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Israel's Rampage air launched ballistic missile to be inducted into IAF

Air to ground missile✔
Air launched ballistic missile✘
This is a five star fraggen disaster
We got lucky that the telemetry calculations on the IAF Spice kits was off, and they otherwise botched the strike.

But I don’t get all this trolling and overconfidence. We have every reason to believe that they’ve made the necessary corrections, learnt from their errors, secured their comms, and they’re probably working hard to put things in their favour, for the next engagement, which they are itching for. And unlike us, they have the resources to up the ante.

I’m seeing way too much bravado and trolling regarding Feb 19. We won that engagement by staying humble and bringing more capabilities than the enemy anticipated. Not constantly chest thumping.

We’re can’t afford overconfidence, it’s a sure way to learn a hard lesson.
That was a blessing in disguise for India as well. You could imagine the PAF response had they managed to hit the target with children inside. This was a serious mis-calculation on part of India. Anyhow regardless of IAF upgrading their capabilities & plugging their gaps, the truth is both countries have the capability to strike each other with multiple plateforms.
Indian political leadership have set a wrong precedence here & hope lessons are learnt. Maybe their delusion of invincabilty had to be shattered.
Agree with your post that we should stay humble as we have won an engagement not a war.
after the spice & the isreali awacs getting humiliated by the PAF, they want this "rampage" missile to face humiliation? most welcome. ;)
Spice has more restrictions on employment profile versus the rampage which is a powered weapon. So unlike last time where a H-lo-Med-Hi profile was needed , now IAF fighters can come in fairly low level and still manage decent standoff ranges while avoiding PAF interceptors completely.
Unlike the popeye(crystal maze) system it also is not hindered by weather.
120 km range 100 kg warhead.

CEP 10 meters

Hardly a game changer
Thats pretty short range for a missile of that size. Should be at least 500km. Maybe more.
The delivery had starded a few days ago, it was just a fake propaganda being spread that Armenia lost because Indian radar failed.

It doesn't matter bro. This forum is all about propaganda. They don't even know the name of the radar (some idiot called it Kavri) nor the fact that it was only supplied a few weeks ago!

The level of discussion on this forum is like that in a primary school. Very very childish stuff.
International and Indian media point out that Spice 2000 missed and IAF admitted Spyder shot down their own chopper. This is not opinion., It's fact and the reports have been posted here before.

Essentially useless having high tech kit if you cannot use it properly

well you Pakistanis did a pretty good job of destroying amraams f16 record 4 it 5
bvr shots,all missed one mki fighter despite being outnumbered.

your 100 percent correct poor tactics and training.
wait for lock on and bleepers don't panic at the sight of mki
What, Armenia lost the war because of India and did not even get their money back.

Now india is forcing them to take more.
What bad customer service real banya pan!

More proof of the quality of posts on this forum..it's like any passerby who can read and write thinks he's a defence analyst here. Lol.

Completely fake BS, but how many people can one educate? It's like they live in their own alternate reality.
well you Pakistanis did a pretty good job of destroying amraams f16 record 4 it 5
bvr shots,all missed one mki fighter despite being outnumbered.

your 100 percent correct poor tactics and training.
wait for lock on and bleepers don't panic at the sight of mki

Well to be honest, they had the advantage of having set up the mission. IAF was responding. And even that they mucked up by lobbing AMRAAMs from such long range, giving more than adequate time to the 2 MKIs to dodge them.

When it was IAF that set up it's mission, the PAF wasn't even able to stop the IAF from entering PAF airspace, launching weapons and egressing. They could just watch from a distance and didn't even attempt to intercept, having been bluffed into thinking that the real target was elsewhere.
More proof of the quality of posts on this forum..it's like any passerby who can read and write thinks he's a defence analyst here. Lol.

Completely fake BS, but how many people can one educate? It's like they live in their own alternate reality.

Well to be honest, they had the advantage of having set up the mission. IAF was responding. And even that they mucked up by lobbing AMRAAMs from such long range, giving more than adequate time to the 2 MKIs to dodge them.

When it was IAF that set up it's mission, the PAF wasn't even able to stop the IAF from entering PAF airspace, launching weapons and egressing. They could just watch from a distance and didn't even attempt to intercept, having been bluffed into thinking that the real target was elsewhere.
i completely agree, they should not have let you in the Pakistani Defence Forum! Alas the Pakistani’s sense of fairness prevailed! Were you the one carrying the Indian flag at the US insurrection?

i Know it’s hard to speak to facts since you are clearly a modi Indian but do explain:

1)why your prime minister accepted defeat by saying they would have won in February if they had the Rafael On the 26!

2)why did india buy Rafael’s on an emergency basis if the su-30 freak monster(Russian radar, Israeli jammer, French avionics....) were at all effective! Why are most Indian Defence analyst saying this?

3) why did you hand out dodger badges to pilots, most Air forces reward pilots on achieving kills. Maybe because they lost aircraft and face saving required this

4) why not scramble the 150+ aircraft from 5 air bases in Indian occupied Kashmir ? They had just been bombed in 4 military installations. Video was released by the PAF ?

5) why is there no video of any of the spice 2000, they were clearly jetsoned in panic! IAF was challenged in less than 2 minutes of crossing into Pakistani controlled territory they stayed for a total of 6 minutes in Pakistan and retuned to Indian occupied territory ?

6) India has its own Israeli remote sensing satellites for military purpose where is the wreckage pictures from the f-16 ?

7) the US counted Pakistans f-16s . We demand that india allow China and Pakistan to count Indian su-30s

8) the most important of them all! Armenia lost its war due to Indian Kaveri radar. India should refund the money so Armenia can pay repatriations to the Azerbaijan for the atrocities committed by Armenia on the occupied lands.

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