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Israeli weapons are coming in Karachi: Rehman Malik

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Donkey serving as Pakistani minister!
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Lets everyone share their stocklist:

2x Orignal Russian AK-47 circa 40's something (collection)
2x Chinese Type 56 (used by personal guards)
2x M-16 (Purchased but could not be permitted for use by guards)
1x Webley Military Mark IV (collector)
1x Heckler & Koch G36K
Numerous Spanish and British collector guns circa (1800 - early 1900)
Numerous hunting gun.
Ministry says Malik did not allege any country in Karachi unrest

ISLAMABAD: A spokesman for the Interior Ministry on Monday clarified that Interior Minister Rehman Malik did not allege any country, including Israel, for involvement in Karachi unrest.

He said that some of the electronic and print media had misinterpreted the minister’s statement.

He clarified that the federal minister stated only that “some weapons of Israeli origin have been recovered by law enforcers in Karachi from some of the criminals.”

The spokesman said that a section of media has misreported the minister’s statement.

Ministry says Malik did not allege any country in Karachi unrest | Pakistan | DAWN.COM
Maybe his "Israeli" mistress left him so he talked against "Israel" and when she came back his statement is being taken back :P
this news wouldnt surprise me if it were indeed true; however Malik is known for making some wild accusations sans proof --as face-saving measure. His and his governments credibilty is near non-existant.

It's really simple. The common sense thing to do is have agents at the ports or wherever photograph crates of the weapons, ammunition. Find out who comandeered the ship carrying those weapons --interrogate them. Find out where the ships may have been in transit. Photograph the weapons, get their serial numbers (if they havent been scratched off).....

please dont just make empty statements and put on a few frowns in front of the camera and make loaded statements

regardless, if any foreign undesired weapons for undesired hands are making their way into our country (which i'm 100% confident that they are many times) ---then it is up to our authorities to be up to task and seize them --and confront the source(s) in a fitting manner.
by the way, it's not too hard to find --for example --an israeli-made Uzi SMG in Pakistan. I heard of somebody in Peshawar --son of some industrialist (probably with political connections) -who paid $7,000 for an Uzi; rear flip adjustable sights, extended mag. .

in Pakistan, if you have money and willpower you can get anything without too much difficulty.....sometimes for better, sometimes for the worst
sure wouldn't surprise me...there are no threats to israel looming from this region; they do have a hand in destabilizing Iran. Given that Pakistan and hindustan are enemy countries, and given israel's recent close ties with our enemy --- it does mean that they may extend ''favours'' to eachother. And that entails some unfavourable activity against Pakistan.

so for that reason, security agencies should indeed be on alert......at the same time, i dont think israel has any MAJOR reason to start a fight or intel-war with a country like Pakistan. If they did that, we could always retaliate.

it is no secret that rogue elements of the israeli intelligence service have provided arms and training to members of the PKK terrorist group --which has carried out attacks against the Turkish state
4 lacs for M-4? maybe m-16
Even a krinkov is sellin over 250-260 ks..
AMD 65 for almost 2.
Here is mine:

gave it to my uncle.

Nope.. It was an M4, You know back in 2002, some friends of ours bought M-16's for literally 8000 a piece??
I got myself a Smith compact 9mm which was meant for the ANA.
Interesting if true.....though I take with a grain of salt as you can't trust what rehman malik says as he doesn't have a good track record.

He said that there is no Blackwater in Pakistan when Robert Gates admitted there was.

He said there was no ISI-CIA cooperation in the arrest of mullah Baradar but Gen Athar Abbas of ISPR said there was.
So it is CIA-RAW-Mossad again? :yahoo:

It is true that india and israeil are taking advantage of Pakistan's current situation but Rehman malik is not credible person.

You are more credible and well informed person than your country's home minister. :P Many here claim such though.
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