in the skies


https://archive.is/SwfYf/56600b03591d19b0d87252f72b0b6a774d4e5272.jpg ; https://archive.is/SwfYf/75297c79b93cef2a06317854ec8aa69c91219e51/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210133544/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EtzW5zVXAAMirWr?format=jpg&name=large
2. Roadmap for the Turkish Lunar Exploration Program (TLEP). 2021.


An indigenous launch will then follow when the future domestically developed launcher able to place 2 tons into LEO is available.

Micro-Satellite Launching System (MSLS) Project was carried out in cooperation with ROKETSAN and the Presidency of Defense Industries in 2018. The Project aims to launch micro satellites weighing less than 100 kilograms into a low earth orbit at a minimum altitude of 400 kilometers.

But the MUFS SLV will not be available until 2025.

Simsek UFA space launcher will be able to place 1'500 kg at 700 km LEO, by 2030. This means ~300 kg payload in LTO.

From the CGI rendering, an improved version, with two solid propellant 1.35 meter diameter strap-on boosters, derived from the MUFS first stage, will become the lunar lander's launcher.

The spacecraft is therefore assumed to have a mass above 600 kg (LTO).


https://archive.is/DCqu8/537693e0c0d1771b2ac386f2010aff9a52cfe673.jpg ; https://archive.is/DCqu8/dd5c49cd685e0b741bef7d0ce1239c439892b549/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210214161310/https://i.imgur.com/XiwJIQi.jpg
3. Some of the Turkish space launchers in development.

Iran will launch a lunar orbiter in 2 years (by 2023) with its own rocket.

Let us examine the Iranian options for a first lunar lander and rover mission.

Expect the Unha-18/Soroush-2 space launcher to be ready by 2028-2030.

Soroush-2 Specs:

length: ?? m
mass: ?? tons
diameter 1. & 2. stage 3.7 m
Total thrust: 640 tf

Soroush-1 SLV can place 8'000 kg into LEO and 1'000 kg into GTO, with 4 strap-on liquid boosters the Soroush-2 SLV can place 15'000 kg into LEO and 2'500 kg into GTO.

Soroush-1 SLV can place ~500 kg into LTO, Soroush-2 SLV can place ~1'300 kg into LTO.

Such lunar lander and rover mission has already been attempted before, on 1st December 2013 with China's first lunar rover Chang'e 3, with total launch mass of the lander and rover of about 3'800 kg. The small rover having a mass of ~ 120 kg.


https://archive.vn/fiyWM/bb466978c63510b8e78428350f156fce0d9de0ed.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fiyWM/6c4a37281895eb9e17a5ef1c07b86c86884efe62/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210210134635/https://i.imgur.com/XaWlidR.jpg
4. Iran's Soroush-2 lunar Rover SLV VS the Chinese CZ-3B SLV. 2021.

North Korea will launch a lunar orbiter by 2022 and a lunar lander by 2026 with its own rockets.

Myanmar: following Turkey's path it is correct to assume that the Tatmadaw would like to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the independence of the Union of Burma with an exceptional event: the first space launch of an indigenous rocket by 2023.

This, when we already know that the ultimate goal of Nay Pyi Taw is a full fledged satellite carrier, able to put no less than hundred of kg into LEO -without excluding payload of several 1'000 of kg.


https://archive.vn/27u5f/75a24b187899c12c98f13b315a420ebbeefe5e97.jpg ; https://archive.vn/27u5f/d0b1b4d641315feda69bac3f253ed2fcc2bfa577/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200902055006/https://i.imgur.com/HpK4HMy.jpg
5. Artistic representation of the first Burmese Space Launcher. 2020.

As for the next steps, the Tatmadaw is naturally aiming at nothing less than the Moon!


https://archive.vn/4Zkz4/a2cc5ecdbc08e959075c3e8aa26a2794a7759852.jpg ; https://archive.vn/4Zkz4/ba9646456e65df03853e0fa04cbfb6d5cd5b7ae0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200827233521/https://i.imgur.com/KAYt5Bl.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200821235952/https://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3299040 ; https://archive.vn/dkCFC
6. And the larger picture, the Tatmadaw's lunar focus.




This lunar race is attracting ever more competitors!

Objectives of Thailand's Mu Space Part 2

• Thailand's first Space Launch Center
By 2022, following Turkey that might build a SLC in Somalia (RUMINT), Mu Space expected to choose New Zeeland.

• Thailand's Space Tourism by 2025

• Thailand's lunar soft landing by 2028

Screen capture images


https://archive.is/8wfPS/f7fc1cd3562d6a5a922ee3c4f29db528e2f1b3f3.jpg ; https://archive.is/8wfPS/b567bb9ba8277abc4d8da9a40061ec61535f7218/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210306114107/https://i.imgur.com/kb8FG22.jpg
1. Spaceport by 2022 in New Zeeland.


https://archive.vn/tGc76/c750ed44e9b9ded4585d7e6b8d6f7d9ee4131a3f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/tGc76/7bf8b90df0ccd79b7f871939cffc1a5b8ebf5ad7/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210306114044/https://i.imgur.com/jprg2OW.jpg
2. Space Tourism by 2025.


https://archive.vn/AF68B/8fe53a7968e48f2b61a7baf5a01b743bae8f9173.jpg ; https://archive.vn/AF68B/2683d5aff1b47072f371fa8ddf3b541ecc212b86/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210306115839/https://i.imgur.com/FPU5vLl.jpg
3. Lunar soft landing by 2028.




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