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Israelies along Gaza border get toghters to see bombing as a football match

we might have reacted in the form of targeting few Terrorists, and we don't need any F-16 sofa for that.

god will not show mercy on mentally retarded terrorists..... Israelis have right to protect them...
A few ten's causalities do not account as ethnic cleansing - at least keep a dictionary handy.
It is called collateral damage and the pallys should be mentally ready for it if they will continue their support for terrorist Hamas.

This is called ethinic cleansing:

Taliban killed 4,000 in ethnic cleansing drive
By Ahmed Rashid in Islamabad
Electronic Telegraph, September 10,1998, Issue 1203
BETWEEN 4,000 and 6,000 Afghan Hazaras - three times more than recent Amnesty International estimates - were massacred by the Taliban when they captured areas of northern Afghanistan last month, according to diplomats.

The envoys described the killings as a deliberate campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Islamic fundamentalist militia. Diplomats, United Nations officials and aid workers say thousands of Hazaras, mostly males, were killed in front of their families in Mazar-i-Sharif, capital of the anti-Taliban alliance in northern Afghanistan, when the Taliban captured the city last month.

A senior diplomat who has interviewed dozens of Hazara families said: "Young men over 16 were brought out of their houses into the streets and had their throats slit in a ritualistic killing. Younger boys had both hands chopped off at the wrist."

An aid worker said Hazara bodies were left in the streets for days, and people trying to escape from the city were shot. The aid worker said: "They were mutilating children and telling them, 'You will never fight us again'."

The Hazaras, a Mongol people who form some 15 per cent of the country's 18 million population, have resisted Taliban offensives for the past four years from their strongholds in the Hindu Kush mountains.

The Hazaras are Shia Muslims, whom the Sunni Taliban loathe. Iran, which is predominantly Shia, has used the massacre issue as a reasons to mobilise 70,000 troops on the Iran-Afghanistan border.

Last week, Amnesty International released a report saying that thousands of Hazaras were killed in Mazar. But aid workers and diplomats who left the city after the Taliban takeover and have met Hazaras who escaped, say the number of dead could be much higher.

The Taliban have rejected the allegations, but refuse to allow aid workers, the UN or foreign journalists to return to Afghanistan. Mazar has been closed to foreigners.

They had just happened to be Shia, but the true reason was that their allegiance was with the Afghan Northern Alliance.

The Taliban consists of many different ethnicities.

And way to be off-topic.
The attitude shown by Pakistani's here is mindboggling!
They have no issues whatsoever that Hamas fires rockets all year round on Israel indiscriminately and on towns where killing civilians is easy. If it wernt for Israel's technology, they would succeed too.

But they heavily object to Israel striking back in revenge.

What perversity is this?
They had just happened to be Shia, but the true reason was that their allegiance was with the Afghan Northern Alliance.

The Taliban consists of many different ethnicities.

And way to be off-topic.

I am surprise you approve of massacre at the hand of barbarian talibaboons for one reason or the another.

The attitude shown by Pakistani's here is mindboggling!
They have no issues whatsoever that Hamas fires rockets all year round on Israel indiscriminately and on towns where killing civilians is easy. If it wernt for Israel's technology, they would succeed too.

But they heavily object to Israel striking back in revenge.

What perversity is this?

This has been the attitude of khilafah/brotherhood trolls through out history and has much to do with mullah education which glorifies past with fabricated tales and breeds a "we the righteous against the kaffirs" mentality from a young ripe age.
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I am surprise you approve of massacre at the hand of barbarian talibaboons for one reason or the another.

This has been the attitude of khilafah/brotherhood trolls through out history and has much to do with mullah education which glorifies past with fabricated tales and breeds a "we the righteous against the kaffirs" mentality from a young ripe age.

I am supporting a position, not the Taliban.

And stop the off-topic posting.
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Religion etc should be a bridge between Human and god...... but now a days it is more Like bridge between human-human ........ we are just using god's name and religion to satisfy our ego...
Whats wrong with watching? These people are risking their lives by the way, because every time rocket or mortar can be fired from Gaza. By the way, these guys look like Arabs, they could be Israeli Arabs.

Just now 2 rockets were fired on Tel Aviv and I went out to watch too. :wave:

This pic is from Iraq. Bombing committed by by Islamic terrorists.

prove it that its from islamist in iraq
You're done.
Your issue now is to ponder why you aren't openly pro-Israel and anti-Hamas.

LoL, what?

Take a step back Shlomo.

I am not Pro-Hamas. I am Pro Palestinian.

And I am not against a homeland for the Jewish people either.
LoL, what?

Take a step back Shlomo.

I am not Pro-Hamas. I am Pro Palestinian.

And I am not against a homeland for the Jewish people either.

But Arabs are against Jewish homeland.
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