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Israels Commando’s Hit by Taliban, Lose Helicopter, Casualties

Not antisemitism, intended to embarrass the Afghani government.
The Pakistanis respond here burbling with jew-hatred. Clearly, only support to "Palestinian" leaders who attack Israel matters, whereas their concern about the welfare of Arabs under the thumb of such terrorist leaders is nil. Are you posting here in the hope that furthering Israel-hatred will somehow help your relatives in Gaza or the West Bank? Do you see how such an endeavor isn't just useless but counterproductive as it degrades Pakistanis' regard for human lives in general?
ISIS is the brain child of Zionist Jews. If we study the eschatology, we can easily see how Israel is working on attaining its biblical glory i.e. the greater Israel. ISIS was a key tool which Assad, Russia and Iran defeated. Russian involvement was not in their calculus. Now with ISIS, Israel has overtly started to attack Syria which becomes self-explanatory. ISIS in Afghanistan will be used against Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia. So we should combine our efforts and resources to defeat this evil and nip it in the bud.
The Jews hate Pakistan as the Islamic world's nuclear power. I am afraid Pakistan is under great danger with Israeli forces in Afghanistan. I would support a full mobilization of PLA all along the Durand Line and push the Jews into Iran where they will get some Tehran hospitality.
I don't believe this news. They wouldn't be able to cover up such a deployment, it would be rejected by the Afghans, the Israelis do not have them men to spare, it would give a huge publicity boost for the Taliban, they have zero experience of operations that part of the world, and I can think of many more reasons.
The Pakistanis respond here burbling with jew-hatred. Clearly, only support to "Palestinian" leaders who attack Israel matters, whereas their concern about the welfare of Arabs under the thumb of such terrorist leaders is nil. Are you posting here in the hope that furthering Israel-hatred will somehow help your relatives in Gaza or the West Bank? Do you see how such an endeavor isn't just useless but counterproductive as it degrades Pakistanis' regard for human lives in general?
Let's not get carried away when it comes to "Degrade Human lives" in general... Israel is far from being an Angel...
And let's not put everything in the same "Israel N°1 Rhetoric" of : "Whoever criticize Israel is an anti-Jew/Anti Semitic"... That ain't working here...
I don't believe this news. They wouldn't be able to cover up such a deployment, it would be rejected by the Afghans, the Israelis do not have them men to spare, it would give a huge publicity boost for the Taliban, they have zero experience of operations that part of the world, and I can think of many more reasons.

If they were deployed they would demand to use their own equipment, food, etc. Just one scrap of paper found with Jewish writing on it would lead to a PR nightmare.
If they were deployed they would demand to use their own equipment, food, etc. Just one scrap of paper found with Jewish writing on it would lead to a PR nightmare.

Never underestimate Israel's capability.

Something like this is totally feasible, as unlikely as the veracity of the original article may be.
Never underestimate Israel's capability.

Something like this is totally feasible, as unlikely as the veracity of the original article may be.

Of course anything is possible but they’d demand to use their own helicopters which have been maintained by their own mechanics. Maybe they were given brand new US equipment.
The Jews hate Pakistan as the Islamic world's nuclear power. I am afraid Pakistan is under great danger with Israeli forces in Afghanistan. I would support a full mobilization of PLA all along the Durand Line and push the Jews into Iran where they will get some Tehran hospitality.

It is a springboard for the Israeli Invasion of China, and their occupation of the SCS.
No interest in Pakistan.
Israeli regular forces wouldn't need to be in Afghanistan since US/NATO was doing the heavy lifting. All intelligence gathered would eventually fall into Israeli hands due to their close relationship with the Pentagon. I agree that there are no Israeli regular forces deployed in the area. However, it wouldn't be a stretch for Israeli special forces operating out of US installations. What's stopping them from wearing US uniforms? This move would make sense if Israel plans on escalating the situation against Iran. Why leave Iran's Eastern border unmolested?
Only pea brained Pakistanis will fall for such news . Hook , line and Sinker. First few pages were a delight to read .
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