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Israeli couple suspected of being agents, to be deported from India

Terrorists and extremists from ANY nation must be dealt with most severely. Its a shame so many of our Indian friends on this forum have such strong views regarding terrorism etc and then their government treats them with such gentle hands. Shame on the decision makers on this case.
Just wondering what they were doing in a place like Kochi
Hope they did not come there to get the secret BDF Ingredients. :rofl:
Just wondering what they were doing in a place like Kochi
Hope they did not come there to get the secret BDF Ingredients. :rofl:

for Russians and Israelis Kochi and Goa(specially for ruskies) are the easiest places to maintain cover due to many people of their nationality settling there,word is Israeli and Russian mafia is operational at low levels in drug trade in Goa.
Since Mattanchery in Kerala is crowded with Jews and to make sure there are no repetition like what happened in Mumbai chabad house incident, They might be analyzing the situation on how to protect their interests in the country.

If yes, They could have worked closely with RAW/IB. Rather than exploiting the relatonship.

AFAIK There is 100% no threat from Israel to India and they are natural allies :cheers:
Since Mattanchery in Kerala is crowded with Jews and to make sure there are no repetition like what happened in Mumbai chabad house incident, They might be analyzing the situation on how to protect their interests in the country.

If yes, They could have worked closely with RAW/IB. Rather than exploiting the relatonship.

AFAIK There is 100% no threat from Israel to India and they are natural allies :cheers:

According to a local TV channel, they were doing religious work on visiting visa...which is banned under Indian Law or may be thats the cover and the real reason is above as Jews are not well known for religious conversions.

There a lot of Israelis in Goa and I fear this could be a very soft target for Islamic insurgents.
Deportation order arbitrary, says Israeli couple
TNN Feb 11, 2012, 05.09AM IST

KOCHI: The Jewish couple from Israel who were served with 'quit India' notices by the district administration on Tuesday, approached Kerala high court alleging arbitrariness in the decision.

Admitting the petition, justice S Siri Jagan directed the government to file an affidavit explaining its stand on the issue.

The couple, Shneor Zalman Bernstein and Yaffa Shendi Keing from Bloy Street in Jerusalem came to Kochi on March 3, 2010 and had been staying in a rented house at Rose Street in Fort Kochi. Notices for deportation within 15 days, were slapped on them on February 7 by the district collector, on the basis of a report by the deputy commissioner of police (administration and crimes) on January 30 this year, citing violation of tourist visa norms.

According to the notice, the couple violated visa norms by organizing activities related to their religious life and belief under the aegis of the religious organization 'Chabad' in a synagogue at Mattanchery. The notice cited lack of special endorsement in the entry visa to engage in such activities in India. The petition by the couple and Cochin Synagogue, filed through advocate R Lakshmi Narayan, challenges the collector's order, alleging that the reason for expulsion is flimsy and won't hold in the eye of law. Further, the petition states that the husband is a qualified rabbi, who was invited by the synagogue to help in prayers, rituals related to birth, death, and marriage of the Jewish community here, and for preserving the heritage of the community.

The couple was brought in since there are no suitably trained people available among the Jewish community in Kochi to conduct rituals, the petition says. The petitioners contend that the collector should have given them an opportunity to submit representation against the proposed expulsion.

Claiming that the reason cited by the collector is factually incorrect, the petition says that the notices were served without ascertaining facts. The petitioners also submitted that 'Chabad' is not an organization but an ideological movement within Judaism whose members, as volunteers, assist Jews around the world in observing traditional Judaism.

Along with the petition, the couple also presented to the court a request made by the synagogue to the ambassador of India in Israel to issue visa to the rabbi and his wife as well as a request by the minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs of Israel for issuing visas to the couple. The Jewish couple from Israel who were served with 'quit India' notices by the district administration on Tuesday morning approached the Kerala High Court alleging arbitrariness in the decision.

Admitting the petition, Justice S Siri Jagan has directed the government to file an affidavit explaining their stand on the issue.

The couple, Shneor Zalman Bernstein and Yaffa Shendi Keing from Bloy Street in Jerusalem came to Kochi on March 3, 2010 and had been staying in a rented house at Rose Street in Fort Kochi.

Notices for deportation within 15 days were slapped on them on Tuesday by the district collector, on the basis of a report by the deputy commissioner of police (administration and crimes) on January 30 this year, citing violation of tourist visa norms.

According to the quit notice, the couple violated visa norms by organizing activities related to their religious life and belief under the religious organization 'Chabad' in a synagogue at Mattanchery. The notice cited lack of special endorsement in the entry visa to engage in such activities in India.

The petition by the couple and Cochin Synagogue, filed through advocate R Lakshmi Narayan, challenges the collector's order, alleging that the reason shown for expulsion is flimsy and won't hold in the eye of law.

Further, the petition states that the husband is a qualified rabbi, who was invited by the synagogue to help in prayers, rituals related to birth, death, and marriage of the Jewish community here as well as for preserving the heritage of the community.

The couple was brought in as there are no suitably trained persons available among the Jewish community in Kochi to conduct rituals, the petition says. Further, the petitioners contend that the collector should have given them an opportunity to submit representation against the proposed expulsion.

Alleging that the reason cited by the collector, which is violation of visa norms, is factually incorrect, the petition states that the quit notices were served without ascertaining facts. Responding to the reason given by police, engaging in activities related to religious organization called 'Chabad', the petitioners have submitted that 'Chabad' is not an organization but an ideological movement within Judaism, whose members, as volunteers, assist jews around the world in observing traditional Judaism.

Along with the petition, the couple has presented to the court request made by the synagogue to the ambassador of India in Israel to issue visa to the rabbi and his wife as well as a request by Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs of Israel for issuing visas to the couple.

Deportation order arbitrary, says Israeli couple - Times Of India
You can't trust Indians they can do anything for money and power, Israel must continue their spy ops in India.
You can't trust Indians they can do anything for money and power, Israel must continue their spy ops in India.

No ur 100% wrong no matter what even the money and gold of whole world will be given to us we won't allow qaumi parinda drone attacks on our people in our territory.
Good work Israel. I hope you will also spy their thorium, Hypersonic and other technologies....
You have more and easily access In India..

US has already keen eye on their Thorium reserves. That's why they were so interested in the name of "civilian nuclear program"...

U.S is very fast snatching their thorium reserves and technology.. You can also contact with U.S and surely U.S will provide you secret details.

U.S can easily access Russian Equipment's from India, and they are gaining ability to know their weakness ...

U.S and western countries desperately want to access the Russian equipment to know their weakness..

India is the only country which have Most war equipment from Russia..

India is Easy bridge for U.S to accomplish secret tasks against Russia.

Surely Israel will prefer U.S in this case.

Brilliant Plan U.S. This is why you are real Superpower....

Russia is done from the Fool india.:rofl:

Good work Israel. I hope you will also spy their thorium, Hypersonic and other technologies....
You have more and easily access In India..

US has already keen eye on their Thorium reserves. That's why they were so interested in the name of "civilian nuclear program"...

U.S is very fast snatching their thorium reserves and technology.. You can also contact with U.S and surely U.S will provide you secret details..

U.S can easily access Russian Equipment's from India, and they are gaining ability to know their weakness ...

U.S and western countries desperately want to access the Russian equipment to know their weakness..

India is the only country which have Most war equipment from Russia..

India is Easy bridge for U.S to accomplish secret tasks against Russia.

Surely Israel will prefer U.S in this case.

Brilliant Plan U.S. This is why you are real Superpower....

Russia is done from the Fool india.:rofl:

:hitwall: :rofl:
According to a local TV channel, they were doing religious work on visiting visa...which is banned under Indian Law or may be thats the cover and the real reason is above as Jews are not well known for religious conversions.

There a lot of Israelis in Goa and I fear this could be a very soft target for Islamic insurgents.

What religous work....Jews dont; go about converting ppl.
Thank God it was deported because they were Israelies ... others would have been thrown behind bar for life time.
So, india backstabs Israel. Even Israel, who is so good to india giving you technology and weapons, you had to backstab. Now everybody knows india can't be trusted.
So, india backstabs Israel. Even Israel, who is so good to india giving you technology and weapons, you had to backstab. Now everybody knows india can't be trusted.

Yes India is a Non Aligned country... India cant lean towards any country and that's why the world wants India to be on their side.

We are friends to Palestines and Israel
We are friends to US and Russia
We are friends to France and England

We don't need to fight with anyone and that does not mean India can sacrifice its strategic interests as well. She will do anything to protect herself when need arises. Who said only India gained from Israel even Israel gained technologies from India. Good example, Their satellites are launched by India and the gain is mutual in many other areas.:tup:

And one last question, why dont you allow friendly Pakistanis getting trained and crossing into Xinjiang! :pakistan::china:
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