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Israels Commando’s Hit by Taliban, Lose Helicopter, Casualties

Israeli regular forces wouldn't need to be in Afghanistan since US/NATO was doing the heavy lifting. All intelligence gathered would eventually fall into Israeli hands due to their close relationship with the Pentagon. I agree that there are no Israeli regular forces deployed in the area. However, it wouldn't be a stretch for Israeli special forces operating out of US installations. What's stopping them from wearing US uniforms? This move would make sense if Israel plans on escalating the situation against Iran. Why leave Iran's Eastern border unmolested?

What is stopping any country from operating in Pakistan/Iraq etc?
What is stopping any country from manufacturing stories, without a
single shred of evidence?
Excellent news.
Wow so Israel is also there...Great job Taliban. Presence of Israelis is a direct threat to Pakistan.

Progeny of Judah (Yahoodah) in search of other 11 lost brethren Bani-Israel...!
The remark by Gen Zubair explains a lot. If Israel seeks its destruction it should by all means continue on this path.

It gives Pakistan a license to get involved in the Israeli backyard. This cannot be taken lightly at all.

You remember when similar statement came from Israel to which Khawaja Asif reacted and there was immediate denial from Israeli side. Here there is no reaction from Israel neither there is any denial from our side.

Regardless, we need to get engaged in far flung areas militarily to keep the fire away from our home.

Progeny of Judah (Yahoodah) in search of other 11 lost brethren Bani-Israel...!

Judah and Kindgom of Israel were mortal enemies just like Pakistan and India. Taliban reaction to the progeny of Judah is understandable.
This is not about Pakistan. It's about Iran. There was never a doubt on efforts to force Iran to fight on two fronts. I knew that would be the case when the US started the second Iraq war without finishing the job in Afghanistan. They're trying to weaken Iran's support for Syria and more importantly Lebanon. Israel wants the Lebanon's water supply and oil/gas deposits in the Med, but Hezbollah is in the way. Also, Saudi Arabia wants to neutralize Iranian influence in the region.

Unless I missed the memo, I don't recall any mass migration of refugees at the height of NATO activity in Afghanistan. IMO, there will be no refugee problem in Central Asia. I'm sure someone here will correct me if I'm wrong.

Interesting that you brought up SCO. China is already active in NE Afghanistan. It'll be interesting to see if they build a base to expand their operations.

Isn't Russia going to tell those Zionazis to move away from Iran's borders? That's what they told the Iranians in Syria, didn't they?
Israeli's in afghanistan ? things dont add up why would they be there? whats in it for them?

Where did you get your acting lessons? Your israeli buddies are wherever Desh is. Daesh needs israeli assistance. Nobody can train them in the art of terrorism the way Zionazi terrorists can.

The Jews hate Pakistan as the Islamic world's nuclear power. I am afraid Pakistan is under great danger with Israeli forces in Afghanistan. I would support a full mobilization of PLA all along the Durand Line and push the Jews into Iran where they will get some Tehran hospitality.

Man, Iran would love it. Some Pakistanis still insist on keeping the US supply routes open.
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Too much propaganda in this thread.

ISAF has been trying to curb ISIS-K movement in Afghanistan since 2015. A very recent drone strike took out 20+ ISIS-K operatives.

ISIS is the brain child of Zionist Jews. If we study the eschatology, we can easily see how Israel is working on attaining its biblical glory i.e. the greater Israel. ISIS was a key tool which Assad, Russia and Iran defeated. Russian involvement was not in their calculus. Now with ISIS, Israel has overtly started to attack Syria which becomes self-explanatory. ISIS in Afghanistan will be used against Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia. So we should combine our efforts and resources to defeat this evil and nip it in the bud.
Oh dear! How far you have sunk in your views.

The trio of saviors of mankind aka Assad, Iran and Russia acted against ISIS but US played a major role in stopping it (i.e. Operation Inherent Resolve).

Do you even know how ISIS formed?
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Let's not get carried away when it comes to "Degrade Human lives" in general... Israel is far from being an Angel...
Are you sure? Can you sustain such an argument in terms of Israel vs. Israel's enemies? (Be sure to include examples in context and define your terms, especially what you mean by "Angel".)

And let's not put everything in the same "Israel N°1 Rhetoric" of : "Whoever criticize Israel is an anti-Jew/Anti Semitic"... That ain't working here...
It's quite possible to criticize Israel without being anti semitic.


Natan Sharansky applies the “3 D’s” to determine when anti-Israel criticism crosses over into anti-Semitism: demonization, delegitimization and when Israel is held to a double standard. Anyone employing even one of these fails the test.

The OP article demonizes Israel as responsible for Afghanistan's troubles, a number of comments express the wish for Israel or Israelis to die, and your comment holds Israel to a double-standard (since you're not applying the "Angel" test to other countries.)

So yes, by the 3-D standard much criticism of Israel in this thread - including yours - is antisemitism. All clear now?
Are you sure? Can you sustain such an argument in terms of Israel vs. Israel's enemies? (Be sure to include examples in context and define your terms, especially what you mean by "Angel".)

Look... You ain't stupid... You know Israel doing... Maybe you see Israel "doing" as necessary for its survival...so be it...
I don't want to do it again and again... since you will ask me...the same...maybe few weeks later for the same Q...
I don't want to put every "IDF" wrongdoing in Gaza or West Bank... Whatever it's those past 18 years of Airstrikes... or "Firing at sight"... (Not even going back to the Pre-2000 era...)
But if you need some "Memory refreshing"... here for you... Remember "Boy on the Beach..."? I'm pretty sure you do...

Angel definition? Well... As said previously... you ain't stupid... You know what it means... Israel ain't an Angel...
is She alone in the region? No Norry... you guys are in good company when it comes to not "being" an Angel...

Israel Enemies? "Birds of the same feather flock together."
And if by any chance you Mention "Assad"... No worry my boy..; Israel is ok with it...

It's quite possible to criticize Israel without being anti semitic.


Natan Sharansky applies the “3 D’s” to determine when anti-Israel criticism crosses over into anti-Semitism: demonization, delegitimization and when Israel is held to a double standard. Anyone employing even one of these fails the test.

The OP article demonizes Israel as responsible for Afghanistan's troubles, a number of comments express the wish for Israel or Israelis to die, and your comment holds Israel to a double-standard (since you're not applying the "Angel" test to other countries.)

So yes, by the 3-D standard much criticism of Israel in this thread - including yours - is antisemitism. All clear now?

Like I said... Not Working here... Well At least for me... Let's say... Mhh... I had the "Privilege" to take/be part in this rhetoric... Guys at ZFA are quite "Talkative" nowadays... even more when they see you as being "maybe" one of them ;)

So...Let's say it again... "Criticizing Israel...is not Anti-Semite" - "Criticizing Israel...is not an Hidden way to hate on Jews" and "Criticizing Israel...is the right thing to do when she behave as such".

I hope you are happy with it.
Have Fun.
Not a very reliable source but Pakistan should continue to fence the border with Afghanistan and deport any Afghans involved in crimes and terrorism in Pakistan.
Afghanistan: Israels Commando’s Hit by Taliban, Lose Helicopter, Casualties
Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
May 28, 2018

IDF Commando in Afghanistan, March 1, 2018

By Gordon Duff and Kadir Mohmand

Last night, an Israel Defense Force command unit, newly stationed at the formerly closed US military facility and air base at Farah City in Farah Province, Western Afghanistan, came under Taliban attack.

Attacks on the Israeli group had been going on for days.

Israel forces were hit with rocket and mortar attacks, losing one helicopter (US) and suffering casualties. Israeli forces withdrew, evacuated to Shindand Air Base in Herat Province.

Israel has deployed forces in Afghanistan since 2004 to train police and, according to unconfirmed sources, coordinate counter-narcotics efforts.

The truth is likely quite different.

Israel’s new deployments, as a base of operations against Iran from Afghanistan’s soil, supplement Mossad and CIA operational groups that have coordinated the relocation of ISIS forces from Syria to Afghanistan.

Sources on the ground and on the base itself, Jalalabad Air Base, say the CIA and Mossad set up training centers for ISIS about 18 months ago with contract flights from Turkey and Iraq delivering jihadists on a bi-weekly basis.

From VOP net:

AFGHANISTAN (VOP TODAY NEWS) – 90 commandos, members of the Israeli special forces, are expected in Afghanistan, announced the Arab media.
According to these sources quoted by the Russian newspaper Rossiyskaya Gazeta, these Israeli commandos will use American identity to establish themselves in US controlled territories in Afghanistan.

Their special mission would be to conduct actual exercises on the battlefield against “extremist groups”, with the aim of “acquiring specific intelligence skills”. Another objective of this presence would be to fight “groups” that would benefit from the support of the population.

Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which is published in Moscow, reports this information while asserting that Israel’s goal is “to exercise its troops in street fighting” and this, in anticipation of a possible war against Hezbollah. Afghanistan and Israel do not have diplomatic relations and the landing of Israeli forces under false identity is in flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Afghanistan.
Also according to this information, Israeli commandos will thus benefit from the judicial immunity already available to American soldiers present in Afghanistan.

US President Donald Trump issued a special decree by which he asked the US military command for the Middle East (CENTCOM) to continue the partnership policy between US forces and those of other “friendly countries” in Afghanistan.

This decree aims to reduce the heavy expenses of the American army, since the presence of the special forces and commandos of the allied countries of the United States will be less expensive than that of the US forces or the mercenaries of Black Water.

It was in the late 1990s, the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union that Israel began its contacts with the Afghan authorities in order to extend its sphere of influence to the gateway to Asia. Central.

According to the London-based specialist journal Jane’s Defense and the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, a government minister from Burhanuddin Rabbani reportedly met with the director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry in a European capital.

“It seems that by this meeting, Israel was trying to make its way through Rabbani’s party, Alliance of the North. Washington would worry that Israel’s contacts with this Northern Alliance would be brought to light. Why? This kind of contact is not palatable to Pakistan and it is likely to lose the United States one of their key allies in South Asia. In any case, one of Tel-Aviv’s important goals is to expand its influence in South Asia, including Afghanistan,” wrote Jane’s Defense.

But the review does not mention an important point: the Israeli military presence in Central Asia as part of US missions can not go without affecting Russia and Iran, which share broad borders with Afghanistan.

The United States is about to evacuate the defeated terrorists in Iraq and Syria to Afghanistan, from where they intend to launch a new phase of their war against Russia or even Iran, as some analysts believe.

Especially since Israel would have sent to Afghanistan a unit composed of special forces “Matkal Unit” (Sayeret Matkal, a unit of the staff of the Israeli army – ed).

This unit formed in the 1960s includes Arab, African and Asian Jews. They dress either as Arabs or as Pakistanis. These numbers are trained to infiltrate sensitive centers. Israel attempts to set up electronic listening and spying centers, set up radars and information collection bases in areas near eastern Iran, northern Pakistan, China, Afghanistan and Russia, to achieve its strategic goals of putting security on them.

Israeli commandos in Iraq?

On the other hand, Iraqi politicians have expressed concern about the prospect of infiltration of Israeli commandos into their country. They fear that Israeli forces with an American identity will be deployed in Iraq, especially since reliable reports testify to the presence of Israeli commandos in US bases in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan.

Takeover wakhan and give Russia a direct link into Afghanistan. Not a single of these "chosen soldiers" should escape Afghanistan alive.
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