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Israeli Indian Strategic Alliance Under Threat

It seems to me that some people from a specific country can't take the news maturely, c'mon folks take it easy.

Don't get carried away by your emotions, take it on the chin;)
That's a $tupid comment.

If that's your main worry, then every system India or Pakistan buys from EU, USA, Russia has a potential of being bugged.

Please do not spread Islamist $hit conspiracies.

Thank you

Hence none of the systems from US are in frontline tactical role, Critical communication, S&T peripherals, IFF components on US platforms are replaced with Indian ones.

There have been rumors of kill switches on US equipment on the forum from pakistani members, hence my comment about the fear from Israel.

As for Indian equipment is concerned, most of our equipment is license produced in India, and yes we would fear such threats if we started importing equipment for frontline fighter jets from pakistan close ally like china.
Yeah India can launch a mars probe , a moon probe(and discover water there) ,and build and launch satellites as advanced as EU while Pakistan cannot even send a nanosatellite to space :omghaha:

The sheer obsession and stupidity of some of these people seems to know no bounds. ;)
And when you have Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras serving the other, the term brotherhood goes out of the window and who knows if there were other idol worshipping countries around the globe, the term 'VASU DEVA KUTUMBAKAM" would hold some water for you.


I know, You need a shrink real fast. ;)
I know you are a well meaning person but let's just look at facts as facts and not as personal rebukes.

And India being 7 times bigger in numbers, and 16 times bigger in defense budget, is indeed a worst offender in this case.

Not necessarily. Many of your own generals say that all wars were started by Pakistan. They openly say that they are an India specific force.

We have no territorial interest in anything you hold. The reverse is not true.

For India, Pakistan is an increasingly small part of our security calculus. It is an annoyance, yes, but we are looking beyond it already.

Over a period, this will reflect more and more in our deployments and force structure.


Many Indians do not realize the following facts about partition deaths.

The holocaust of Punjab that followed August 1947 was unmatchable by any other part of India.

Partition impacted mostly one state in the whole of British India. And that state was Punjab.

Before partition
-- East Punjab (Indian side) had 55-65% Muslim Punjabis. (depending on city/village)
-- West Punjab (Pak side) had 35-45% non-Muslim Punjabis (depending on city/village)

After partition
--- Indian Punjab had 0% Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Indian mobs)
-- Pak Punjab had 0% non-Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Pak mobs)
--- few exceptions were tiny Muslim population in Malir kotla, and tiny sikh population around holy shrines such as: Nankana sahib and Punja sahib

nowhere else in India or Pak, the ethnic cleansing was so absolute so comprehensive.

Around 1947 there were few riots and some uprooting around Delhi area and tiny bit in Kolkatta etc.

So partition should be blamed for the killings and rapes and ethnic cleansing in Punjab only.

Many informed Indians know all of this.

Most partition deaths occurred in the border (and partitioned) states of Punjab and Bengal.

West Pakistan as a whole (not just Punjab) experienced widespread ethnic cleansing. Hindus and Sikhs were reduced from 15%-20% of the population to less than 2% now.

In India, the violence was mainly restricted to the former united Punjab and Delhi and Bengal and Bihar (a part of Bengal at that time).

And the trajectory of the minority populations in these two countries after partition shows how different we have each treated them.

Let's not create a false equivalence here. I know you mean well but facts are facts.
Super Mushak?SAAB safari licensed produced in Pakistan albeit a few modifications??Check when we first developed a trainer aircraft..:lol:

K 8,JF 17...Now what is pakistani contribution except for some software work?If you want to compare joint projects,compare with Su-30 MKI..

Lol, is that why India is having to purchase everything from basic trainer to fighter jets.
SU-30....joint project...:omghaha:.....give it a rest before you choke on your own vomit.
Lol, is that why India is having to purchase everything from basic trainer to fighter jets.
SU-30....joint project...:omghaha:.....give it a rest before you choke on your own vomit.

Albeit less we still have more indigenous products than Pak does.
And as for Su-30MKI have a clear look at it, yes it is not a joint project but still has more Indian contribution in it that Pak has in JFT.
Lol, is that why India is having to purchase everything from basic trainer to fighter jets.
SU-30....joint project...:omghaha:.....give it a rest before you choke on your own vomit.

Su 30 MKi has more indian parts than JF 17 :omghaha:

Yeah and we could design our of trainers back in 1950s..pakistanis are taking pride about a basic trainer assembled in pakistan...:lol:
Super Mushak?SAAB safari licensed produced in Pakistan albeit a few modifications??Check when we first developed a trainer aircraft..:lol:

K 8,JF 17...Now what is pakistani contribution except for some [SUP]software work[/SUP]?If you want to compare joint projects,compare with Su-30 MKI..

And written in C++ language , in India a highschool kid can write those programs , they cannot written their software codes in ADA language.:omghaha:

Albeit less we still have more indigenous products than Pak does.
And as for Su-30MKI have a clear look at it, yes it is not a joint project but still has more Indian contribution in it that Pak has in JFT.

Assembling complete knock down kits coming from China.
Lol, is that why India is having to purchase everything from basic trainer to fighter jets.
SU-30....joint project...:omghaha:.....give it a rest before you choke on your own vomit.

What is contribution of pakistan in JF-17 , tyre , rear mirror, parachute, ew suit , mission computer , landing gear , mfd display , helmet , ejection seat , gearbox , auxillary power unit anything don't say our engineers work along with chinese engineers.
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