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I am reading the nonsense you and other commented here , do you really think Israel would risk confrontation with Russia just to be in the news ?

Seems that logic runs out the door here , when it comes to Israel.
If Israel thought for a minute that her action in Syria will lead to a confrontation with the Russian, the IDF will stand down..Israel is what it is, I don’t need to into it..You are fake country, established by a drunkard on a festive night..Just like your neighbors , with their fake states, you have no respect for human life...and like Nazi Germany , Rodhesia and Apartheid South Africa before you..the end of Israel as we know it is coming..and it will be Israel own undoing..
No there was not. Trafic record clearly shows that.

No, you clearly don't know how to read air traffic patterns or are just lying or both. Even an Israeli journalist from Haaretz confirmed the Russian claim to be true by looking at flight records.

Cham Wings 514 turned 180 degrees and flew back during the attacks, then performed a holding patter then changed course NW to Latakia to avoid the area.



Even Lebon confirmed the Russian claim by filing complaints at the UN condemning Israel for endangering civilian aircraft.


"Lebanon said its complaint to the UN alleges "serious Israeli violations threatening the stability of the region, which posed a threat to the movement of civil aircraft" and created the potential of "a major air disaster."

You can't accuse Russia of lying when multiple sources confirmed Russian claims to be true and then turn around a lie yourself about Russia "lying".

Its pro Assadist page with over 15,000 followers. Yeah they just inveted these names to make Russian degenerate generals look bad.

And the same "Assadist" page also wrote this but you only nitpick what is convient for you at the moment:


It's also irrelevant how many people were killed, since a single bomb can kill over a hundred people.

Oh boy, you better not talk about Il-20. Because thats example of degeneracy and lies of Russian generals.

* First they said that plane was downed at 23:00. It was a lie.
* Then they said that French frigate fired missiles. It was a lie.
* Then they claimed that plane was downed at 22:00 in same time with Israeli bombing. It was a lie.

Finally they admitted that Israelis bombed at 21:40 when Il-20 was over Idlib. But in order t cover their arses they invented moronic lie that after the bombing Israeli loitered for 1 hour without any reason!

But ironically all these stories dont explain why Russian degenerate officers sent Il-20 into the area of SAM fire.

You still want us to believe that 1 small GBU-39 destroyed completely 60x15 m bulding and another Gbu-39 caused 4 crates? LOL

There is ZERO proof that Assadists ever shot even a single missile.

This nonsense has been covered extensively. Again not only did Israelis lie to the Russians about a strike in Northern Syria which never happened but they didn't didn't even give adequate warning to Russian aircraft while Israeli aircraft were on their little adventures. Israelis took advantage of a privilege which was set up to avoid misshaps by lying and abusing the system.

The rest of your claim was an utter comedy in which you made up lies about your "friend seeing" F-16s landing which you then tried to use as an argument for Russia lying but then again you use Facebook as a source.

Here another example of Russian moronic lie. They claimed that Assadists shot down 5 out of 8 missiles fired at T4 airbase:


Here what happaned in reality:



GBU-39s are extremely small and difficult to track by radar, they are however launched in volleys so multiple GBU-39s appear as one target on a radar screen. Again I mentioned this before and it's a reason why combat aircraft fly in tight formations as to confuse the enemy as to how many aircraft are actually in the air.

Radar, especially older ones do not have enough resolution to distinguish individual targets out of a group. So the Syrians could have very well seen 8 targets and destroyed 5 out of eight.

Pay attention to how much GBU-39s a single F-15 can carry and many impacted the T-4 airbase.

These syrians need an airforce badly... Air superiority pilots and atleast mi 29 level aircraft.. Its too easy for israeliz to come in. Ground to air tactic is a russian tactic , i feel airspace agresson should be controled with flying objects not ground based spikes...

Also God damn Lebanon someone take take control of their airspace, turkey or syria its too easy for the israeliz to fly there. What the **** are the arabs and turks doing??? So much money and so little brains...
No, you clearly don't know how to read air traffic patterns or are just lying or both. Even an Israeli journalist from Haaretz confirmed the Russian claim to be true by looking at flight records.

Cham Wings 514 turned 180 degrees and flew back during the attacks, then performed a holding patter then changed course NW to Latakia to avoid the area.
LOL you cant read traffic. I will help u.

Syrian Air Defence was activated BEFORE 19:53 UTC:

That means Israeli jets over Lebanon dropped their bombs somewhere around 19:40-45 UTC.

On 19:45 Sham Wings 514 was located at Iraqi border! Hundreds kms away from the Damascus and from Israeli jets!


Moron Assadists have a habbit to fire for about one hour after the strike. Fortunately Assadist air trafficets are much more competent than Russian, so when Sham airlines approached Damascus (some 20 minutes AFTER the Israeli strike) they diverted it to another location.

Even Lebon confirmed the Russian claim by filing complaints at the UN condemning Israel for endangering civilian aircraft.
1) Air traffic shows that planes landed as usual. If Israeli planes were in the area planes would be diverted to avoid collision.
2) Israeli planes would be seen on airport radars. Where are records? None. Its total crap.

Thats same stupid lie as in case of Il-20.

It's also irrelevant how many people were killed, since a single bomb can kill over a hundred people.
One tiny piny SDB bomb cant destroy 60x15 m building. And it cant make 4 crates. Russians ALWAYS lie. They lied about shooting down 70 Tomahawks they lied about shooting 5 missiles at T4. They lie now.

This nonsense has been covered extensively. Again not only did Israelis lie to the Russians about a strike in Northern Syria which never happened but they didn't didn't even give adequate warning to Russian aircraft while Israeli aircraft were on their little adventures. Israelis took advantage of a privilege which was set up to avoid misshaps by lying and abusing the system.
Here the facts:

1) Latakia is north Syria.
2) During the Israeli attack Il-20 was in safe area over Idlib.
3) Il-20 was shot down 24 minutes AFTER the Israeli attack. When Israeli jets were landing in Israel.

Russia lied:
1) When it claimed that Il-20 was shot down in 23:00
2) When it claimed that French frigate fired.
3) When it claimed that Israelis bombed in 22:00 taking cover behind the Il-20.

The rest of your claim was an utter comedy in which you made up lies about your "friend seeing" F-16s landing which you then tried to use as an argument for Russia lying but then again you use Facebook as a source.
Russians admit that bombing happened at 22:40. Obviously Israelis returned right after the bombing ad 20 mins is more than enough time to reach Israel.

GBU-39s are extremely small and difficult to track by radar, they are however launched in volleys so multiple GBU-39s appear as one target on a radar screen. Again I mentioned this before and it's a reason why combat aircraft fly in tight formations as to confuse the enemy as to how many aircraft are actually in the air.

Radar, especially older ones do not have enough resolution to distinguish individual targets out of a group. So the Syrians could have very well seen 8 targets and destroyed 5 out of eight.

Pay attention to how much GBU-39s a single F-15 can carry and many impacted the T-4 airbase.
When Russians made a statement about shooting down 5 out of 8 they perfectly knew how many actually hit the base. Yet they lied. They deliberately lied. Just like they lied about 70 Tomahawks.
Russian's MOD are pathological liars.

They claimed that Israel used their plane for cover. Later they admitted that during the Israeli attack their plane was over Idlib far away from the Israeli planes.

They seem to be on par with the Israelis. "Russian's MOD are pathological liars."
From the various versions, it is understandable that the Israeli Air Force has had great difficulty in achieving a very small part of its objectives, in front of a Syrian anti-aircraft defense that is constantly gaining in efficiency. But above all, there is the fact of tactics used by the Israeli air force, using the same technique of a "cover" of their own combat airplanes by flights not involved in the battle: this was the case of the Il-20 Russian destroyed in September by mistake of the Syrian defense, this time was two civilian flights, one in Beirut, the other in Damascus, which led the Syrians to stop firing so as not to risk the destruction of a civilian aircraft and the death of its passengers, leaving Israeli warplanes safe from the threat of destruction and permitted them a couple of Syrian target. DEBKAFiles, as always , signals the fury of the Russians, and the possibility of a riposte (Russian), possibly with the extension of the anti-aircraft lock of Syria in Lebanon to prohibit the penetration of this airspace from where Israeli planes fire.

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