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Israeli football team player gets some warm reception from Turkish and Palestinian fans in Austria

Funny that this comes from you

It is not funny. Turkey will be smashed and your Erdogan will flee the country. He will hide in Gulf states and live a prosperous life.

USA will give him a new identity. He is serving Israel well.
Just one last note. Turkey is too scared to even send one single ship near to israel. Israel is the dwarf but turkey is the turkey in this game.

IDF can even come to iskanderun and bully the inhabitants there. Turkish army will not intervene. They just drive their M60 tanks into parades and wanabe exercises as a show to impress their own peasant citizens and suck their taxpayer money into their corruption.
Man ...seriously you gotta stop your brain-farts!
i thought israelis are fighting hamas which is a terrorist organization....
why are Palestine's supporting hamas?
why the heck pakistanis supporting hamas..
wat the fk u gys have to do with it??

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