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He seems like the type of guy that sucks off Israel regardless of what they do

Unnecessary bro, I thought he was a Muslim Pakistani that is curious but it know appears it wasn't curiosity but him trying to make a point. If I saw that earlier wouldn't have quoted him.
Only two reached the destination out of 55+ missiles, damn.

2 bombs manage to destroy a whole storehouse and hit trucks and make 4 craters in the ground, zionists must've defy the laws of physics

Israel just launched 6 F-16s for fun. 4 of the 6 carried 1 tiny bomb each and the other two F-16 were just their for looks, or maybe they were armed with air-to-air missiles to fight imaginary Lebonese Air Force.

1 F-16 could hit at least 16 targets with GBU-39 but for some reason every time Israel launched formations of F-16s they hit next to nothing on their "successfull" missions in which 70-90% of Hezbollah targets in the area are untouched. Where as in previous wars especially involving Hezbollah Israel would launch insane air strikes which caused tens of billions of dollars in damages to civilian infrastructure and inflict hundreds of civilian casualties but suddenly their air strikes are a shadow of their past operations.....i wounder why.
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Only two reached the destination out of 55+ missiles, damn.

2 bombs manage to destroy a whole storehouse and hit trucks and make 4 craters in the ground, zionists must've defy the laws of physics

There is nothing to gloat about..What ever target Israel was seeking was missed..But, as usual there were no target, it just a way for Israel to stay in the news...no more no less...
The supposed found tunnels that they weren’t didn’t get the expected news, so you went a fired a couple missiles in an open field..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Israel just launched 6 F-16s for fun. 4 of the 6 carried 1 tiny bomb each and the other two F-16 were just their for looks, or maybe they were armed with air-to-air missiles to fight imaginary Lebonese Air Force.

1 F-16 could hit at least 16 targets with GBU-39 but for some reason every time Israel launched formations of F-16s they hit next to nothing on their "successfull" missions in which 70-90% of Hezbollah targets in the area are untouched. Where as in previous wars especially involving Hezbollah Israel would launch insane air strikes which caused tens of billions of dollars in damages to civilian infrastructure and inflict hundreds of civilian casualties but suddenly their air strikes are a shadow of their past operations.....i wounder why.
Don't turn this on us, your pathetic regime claims only 2 bombs weren't intercepted, and here you can clearly see 4 bomb craters, so if there is any information we should doubt, would be out of YOUR mouth.
Maybe Israel didn't launch 6 F-16s? If one part of your claim is a lie then the other might as well be a lie.
Israel just launched 6 F-16s for fun. 4 of the 6 carried 1 tiny bomb each and the other two F-16 were just their for looks, or maybe they were armed with air-to-air missiles to fight imaginary Lebonese Air Force.

1 F-16 could hit at least 16 targets with GBU-39 but for some reason every time Israel launched formations of F-16s they hit next to nothing on their "successfull" missions in which 70-90% of Hezbollah targets in the area are untouched. Where as in previous wars especially involving Hezbollah Israel would launch insane air strikes which caused tens of billions of dollars in damages to civilian infrastructure and inflict hundreds of civilian casualties but suddenly their air strikes are a shadow of their past operations.....i wounder why.
Who said those are the only targets? who said Israel launched 6 f-16? same guys who said only 2 missiles hit their target? putintv should do better
Who said those are the only targets?

You posted 'ISI preliminary damage assessment'. With only those targets. The burden of proof is with you. So were are all those Israeli targets? Hezbollah is all over Syria.

who said Israel launched 6 f-16? same guys who said only 2 missiles hit their target? putintv should do better.

In the past Russia provides direct radar imagery of Israeli attacks that no one disproved or even challenged the authenticity of. There is zero reason why Russia would lie about 6 Israeli F-16, what difference would it make or how would it benefit Russia to lie about the number of F-16s? Would it make you feel better if it were 1 or 2 F-16?

As for numbers of targets/creators. Israeli fanboys are hyped up over satellite images that don't tell the whole story. The images you posted have two large round craters and 2 smaller craters next to them that are not uniform suggesting that nothing was dropped there but that something detonated and spread outwardly.

Here is Israeli air strikes from the past. There are secondary explosions from neighboring weapons caches detonating.

Don't turn this on us, your pathetic regime claims only 2 bombs weren't intercepted, and here you can clearly see 4 bomb craters, so if there is any information we should doubt, would be out of YOUR mouth.
Maybe Israel didn't launch 6 F-16s? If one part of your claim is a lie then the other might as well be a lie.

You don't need to drop 4 bombs to create 4 craters. See above video. If enough explosive materials are close enough in proximity then the neiboring targets can explode from shockwaves from the first two munitions going off. As mentioned above there are only two large uniform craters and the other two are much smaller and not uniform suggesting that they detonated and created a smaller uneven blast crator.
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You posted 'ISI preliminary damage assessment'. With only those targets. The burden of proof is with you. So were are all those Israeli targets? Hezbollah is all over Syria.

In the past Russia provides direct radar imagery of Israeli attacks that no one disproved or even challenged the authenticity of. There is zero reason why Russia would lie about 6 Israeli F-16, what difference would it make or how would it benefit Russia to lie about the number of F-16s? Would it make you feel better if it were 1 or 2 F-16?

As for numbers of targets/creators. Israeli fanboys are hyped up over satellite images that don't tell the whole story. The images you posted have two large round craters and 2 smaller craters next to them that are not uniform suggesting that nothing was dropped there but that something detonated and spread outwardly.

Here is Israeli air strikes from the past. There are secondary explosions from neighboring weapons caches detonating.

You don't need to drop 4 bombs to create 4 craters. See above video. If enough explosive materials are close enough in proximity then the neiboring targets can explode from shockwaves from the first two munitions going off. As mentioned above there are only two large uniform craters and the other two are much smaller and not uniform suggesting that they detonated and created a smaller uneven blast crator.
Pathetic re****, you've claimed only 2 bombs hit their target yet we have a concrete proof that you're lying, and now you're searching for excuses and more lies.
Pathetic re****, you've claimed only 2 bombs hit their target yet we have a concrete proof that you're lying, and now you're searching for excuses and more lies.

You sound like an angry child that didn't get their way. What "concrete proof" did you present? You showed zero evidence that 4 bombs were dropped. It's very common for multiple explosions to take place when their are multiple targets in close proximity. I even presented an Israel video demonstrating it when the IAF hit a target in Gaza where a chain of explosions occured. You just don't like what you hear.

Do you actually think that no Israeli missiles ever get shot down? You are delusional, there is a reason Israelis launch strikes from Lebanon and a reason why they use so many aircraft for so few targets.
as usual there were no target, it just a way for Israel to stay in the news...no more no less...

I am reading the nonsense you and other commented here , do you really think Israel would risk confrontation with Russia just to be in the news ?

Seems that logic runs out the door here , when it comes to Israel.

Every one knows what is the destination of those rockets that Iran is piling up in Lebanon and Syria. You dont have to look far back into history to know that they end up falling indiscriminately on Israel civilians. The use of those missile who can fall anywhere inside populated cities is in it self weapons of terror.

So it is little wonder that Israel does it best to rid itself of this threat before it materialize. In fact it is the duty of Israel goverment to protect its citizens from this threat.

Those here who fail to understand this are are either idiots or more likely a bunch of hypocrites.

I wonder how many here had issues with Russians blowing up Syrian cities on a daily bases ? but when Israel protects itself from Hizb and Iran evil intentions everyone has something to say.

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Israel just launched 6 F-16s for fun. 4 of the 6 carried 1 tiny bomb each and the other two F-16 were just their for looks, or maybe they were armed with air-to-air missiles to fight imaginary Lebonese Air Force.

1 F-16 could hit at least 16 targets with GBU-39 but for some reason every time Israel launched formations of F-16s they hit next to nothing on their "successfull" missions in which 70-90% of Hezbollah targets in the area are untouched. Where as in previous wars especially involving Hezbollah Israel would launch insane air strikes which caused tens of billions of dollars in damages to civilian infrastructure and inflict hundreds of civilian casualties but suddenly their air strikes are a shadow of their past operations.....i wounder why.
Two separate targets destroyed. 8 Assad soldiers and officers confirmed killed:

أرتقاء كوكبة من رجال الجيش السوري أثناء العدوان الأسرائيلي على العاصمة دمشق وهم :
١_الشهيد البطل المقدم محمد كامل
٢_الشهيد البطل النقيب عزام الحسن
٣_الشهيد البطل الملازم جبريل ريا
٤_الشهيد البطل الملازم أحمد حبيب
٥_الشهيد البطل رافع فهد
٦_الشهيد البطل علي العلي
٧_الشهيد البطل ناصر القط
٨_الشهيد البطل جواد حج علي

Air traffic during the Israeli attack. As we can see all the airspace around Damascus is totally clear.

Russian MOD lies every time opens its filthy mouth.
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You posted 'ISI preliminary damage assessment'. With only those targets. The burden of proof is with you. So were are all those Israeli targets? Hezbollah is all over Syria.

In the past Russia provides direct radar imagery of Israeli attacks that no one disproved or even challenged the authenticity of. There is zero reason why Russia would lie about 6 Israeli F-16, what difference would it make or how would it benefit Russia to lie about the number of F-16s? Would it make you feel better if it were 1 or 2 F-16?

As for numbers of targets/creators. Israeli fanboys are hyped up over satellite images that don't tell the whole story. The images you posted have two large round craters and 2 smaller craters next to them that are not uniform suggesting that nothing was dropped there but that something detonated and spread outwardly.

Here is Israeli air strikes from the past. There are secondary explosions from neighboring weapons caches detonating.

You don't need to drop 4 bombs to create 4 craters. See above video. If enough explosive materials are close enough in proximity then the neiboring targets can explode from shockwaves from the first two munitions going off. As mentioned above there are only two large uniform craters and the other two are much smaller and not uniform suggesting that they detonated and created a smaller uneven blast crator.

So to understand,you claim that one bomb made 4 craters and destroyed the vehicles that stood there ? and one destroyed a whole storehouse?what warhead did we use in this bomb, nuclear warhead? lawl
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Two separate targets destroyed. 8 Assad soldiers and officers confirmed killed:

أرتقاء كوكبة من رجال الجيش السوري أثناء العدوان الأسرائيلي على العاصمة دمشق وهم :
١_الشهيد البطل المقدم محمد كامل
٢_الشهيد البطل النقيب عزام الحسن
٣_الشهيد البطل الملازم جبريل ريا
٤_الشهيد البطل الملازم أحمد حبيب
٥_الشهيد البطل رافع فهد
٦_الشهيد البطل علي العلي
٧_الشهيد البطل ناصر القط
٨_الشهيد البطل جواد حج علي

Air traffic during the Israeli attack. As we can see all the airspace around Damascus is totally clear.

Russian MOD lies every time opens its filthy mouth.

You just disproved yourself but attention and honesty is not your thing. There was also air traffic around Damascus. Certainly there doesn't need to air traffic close to Damascus to cause danger to airliners. As for Facebook, that is pathetic.

As for lying the Israelis are the worst. The Russian ministry of Defense shamed them for being dishonest. During the Il-20 downing they informed Russia that an air strike was about to take place in northern Syria. That was a lie, they took place in Latakia. They also never gave adequate advance so the IL-20 never had time to safety get to a lower safe altitude.They have abused a privilege and in fact used it as an opertunty to lie and deceive where as the Russians praised to Americans for being professional and coordinating. The Israelis have time and time again acted like unprofessional boneheads.

So to understand,you claim that one bomb made 4 craters and destroyed the vehicles that stood there ?

I never said one bomb was used, don't put words in my mouth. I simply stated the obviouse that secondary explosions often take place and they do create additional craters. For Israeli fanboy this is hard a hard concept to understand since they simply have a child like mentality where abstract critical thinking and relivant real world knowledge is absent:

This is what you see:


This is enough to convince guilible Isrelis, again child like thinking:

You just disproved yourself but attention and honesty is not your thing. There was also air traffic around Damascus. Certainly there doesn't need to air traffic close to Damascus to cause danger to airliners. As for Facebook, that is pathetic.

As for lying the Israelis are the worst. The Russian ministry of Defense shamed them for being dishonest. During the Il-20 doing they informed Russia that an air strike was about to take place in northern Syria. That was a lie, they also never gave adequate advance so the ail-20 never had time to safety get to a lower alternative. They have abused a privilege and in fact used it as an opertunty to lie where as the Russians praised to Americans for being professional and coordinating.
The only reason that Israel isn't calling Russians liers and prove they're lying is because it doesn't want to hurt it's interests in Syria.
You can keep to spread ur lies how Syria intercepted all the missiles but two, and then those two conventional missiles wrecked havoc all around syria.
Im out, gn:sleep:
You just disproved yourself but attention and honesty is not your thing. There was also air traffic around Damascus. Certainly there doesn't need to air traffic close to Damascus to cause danger to airliners.
No there was not. Trafic record clearly shows that.

As for Facebook, that is pathetic.
Its pro Assadist page with over 15,000 followers. Yeah they just inveted these names to make Russian degenerate generals look bad.

As for lying the Israelis are the worst. The Russian ministry of Defense shamed them for being dishonest. During the Il-20 downing they informed Russia that an air strike was about to take place in northern Syria. That was a lie, they took place in Latakia.
Oh boy, you better not talk about Il-20. Because thats example of degeneracy and lies of Russian generals.

* First they said that plane was downed at 23:00. It was a lie.
* Then they said that French frigate fired missiles. It was a lie.
* Then they claimed that plane was downed at 22:00 in same time with Israeli bombing. It was a lie.

Finally they admitted that Israelis bombed at 21:40 when Il-20 was over Idlib. But in order t cover their arses they invented moronic lie that after the bombing Israeli loitered for 1 hour without any reason!

But ironically all these stories dont explain why Russian degenerate officers sent Il-20 into the area of SAM fire.

You still want us to believe that 1 small GBU-39 destroyed completely 60x15 m bulding and another Gbu-39 caused 4 crates? LOL

There is ZERO proof that Assadists ever shot even a single missile.

Here another example of Russian moronic lie. They claimed that Assadists shot down 5 out of 8 missiles fired at T4 airbase:


Here what happaned in reality:


Two separate targets destroyed. 8 Assad soldiers and officers confirmed killed:

أرتقاء كوكبة من رجال الجيش السوري أثناء العدوان الأسرائيلي على العاصمة دمشق وهم :
١_الشهيد البطل المقدم محمد كامل
٢_الشهيد البطل النقيب عزام الحسن
٣_الشهيد البطل الملازم جبريل ريا
٤_الشهيد البطل الملازم أحمد حبيب
٥_الشهيد البطل رافع فهد
٦_الشهيد البطل علي العلي
٧_الشهيد البطل ناصر القط
٨_الشهيد البطل جواد حج علي

Air traffic during the Israeli attack. As we can see all the airspace around Damascus is totally clear.

Russian MOD lies every time opens its filthy mouth.
So you claim this time you attacked Syrian Army ? Then what's this talk about attacking Iranians ?
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