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Israels Commando’s Hit by Taliban, Lose Helicopter, Casualties

Its a file photo
The rest correlates with information previously obtained by both iranian and Pakistani intelligence services
This is more a public information release of a reality
A simple, "Yes, I agree with you, Solomon2" would be nice but this response of yours suffices.

All a part of Pakistanis' common affliction, as described by this journalist:


"LIES and deception have often been used to cover up blunders, conspiracies and military misadventures spanning Pakistan’s 70-year history. Facts are hidden from the nation though known otherwise. Failure is celebrated as victory. As a result we could never learn from our mistakes and wrongdoings."

As a Pakistani living in England you could choose to help bridge the gap between enforced and accepted myth and reality; no one is going to assault you for speaking up. But you are choosing not to.
A simple, "Yes, I agree with you, Solomon2" would be nice but this response of yours suffices.

All a part of Pakistanis' common affliction, as described by this journalist:


"LIES and deception have often been used to cover up blunders, conspiracies and military misadventures spanning Pakistan’s 70-year history. Facts are hidden from the nation though known otherwise. Failure is celebrated as victory. As a result we could never learn from our mistakes and wrongdoings."

As a Pakistani living in England you could choose to help bridge the gap between enforced and accepted myth and reality; no one is going to assault you for speaking up. But you are choosing not to.

Lies and deception is jew trait known by all nations they come into contact with

Being from the Uk, being educated has just given me more insight into israels crimes
Lies and deception is jew trait known by all nations they come into contact with
Being from the Uk, being educated has just given me more insight into israels crimes
You're not denying anything specific I wrote, either.

I understand you but my pity for your situation does not go very far.
I have also heard that Pashtoons are one the lost tribes of Bani-Israel.
because of their arrogance they refuse to accept last Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) whom they recognize as they recognize their sons.
If what you say is true then, Allah is going to humiliate and punish them like never done before at the hand of their lost brethren.

And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners.
Sorry, but no, this source is well known to publish all kinds of conspiracy theories and false news. Israeli's have no presence in Afghanistan. They didn't contribute to NATO wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. US doesn't need them in Afghanistan and they have no interest there. Situation in Afghanistan is sad for the people, Afghani's don't have good options sadly and this excessive and persistent infighting/killing is horrible.
I have not seen rebuttal from any quarters in Pakistan to the story attribute to Gen Zubair Hayat about wiping Israel out in less then 12 minutes.

Maybe it was a deliberate leak with plausible deniability attached to it , just to send a message since now it is confirmed that Israelis and Mossad are active in Afghanistan. The axis of evil, cia/raw/mossad and their front office in Afghansitan, NDS they all needed to be taken care of if peace in Pakistan is to be established.

The remark by Gen Zubair explains a lot. If Israel seeks its destruction it should by all means continue on this path.

It gives Pakistan a license to get involved in the Israeli backyard. This cannot be taken lightly at all.
It means Israel is organizing ISIS in Afghanistan and they are major contributor in creating them.
ISIS is the brain child of Zionist Jews. If we study the eschatology, we can easily see how Israel is working on attaining its biblical glory i.e. the greater Israel. ISIS was a key tool which Assad, Russia and Iran defeated. Russian involvement was not in their calculus. Now with ISIS, Israel has overtly started to attack Syria which becomes self-explanatory. ISIS in Afghanistan will be used against Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia. So we should combine our efforts and resources to defeat this evil and nip it in the bud.
@Falcon29: you see, Hazzy? Your leaders think of antisemitism as a disease they can nurture and direct as needed, whereas the reality is that blinding hate takes on a life of its own, as other power-hungry and undeserving leaders and would-be leaders attempt to use the "weapon" the same way to strengthen their own tyrannies.
Sorry, but no, this source is well known to publish all kinds of conspiracy theories and false news. Israeli's have no presence in Afghanistan. They didn't contribute to NATO wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. US doesn't need them in Afghanistan and they have no interest there. Situation in Afghanistan is sad for the people, Afghani's don't have good options sadly and this excessive and persistent infighting/killing is horrible.

Plus they wouldn’t risk having their men captured and put on display for some anti-Israeli propaganda coup. If there are Israelis in Afghanistan they aren’t out on the front lines.
Israeli's in afghanistan ? things dont add up why would they be there? whats in it for them?
Plus they wouldn’t risk having their men captured and put on display for some anti-Israeli propaganda coup. If there are Israelis in Afghanistan they aren’t out on the front lines.

There are no Israeli's there, period, their army is active in the Middle East region and West Bank and have no time or interest for anything else.

@Falcon29: you see, Hazzy? Your leaders think of antisemitism as a disease they can nurture and direct as needed, whereas the reality is that blinding hate takes on a life of its own, as other power-hungry and undeserving leaders and would-be leaders attempt to use the "weapon" the same way to strengthen their own tyrannies.

Not antisemitism, intended to embarrass the Afghani government.
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