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Israeli filmmaker in hiding after anti-Islam movie sparks deadly Libya, Egy

Do more research the video was released two months ago but was released in Arabic in Middle East on September 11 exactly. This was a clear pre planned provocation to elicit response (on Jews btw) but it backfired and extremists in Libya used this opportunity to hijack the protest a shoot up the consulate.

I already know that, but the fact of the matter still stands that the movie has been available online for over 2 months now. Anyone who keeps up with the news would have known that and had access to it. Just think about the argument you are making, if what you are saying is true, that would mean all these people were rioting over a movie they had never seen before. That idea is just ridiculous.
I think this could be a conspiracy against America. :D

Some Muslims got together to make this movie in order to create the kind of violence in the middle east against America and pretend that this movie is made by Israelis and Jews to create further discontent.
Why oh why people A$$ itches so much that they need to design cartoon, and movie on Muhammad. Didn't they learn from past that Muslim people are very touchy about this topic. But no they keep F@#%^^g with this topic again and again. For no reason American Ambassador died. So many people died, thanks to one moron movie maker.

What is wrong with people in this world, I think most of the people like violence and murder in this world. There is no room left for peace and good life any more.

Everyone is responsible for their own actions in this life. Blaming violence on the acts of others is simply immoral. If your wife angers you is it ok to hit her? If your children anger you is it ok to beat them? The same rule applies here, people can not claim moral superiority over others when they result to killing over a movie they have never even seen before.
I already know that, but the fact of the matter still stands that the movie has been available online for over 2 months now. Anyone who keeps up with the news would have known that and had access to it. Just think about the argument you are making, if what you are saying is true, that would mean all these people were rioting over a movie they had never seen before. That idea is just ridiculous.

I just saw the state department press conference, and the person who was speaking (didn't catch her name) said the video was dubbed into Arabic on September 11 and then widely spread as Arabs viewed it until protests were called. Basically most of the people who were protesting saw the trailer at the very least.

I think this could be a conspiracy against America. :D

Some Muslims got together to make this movie in order to create the kind of violence in the middle east against America and pretend that this movie is made by Israelis and Jews to create further discontent.

I think you never cease to amaze me, no Muslim would mock Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) just to further whatever goal you are saying. Besides it has been proven that it was a Christian claiming to be Jewish but it didn't pass you by to do some research before commenting.
Everyone is responsible for their own actions in this life. Blaming violence on the acts of others is simply immoral. If your wife angers you is it ok to hit her? If your children anger you is it ok to beat them? The same rule applies here, people can not claim moral superiority over others when they result to killing over a movie they have never even seen before.

Its not okay, but can you deny that it happens? Lets also be mindful of the reality and not always consider things from the standpoint of how we wish things to be. Those who translated and circulated this content on 9/11 knew exactly what they were doing. They knew that there would be reaction to this in the Muslim countries and yet they persisted. 4 Americans and 9 Libyans are dead for nothing or maybe just because someone who emigrated to United States thought he could abuse his right to free speech and freedom of expression by poking fun at the expense of Muslims and get away with it.

Sanity needs to prevail. Incitement and instigation is the last thing needed in an atmosphere that has already been charged up by two wars and countless other acts of violence.
I think you never cease to amaze me, no Muslim would mock Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) just to further whatever goal you are saying. Besides it has been proven that it was a Christian claiming to be Jewish but it didn't pass you by to do some research before commenting.

I am just being cynical.

Just like how Muslims and Arabs accuse America of committing 9/11, I can also make a claim that Muslims made this movie to cause the chaos that is engulfing the region.

I know no sane Muslim would make this movie but I also know no sane American would commit 9/11 atrocities on its own citizens.
Its not okay, but can you deny that it happens? Lets also be mindful of the reality and not always consider things from the standpoint of how we wish things to be. Those who translated and circulated this content on 9/11 knew exactly what they were doing. They knew that there would be reaction to this in the Muslim countries and yet they persisted. 4 Americans and 9 Libyans are dead for nothing or maybe just because someone who emigrated to United States thought he could abuse his right to free speech and freedom of expression by poking fun at the expense of Muslims and get away with it.

I can't deny that it happens, but I can tell you I've never taken any such action against someone whether they "deserved" it or not.

I can't tell exactly what you are trying to say by "a Copt thought he could poke fun at the expense of Muslims and get away with it." but it seems as though you are saying anyone who criticizes Islam should be dealt with in the same way. I don't feel that way, someone can criticize Judaism/Jews, and I don't feel the need to attack them. God is their judge, not me.
I can't deny that it happens, but I can tell you I've never taken any such action against someone whether they "deserved" it or not.

I can't tell exactly what you are trying to say by "a Copt thought he could poke fun at the expense of Muslims and get away with it." but it seems as though you are saying anyone who criticizes Islam should be dealt with in the same way. I don't feel that way, someone can criticize Judaism/Jews, and I don't feel the need to attack them. God is their judge, not me.

Neither have I (and the vast majority of Muslims are in the same category with me), but some do.

Specific to the Copt point, I am referring to the issue of responsibility, which is that when you know that some would react to this the way it transpired then maybe you should also be careful on how you put your issues across. There are a ton of films/movies and books openly available countering Islamic points of view on very many things, but Muslims do not respond to those in such manner. What this movie does is that it sticks its thumb (that too crudely and in a deprecating manner) in the face of masses who have little self-control on this issue.

This situation can be fixed two ways - and both are needed - and these include educating the Muslim street (which includes very many rudimentarily educated individuals) about ignoring such acts of provocation and also advising restraint to those bent upon exercising their right to freedom of expression by hurting the feelings of millions of others. Neither is easy but if we are to get past these issues, this is the level of maturity that would be required on both sides.
...when you know that some would react to this the way it transpired then maybe you should also be careful on how you put your issues across.
If you know how some in your society might respond to such things then maybe you should advocate strict prosecution and punishment for those who commit violence when provoked by mere words.
Neither have I (and the vast majority of Muslims are in the same category with me), but some do.

Specific to the Copt point, I am referring to the issue of responsibility, which is that when you know that some would react to this the way it transpired then maybe you should also be careful on how you put your issues across. There are a ton of films/movies and books openly available countering Islamic points of view on very many things, but Muslims do not respond to those in such manner. What this movie does is that it sticks its thumb (that too crudely and in a deprecating manner) in the face of masses who have little self-control on this issue.

This situation can be fixed two ways (both are needed) and these include educating the Muslim street (which includes very many rudimentarily educated individuals) about ignoring such acts of provocation and also advising restraint to those bent upon exercising their right to freedom of expression by hurting the feelings of millions of others. Neither is easy but if we are to get past these issues, this is the level of maturity that would be required on both sides.

IMO, there are always going to be outside attacks, that is why the main focus should be on improving the self to not respond to attacks.

I hope its not a similar round up like with the Northern Alliance did when they rounded up random people and gave them to USA and told them they are Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Who knows. Its a start.
Q: Some actors who participated in the film told US media that you had misled them and believed they were acting in a movie about Egypt 2000 years ago.
A: The actors who participated in the film do not belong to an actors union and therefore do not have the right to contest the final form of the film. The producer retains full right to change the details of the film as he pleases.

Q: Are you admitting jthat you misled the actors?
A: This is a producer's right. He can put what he wants in the film without consulting the actors and what happened was that the actors performed roles under pseudonyms. I understand that they now fear for their lives, but my answer to them is that they do not belong to a professional association.
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