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Israeli forces killed 2 before boarding ship, Turkish report says


Dec 27, 2009
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Monday, January 24, 2011
ISTANBUL - Daily News with wires

Israeli commandos killed two passengers on an aid ship headed for the Gaza Strip before they boarded the vessel, a Turkish report into May’s deadly raid on the Mavi Marmara has claimed.

The release of the Turkish report Sunday came as an Israeli panel cleared the Israeli military and government of any wrongdoing during the incident.

Eight Turks and one American of Turkish descent were killed in the May 31 attack as the Turkish Mavi Marmara, the largest ship in a flotilla of six, attempted to run the blockade on the Gaza Strip to deliver humanitarian aid. Israel claims its soldiers acted in self defense; the activists on board the ship say the commandos used disproportionate force.

According to the Anatolia news agency, the interim report was submitted to the United Nations on Sept. 1 for use in its ongoing investigation into the raid.

The Turkish report, released Sunday to the public, accuses Israeli forces of mounting a “full-fledged and pre-meditated attack with frigates, helicopters, zodiacs and submarines, [and being] heavily armed with machine guns, laser-guided rifles, pistols and modified paintball rifles.”

It accuses Israeli soldiers of shooting “from the helicopter onto the Mavi Marmara using live ammunition and killing two passengers before any Israeli soldier descended on the deck.”

“During the attack, excessive, indiscriminate and disproportionate force was used by the Israeli soldiers against the civilians on board. The passengers only exercised a lawful right of self-defense, without any firearms, against the armed attack of the Israeli forces,” the report claims.

Relations between once-close allies Turkey and Israel have frayed almost to the breaking point in the past year over the raid.

Turkey withdrew its ambassador from Tel Aviv and Turkish leaders denounced Israel repeatedly over the attack. Turkey has made an Israeli apology and compensation for the victims’ families a condition for improved ties.

Israeli report

An Israeli panel on Sunday cleared the military and government of any wrongdoing during last year’s raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla, but the finding appeared unlikely to repair damage to Israel’s standing, the Associated Press reported.

The report said the armed defense of Israel’s maritime blockade of the Hamas-ruled coastal strip was justified under international law. A wave of international condemnation of the raid forced Israel to ease the blockade.

The nearly 300-page report echoed an earlier military investigation that faulted the planning and execution of the operation. Even so, it said the blockade of Gaza and the raid were legal and justified.

Turkey swiftly condemned Sunday’s report, saying it was “surprised, appalled and dismayed” by its findings.
The most important and objective would be the conclusions of international investigation, and than we see who will eat their hats, Israelis yamaka or Turks their fez caps :)
The most important and objective would be the conclusions of international investigation, and than we see who will eat their hats, Israelis yamaka or Turks their fez caps :)

Hate to break it to you but that concluded a long time ago. Which Israel rejected.

results are here

UN's Gaza flotilla probe finds Israeli soldiers committed 'willful killing' - CSMonitor.com

and here
ei: UN mission finds Israel used "incredible violence" in Flotilla raid

and here
JURIST - Paper Chase: UN report finds Israel flotilla raid violated international law

and here
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Lets also look at what countries had to say about it.

Italy condemned the Israeli military operation, and supported the UN Security Council resolution calling for an investigation and the release of detainees. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini condemned the killing of civilians, saying "I deplore in the strongest terms the killing of civilians. This is certainly a grave act". Italy also called for an EU investigation.

Spain condemned the attack, has summoned the Israeli ambassador for questioning. The Foreign Minister, Miguel Angel Moratinos, decried the excessive use of force against an humanitarian convoy, and recalled that the European Union had already requested an end to the blockade.

United Kingdom's Prime Minister David Cameron has condemned the Israeli attack, called it "completely unacceptable", and told Israel to "respond constructively" to "legitimate international criticism".

French President Nicolas Sarkozy condemned "the disproportionate use of force" against the flotilla. French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Bernard Kouchner was "profoundly shocked" by the incident and demanded an inquiry.

Belgium's foreign minister, Steven Vanackere, called the use of Israeli force "disproportionate"

Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement stating that it is "shocked at the report that people aboard boats carrying supplies to the Gaza Strip were victimized as a result of confrontation with Israel Defense Forces.

China Foreign Ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu condemned Israel's raid on the international convoy and urged Israel to seriously implement UN Security Council resolutions and improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

The Government of South Korea downgraded Israeli President Shimon Peres' visit to 'working' status.

Russia's Foreign Ministry expressed "condemnation and profound concern" over the incident and called for a full investigation. It also called the use of "use of arms against civilians and the detention of the vessels on the high seas without any legal grounds constitute a gross violation of generally accepted international legal norms."
Heh, US is the only exception but that doesn't really surprise anyone.
Well, why to have a thread on it?
We all know that Israelis are doing it on a large scale on daily basis, so what different would it make killing 2 innocents as they kill 20 daily.
Well, why to have a thread on it?
We all know that Israelis are doing it on a large scale on daily basis, so what different would it make killing 2 innocents as they kill 20 daily.

This is the Turkish defense section. And i am posting developments on the flotilla issue. This was a report released today. Therefore i posted it so people can read and comment.

Again with this crap? UNHRC is a joke! some of its members are not with a respective history of human right obligates such as Russia China Bangladesh Jordan Kyrgyzstan Pakistan Cuba Saudi Arabia Nigeria Zambia....

UN HRC probe is NOT an official UN inquiry which is still ongoing investigation!

Should i make it even more bigger for you to comprehend it?
if they killed they had a good reason,israelis dont kill without proper reasons

israelis have no problem to find a reason .. just watch them when they are eager to kill somebody
i like how the israelis think...
ship with aid to gaza=ship helping people to get back in a condition to fight us=there appear to be too many bullets in my gun
It accuses Israeli soldiers of shooting “from the helicopter onto the Mavi Marmara using live ammunition and killing two passengers before any Israeli soldier descended on the deck.”
Everyone who saw footages of Israeli soldiers landing on deck understands that thats a blatant silly lie.

Hate to break it to you but that concluded a long time ago. Which Israel rejected.

results are here

UN's Gaza flotilla probe finds Israeli soldiers committed 'willful killing' - CSMonitor.com
UNHRC =! UN. Its little senseless commitee which consists mainly from countries who violate human rights. Its nothing but joke
i like how the israelis think...
ship with aid to gaza=ship helping people to get back in a condition to fight us=there appear to be too many bullets in my gun
Everything Israel asked is to check this ship. But the way there was not any aid at all on Mavi Marmara.
Everything Israel asked is to check this ship. But the way there was not any aid at all on Mavi Marmara.

because ...
this is a flotilla which means is not consisting of one ship, filotilla had 6 ships +2 ships delayed due to malfunction, Mavi Marmara which is a passenger ship was already leading the flotilla and carrying 600 peace activists, including european mp's, nazi genocide veterans, nobel prize awarded people,a former ambassador from usa, and citizens from 50 country, priests, doctors, teachers, scientists.. anyone you can imagine against israel's policy on gaza was on board and organized by ngo's like
Free Gaza Movement : Freegaza - News section
European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza: The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza- ECESG
İHH İnsani Yardım Vakfı: IHH
Ship to Gaza Greece: ShipToGaza.gr
Ship to Gaza Sweden: Ship to Gaza | Sending aid to break the blockade.
The International Committee to End the Siege on Gaza
made it an international organization.

there were 4 freight ships in the flotilla for transporting aid; Defne, Gazze I, Eleftheri Mesogios and Rachel Corrie.. these ships had 10.000 tons of aid including mostly structure materials to build hospitals, schools, medicals, staple food, generators and many more..
Everyone who saw footages of Israeli soldiers landing on deck understands that thats a blatant silly lie.

There's something wrong with that appraisal.

Courtesy of the class-acts over at CNAS

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