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Israeli Indian Strategic Alliance Under Threat

Pakistan military technology row 'threatens Israel's strategic relationship with India'

The sale of Israeli military technology to Pakistan disclosed in British military files has threatened to damage Israel’s strategic alliance with India, sources have claimed.


Israel has rejected in strongest terms data recorded and published by the Ministry of Defence which documents the sale of Israeli-manufactured cockpit displays and electronic warfare components for F16 fighter jets to Pakistan in 2010. Further investigations launched by Britain into the deal however at the request of both Israeli and Indian officials have found that it did in fact take place, although they have yet to establish whether it was with the knowledge of the Israeli government.

epic fail thread.

Two monkey-rajas from south Asia fighting for a distant tiny country's affection.

This type of thinking is keeping both Pakistan and India stuck as second rate powers.

Why, both have brains the size of pea when it comes to each other.

They are all keen to see Israeli weapons being used on India.

They will remain keen through this life.

Many went to the graves with this keenness remaining unfulfilled.

Many more will follow the illustrious path lit by their predecessors.

If only they were keen on something positive and a bit less destructive.

But then who will call it the ********* of peace!

epic fail thread.

Two monkey-rajas from south Asia fighting for a distant tiny country's affection.

This type of thinking is keeping both Pakistan and India stuck as second rate powers.

Why, both have brains the size of pea when it comes to each other.


India has nothing to do with it. We have a relationship with Israel that is mutually beneficial.
Looks like everyone else is showing concern about the recent developments apart from the one who actually needs to. Or is that how outsiders wants to see things unfolding? Oh well.. they will be disappointed! India is pretty good in maintaining it's long standing strategic partnerships.. whether it's Russia, Iran or Israel... all is well!

India has nothing to do with it. We have a relationship with Israel that is mutually beneficial.

I wish what you say is true.

But seeing Indian posters (OK posters with Indian flags) running post to piller, huffing and puffing, trying to prove Israel is the BFF of India and India alone.

This is what I pointed out "monkey rajas" of south asia.

On one side these Indian flaggers fail to see their own culture, their own Sindh river, their care for their own people across the border (granted a minority of them are a-holes, but there is much bigger minority of a-holes in India too)

On the other a distant gora country, with population equal or less to one city in Pakistan such as Lahore (the place established by Lord Lahu).

For what?

Chump change (considering our potential), worth of weapons.

What a shame,

this is why I called this ugly discussion as pathetic.

hope you understand
@FaujHistorian we all want better ties with Pakistan but we also face the threat of the red dragon next door who spends over $100 bn a year on defence we can not compete in sheer numbers, so we must adopt a asymmetric warfare military approach and this is where Israel is helping us such as the IAI EL/M-2075 Phalcon which will allow us to have eyes in the sky monitoring our airspace.
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I dont seem to get something, what has Israel sold to Pakistan? MFD and nuts. Big deal!!!

This UK news paper is reporting as if they have sold Barak 2 and Ironedome..:whistle:
I wish what you say is true.

But seeing Indian posters (OK posters with Indian flags) running post to piller, huffing and puffing, trying to prove Israel is the BFF of India and India alone.

This is what I pointed out "monkey rajas" of south asia.

I know what you are saying. This is a pathetic thread from an obsessed OP.

BTW, it is a fact that in South Asia, India happens to have the best relations with Israel but that is nothing to beat drums about. It is just one mutually beneficial relationship.

On one side these Indian flaggers fail to see their own culture, their own Sindh river, their care for their own people across the border (granted a minority of them are a-holes, but there is much bigger minority of a-holes in India too)

On the other a distant gora country, with population equal or less to one city in Pakistan such as Lahore (the place established by Lord Lahu).

For what?

Chump change (considering our potential), worth of weapons.

What a shame,

this is why I called this ugly discussion as pathetic.

Again, I agree this is quite pathetic. I hope you can see that it is because "our own people" have chosen to become our worst enemies, they have chosen to hate all that was their own and worship the invaders that perpetrated such atrocities on their own ancestors and on their own land.

And then we can see what many of "our own people" have chosen their only purpose in life...

I am not saying India is perfect or Indians are perfect. Far from it.

But you won't see these contradictions on this side of the Radcliffe line.

hope you understand

I do. I also hope that relations between us become normal or at least not overtly hostile.

Not because of any past commonality (as that doesn't matter now, given the current reality that may or may not change) but for our future.
epic fail thread.

Two monkey-rajas from south Asia fighting for a distant tiny country's affection.

This type of thinking is keeping both Pakistan and India stuck as second rate powers.

Why, both have brains the size of pea when it comes to each other.


I believe India lost nothing by keeping closer relations with Israel.

No need for that reaction.

The world hears to people who have money. You export more military hardware from Israel than India does. You can have Israel-Pakistan strategic relationship. Then you can also dictate Israel

As they say: It is all about money honey.
The whole fiasco is going to help India; before someone start feeling good about it ;)

If Indian media is printing this news it means the message has been delivered to the party involved.
Read the highlighted portion of my post #24 above.

Oh yaar, relax. That is what is called, 'figure of speech'. It doesn't mean the Jews would actually sell their mothers for money! :no:

I should have said, 'mothers-in-law'!! That probably would have been acceptable to you!! :P :omghaha:

Hmm...I wouldnt mind in that case :P
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