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Israeli inquiry: Flotilla raid was legal

Wrong as the Geneva convention are guidelines and rules for the military and all nations during war time and were set up with the intention to protect civilians from the tragic events of World War 2. Therefore even if the UN does not recognize the IHH as a humanitarian organization the civilians on board the ship are still protected by the Geneva convention.
It is not a conspiracy when it was readily apparent the lead ship was Turkish also supported by the fact that they were broadcasting to the Internet the ship, it's mission and cargo it was carrying.
And we saw war activists on the ship crying "Khaibar Yahud Khaibar", "million of shahids marching towards Gaza".

Replying to your quote of paint ball guns is interesting since I did not know that paint ball guns can be used in such a lethal manner, would be logical to assume these were not paint ball guns.
First group that landed on ship had paintball guns. You could see them even in videos from ship itself.

Again look at the video released by Democracy Now to see that the IDF was shooting at the Mavi Marmara before they descended on it.
Thats not true. On contrary you could see paintball guns in their video.

Wrong as the Geneva convention are guidelines and rules for the military and all nations during war time and were set up with the intention to protect civilians from the tragic events of World War 2. Therefore even if the UN does not recognize the IHH as a humanitarian organization the civilians on board the ship are still protected by the Geneva convention.
There is war in Gaza, they fire rockets daily. Thats only reason why Israel imposed sea blockade in first place.
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These laws would be available for the defense of the IDF and no one would be able to deny it, however it had been prior to the Mavi Marmara incident found that the blockade of Gaza is illegal as it applies collective punishment on civilians which under international law is completely unacceptable.

you keep dodging the issue, after i present you that Israeli action at the moment of incident were well withing international law now you saying that the blockade was initially illegal ! what a joke! said so who? you? Turkey? is there UN resolution stating the blockade is illegal? please do back up your ludicrous statements by providing reliable source or reference for google search
you keep dodging the issue, after i present you that Israeli action at the moment of incident were well withing international law now you saying that the blockade was initially illegal ! what a joke! said so who? you? Turkey? is there UN resolution stating the blockade is illegal? please do back up your ludicrous statements by providing reliable source or reference for google search

so do you agree Richard Goldstone is a reliable source.He is reporting that Israel is terrorizing the civilian population in Gaza.And the purpose of what Israel did is collective punishment.

but he is anti-semitist,right?:lol:
so do you agree Richard Goldstone is a reliable source.He is reporting that Israel is terrorizing the civilian population in Gaza.And the purpose of what Israel did is collective punishment.
No. Goldstone himself admited that his report would not be valid in court. Its just collection of Arab stories. Like alf layla wa layla.
Indeed, but it is not only story but it also a collection of interpretation and conclusions drawn from the stories, such as "Israel deliberately targeting civilians"
you keep dodging the issue, after i present you that Israeli action at the moment of incident were well withing international law now you saying that the blockade was initially illegal ! what a joke! said so who? you? Turkey? is there UN resolution stating the blockade is illegal? please do back up your ludicrous statements by providing reliable source or reference for google search
Interesting that you switch your argument from trying to disprove my claim to one where you attack my claim as being ludicrous. This my friend is what we use to ferret out the guilty.

FYI the UN did call the Gaza blockade illegal and a human rights violation, it may have not officially passed it since some members have the power of veto but the essence of the claim is there.
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And we saw war activists on the ship crying "Khaibar Yahud Khaibar", "million of shahids marching towards Gaza".

First group that landed on ship had paintball guns. You could see them even in videos from ship itself.

Thats not true. On contrary you could see paintball guns in their video.

There is war in Gaza, they fire rockets daily. Thats only reason why Israel imposed sea blockade in first place.
If your having difficulty on accepting the premise that I bring forward then please go and have a look at the Democracy Now video, as you seem by quoting the phrase "Khaibar Yahud Khaibar" to be mixed up as in which video I am referring to.

There are 3 videos in general circulation on the Internet.

1. IDF approved videos that do not show the initial attack on the Mavi Marmara.

2. Pre attack videos of journalists interviewing crew members and volunteers who also independently verify the contents of the cargo that they are carrying and distribute these pictures to the Internet.

3. Raw footage smuggled out by a Democracy Now journalist in which she successfully smuggled it out and broad casted it once she got back to the U.S and this video shows IDF troops firing on the Mavi Marmara before they even attempt to land on it.

The video from Democracy Now shows the truth of the matter being that the IDF planned to provoke a response from the passengers in which they successfully did (waiting with metal poles hastily torn from the ship), all to paint these people as fanatics and monsters.
The video from Democracy Now shows the truth of the matter being that the IDF planned to provoke a response from the passengers in which they successfully did (waiting with metal poles hastily torn from the ship), all to paint these people as fanatics and monsters.
Democracy Now video shows paintball guns.

P.S. It's interesting how u switched from "IDF fired before landing" to "IDF provoked poor innocent activists to use metal rods".
Interesting that you switch your argument from trying to disprove my claim to one where you attack my claim as being ludicrous. This my friend is what we use to ferret out the guilty.

FYI the UN did call the Gaza blockade illegal and a human rights violation, it may have not officially passed it since some members have the power of veto but the essence of the claim is there.

To disprove your claim? you didn't provide any evidence to backup your claim so how can i disprove it? that is what we call idiocy...

FIY, if it didnt pass therefore not guilty! this is what called jury verdict.
You rely on UN in your effort(futile) delegalize Israeli actions and yet call the UN as bias, the sweet irony.

you are not that bright, aren't you...
Democracy Now video shows paintball guns.

P.S. It's interesting how u switched from "IDF fired before landing" to "IDF provoked poor innocent activists to use metal rods".
I did not switch anything, both relate to the same incident so your accusation that my argument has divergent premises is wrong.

Here have a look at this video and see for yourself the IDF attacking the Mavi Marmara, notice the sounds of bullets being fired from your boats, notice the blood on the wall, notice no heli above landing troops.

YouTube - *EXCLUSIVE* Raw Footage Zionist Attack on the Mavi Marmara (4 of 6) - Extreme HD

Now see how Israel planned and bungled their attack on the Mavi Marmara but ultimately continues to wage their PR campaign.

YouTube - How Israel planned the flotilla attack
I did not switch anything, both relate to the same incident so your accusation that my argument has divergent premises is wrong.

Here have a look at this video and see for yourself the IDF attacking the Mavi Marmara, notice the sounds of bullets being fired from your boats, notice the blood on the wall, notice no heli above landing troops.

YouTube - *EXCLUSIVE* Raw Footage Zionist Attack on the Mavi Marmara (4 of 6) - Extreme HD

Now see how Israel planned and bungled their attack on the Mavi Marmara but ultimately continues to wage their PR campaign.

YouTube - How Israel planned the flotilla attack

Isnt it beautiful that they call themselves as "THE REAL NEWS" :)

Im the real god...
To disprove your claim? you didn't provide any evidence to backup your claim so how can i disprove it? that is what we call idiocy...

FIY, if it didnt pass therefore not guilty! this is what called jury verdict.
You rely on UN in your effort(futile) delegalize Israeli actions and yet call the UN as bias, the sweet irony.

you are not that bright, aren't you...
I do not expect to see yourself guilty as no one would. The evidence is the report labeling Israel as having omitted a human rights violation and this is from the UN, while it may have not passed into the form of a resolution therefore the onus is not for me disprove it, it is for you to disprove the actions in Gaza do not constitute a human rights violation.

I would have you remember that this forum does not allow personal attacks, and questioning one's intelligence capability no matter how thinly entailed it may be is not allowed.

I also stated that the essence is that Israel is guilty and I also did mention that some member states have the power of veto, so please re read my post before you criticize me further.
Isnt it beautiful that they call themselves as "THE REAL NEWS" :)

Im the real god...
Maybe you should watch before you automatically ignore it as the time I posted it and the time for you to post a reply has been less then a few minutes.

Be objective and understand why people are disagreeing with the IDF and Israeli government's actions.
Maybe you should watch before you automatically ignore it as the time I posted it and the time for you to post a reply has been less then a few minutes.

Be objective and understand why people are disagreeing with the IDF and Israeli government's actions.

Or? or i already saw it regardless your current post?

I dont expect from you above average level of deduction...
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