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Israeli forces killed 2 before boarding ship, Turkish report says

peace activists, including european mp's, nazi genocide veterans, nobel prize awarded people,a former ambassador from usa, and citizens from 50 country, priests, doctors, teachers, scientists..
Noone of them was hurt. Only members of radical Islamist organizations, mostly some poor Kurds who dont have much to do in their lives beside joining radical organizations.

there were 4 freight ships in the flotilla for transporting aid; Defne, Gazze I, Eleftheri Mesogios and Rachel Corrie.. these ships had 10.000 tons of aid including mostly structure materials to build hospitals, schools, medicals, staple food, generators and many more..
Everything was delievered to Gaza after checking. 2/3 of medicines were out of date though.
There's something wrong with that appraisal.

Courtesy of the class-acts over at CNAS
Fast-Roping 101 | Center for a New American Security
Thanks, thats a very good illustration. If Israel was firing from helicopters prior landing we would get V . But since Israel did not fire we got X.
Thanks, thats a very good illustration. If Israel was firing from helicopters prior landing we would get V . But since Israel did not fire we got X.

I think you've missed the point of that cartoon so here's a question to help. What's the difference between giving a shoot to kill order and placing your tactical team in a situation where bloodshed is more less a certainty?
I think you've missed the point of that cartoon so here's a question to help. What's the difference between giving a shoot to kill order and placing your tactical team in a situation where bloodshed is more less a certainty?
Israeli comission critisized the army for not having a reserve plan. Second part of the investigation will deal specificly with this issue.
I think you've missed the point of that cartoon so here's a question to help. What's the difference between giving a shoot to kill order and placing your tactical team in a situation where bloodshed is more less a certainty?

It was indeed a screw-up from Israeli intelligence that didn't know the intention of some IHH members to become shahids, majority of on board indeed were peace activist but some as clearly shown on videos were RIP(Rest In Peace) activists, the kind that embrace
"if you want peace prepare for war" mentality :)
CO of operation misjudge the situation and though they could control the active crowd with paintball guns and some smoke grenade, but it wasn't that of affective since war activists wore life-vest and gas masks.
It was indeed a screw-up from Israeli intelligence that didn't know the intention of some IHH members to become shahids, majority of on board indeed were peace activist but some as clearly shown on videos were RIP(Rest In Peace) activists, the kind that embrace
"if you want peace prepare for war" mentality :)
CO of operation misjudge the situation and though they could control the active crowd with paintball guns and some smoke grenade, but it wasn't that of affective since war activists wore life-vest and gas masks.

I just thought it was an unnecessary operation. Most on board no doubt were anti-Israeli but most of them for better or for worse meant well and had humanitarian motives. Whoever greenlighted the commando raid should be sacked for sending men into an untenable tactical situation and for not recognizing the potential political implications should the situation go bad.

This was a far cry from well executed operations like the Entebbe Airport Raid.
well forget rest of the world, you are being criticized by your own citizens..
Noone of them was hurt. Only members of radical Islamist organizations, mostly some poor Kurds who dont have much to do in their lives beside joining radical organizations.
they all were turkish citizens who have been killed including a 19 years old boy names Furkan who has been shot closer than 1 meter.. 5 times ..headshot .. he was also a radical islamist you think ?
And many other from different nationals just like that ex us marine guy ( from your point of view they are radical christians ) .. these people had a holy mission which you will never understand.. obviusly all israel did is accelerated his end.
Everything was delievered to Gaza after checking. 2/3 of medicines were out of date though.

we have infinit trust on you guys..

* Haaretz - IDF soldier jailed for stealing from Gaza flotilla ship

* Haaretz - IDF soldiers suspected of theft from Gaza flotilla ship

* ynetnews - Police: Soldiers looted flotilla ships

* Israeli Soldiers Steal $3 Million From Gaza Flotilla and Used Passengers Credit Cards to Buy Alcohol

* Israeli Soldiers Sell Gaza Flotilla Passengers’ Computers and Steal Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in Cash

* The Guardian - Gaza convoy activists claim Israeli soldiers using debit cards stolen in raid

* VoA - Israeli Soldier Accused of Gaza Flotilla Theft


i think enough for you to get the point ..
well forget rest of the world, you are being criticized by your own citizens..

they all were turkish citizens who have been killed including a 19 years old boy names Furkan who has been shot closer than 1 meter.. 5 times ..headshot .. he was also a radical islamist you think ?
Actually u are right, he was only non member. But he explicitly stated that he wish to became a martyr.

And many other from different nationals just like that ex us marine guy ( from your point of view they are radical christians ) ..
He is ultra leftist radical and he had not any serious injury.

we have infinit trust on you guys..
As u can see Israel prosecuted them (soldiers who did it were not from commando unit by the way). And its not related to humanitarian aid. Israel is passing into Gaza 200 truckloads of aid each day, thats more than all convoys to Gaza altogether.

Stealing humanitarian aid is Hamas business:

U.N.: Hamas seized Gaza food aid and blankets - USATODAY.com

U.N. suspends Gaza aid shipments - CNN.com

If you dont trust Israel u could pass through Egypt. There is not a single Israeli on Egypt-Gaza border.
I just thought it was an unnecessary operation. Most on board no doubt were anti-Israeli but most of them for better or for worse meant well and had humanitarian motives. Whoever greenlighted the commando raid should be sacked for sending men into an untenable tactical situation and for not recognizing the potential political implications should the situation go bad.

This was a far cry from well executed operations like the Entebbe Airport Raid.

The necessity of operation was to maintain the blockade.

they were told numerous time to reroute to the port of Ashdod for cargo be checked and delivered to Gaza via land line, their purpose was to provoke, fact 2/3 of medicine was expired! Hamas for two week refused to receive the cargo of the flotilla through Israeli land line just for a spite/principle, Gaza is not starving, just one big bullshit lie

Somehow i would agree, but then again the situation was complex, how do you stop ship the size of Mavi Marmara?
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The necessity of operation was to maintain the blockade.

they were told numerous time to reroute to the port of Ashdod for cargo be checked and delivered to Gaza via land line, their purpose was to provoke, fact 2/3 of medicine was expired! Hamas for two week refused to receive the cargo of the flotilla through Israeli land line just for a spite/principle, Gaza is not starving, just one big bullshit lie

Somehow i would agree, but then again the situation was complex, how do you stop ship the size of Mavi Marmara?

Which goes back to the fundamental question of whether a blockade is the right thing to do. From a political point of view it makes sense. By controlling supplies like food, medicine and other necessities of life, you make the population more controllable and you can prevent things like terrorism and political agitation but from the moral point of view and from the international public palatability point of view it is more questionable.
I think you've missed the point of that cartoon so here's a question to help. What's the difference between giving a shoot to kill order and placing your tactical team in a situation where bloodshed is more less a certainty?

stupid israeli :lol::lol:
Which goes back to the fundamental question of whether a blockade is the right thing to do. From a political point of view it makes sense. By controlling supplies like food, medicine and other necessities of life, you make the population more controllable and you can prevent things like terrorism and political agitation but from the moral point of view and from the international public palatability point of view it is more questionable.
Food and medicine never were comming to Gaza through sea, thats why sea blockade does not affect humanitarian situation in Gaza at all. Nevertheless its true that sea blockade is bad for PR, since most of people are not familiar with situation. However if Israel lifts sea blockade Gaza will be flooded with rockets and missiles. It will cause more blodshed from both sides and eventually even bigger PR blow for Israel.
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