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Israeli Spy killed in Christchurch quake had five passports

Never said anything about antisemitism. Racism doesn`t mean being racist towards one specific race, it can mean many races. Even though India has more than their fair share of races, it`s still racism.
"water carrier for the Israelis." Did you think he meant it as a compliment?

Water carrier refers to a person who carries water, as to a body of troops. I don't think fallstuff's comment was in anyway racist.

Perhaps you were quoting Pakistani Nationalist(?) In that case it's feasible. Vassanti is a Kiwi for sure.

Vassanti is a indian dude...n india buys weapons frm israel.... get my drift.
Key, who is on a state visit to the United States, earlier on Wednesday fuelled speculation by refusing to comment on whether there had been an investigation.

But after a day of mounting pressure from opposition parties, Key revealed there was an investigation triggered by the rapid departure of the three surviving members of the group.

"Security agencies conducted the investigation and found no evidence that the people were anything other than backpackers," Key said.

"The investigations that have been undertaken have been thorough and have found no evidence of a link between the group and Israeli intelligence.

Reports Mizrahi was found with five passports were incorrect and he was only found with one passport, of European origin

Key said the other three Israelis took their own passports with them when they left the country and handed over the dead man's Israeli passport to Israeli representatives before departing.

PM denies Israeli spy killed in NZ quake - Yahoo! New Zealand News

Christchurch is a small place and tourisim one of our main sources of income stories that seem racisit or discourage any group from visiting here just make the recovery from the earthquake a little harder and a little longer. I hope this one ends here.
Because there never was a team forced out by armed police. They wernt allowed in in the first place because they wernt acredited.

'No formal Israeli search offer to NZ' | Stuff.co.nz

Its not a matter of supporting Israel its a matter of being alergic to bullshit. We arent scared of Mosad in NZ were scared of the DGSE.

Yes Israli agents have been caught forging NZ pasports in the past however this time there is no evidence the pasports were faked or New Zealand ones.
There is no evidence that any one hacked the police computer system.

Lame attempt once again. I give you the largest circulation, you bring a pathetic Stuff !!!!

As an Indian oops a NZ-lander ( who knows what) :police:, you certainy get a prize for fo.... .

The opposition is demanding investigation.
And yet you have proven yet again what a racist fellow you are.

Every Israeli is an agent of the Mossad, didn`t you know?

most have worked fo the IDF, so why not? a pretty good chance.
"SIS on Trail of Spies
by Fred Tulett
The Southland Times
July 20, 2011
Page 1

The police national computer has been under scrutiny in the aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake in February because of fears Israeli agents loaded software into the system that would allow backdoor access to highly sensitive intelligence files.

An unaccredited Israeli search and rescue squad was later confronted by armed New Zealand officers and removed from the sealed-off “red zone” of the central city.

The response of the Israeli government to the three deaths appears extraordinary. In the hours after the 6.3 quake struck:

* Prime Minister John Key fielded the first of four calls that day from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

* Israel’s Ambassador in the South Pacific, Shemi Tzur, who is based in Australia, booked flights to Christchurch, where he visited the morgue.

* Israel’s civil defence chief left Israel for Christchurch.

* A complete Israeli urban search and rescue squad was assembled and flown to Christchurch, arriving about the same time as …

* Three people who had smashed their way out of a van crushed by a concrete pillar in the central city, leaving a fourth person dead in the vehicle, arrived back in Israel."

VERY interesting read!!! What were these four people in the van doing/planning to warrant so much attention?
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