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Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

I would advise not making the same mistake Saddam made with Kuwait. It didn't work out to well for him and it won't for Iran as well. Bahrain is an legitimately recognized U.N. country. Any attempt to take it back will fail.

Also you never responded to Khomeini's statement about exporting Iran's revolution to the whole world.

thank you for your point about UN recognized country. as so Persian Gulf is UN recognized name too, I hope you will use the name which is recognized with UN, if you are honest about what you say in all your future pots and comments

i already answered your question about revolution export in former posts
Really you are ignorant and don't know what you are talking about,,what western help and what month you talk about egypt is the biggest non petrolium economy in the middle east or may be second to turkey ,,after loosing your oil we will see the persian empire :))

The jammraan is a frigate its real name is Alvand class frigate see here


since 1977 and iran is kidding making it in 2010 :)) poor shi3a :))

I would be really happy if Egypt economy is going well. because Egypt is not only Mobarack and its security system, this improvement will help Egyptian in life so that is good
but i checked world banck report does not prove what you said. also biggest non petroleum economy does not mean you are manufacturer. maybe your tourism industry is good. i will Egypt economy goes well
Turkey is the strongest and biggest in ME.
In all terms.
And egypt isn't that big.
They should go for big modernization like turkey in 90's.
Why are you letting this fake(?) eqyptian rattle you up?!! Even if he's a real egyptian, he is not representative. Egypt is like Japan in that it doesn't have full freedom to improve its people's lives, so please understand. Egypt is ruled by a dictator who is under immense pressure by the zionists-europeans-americans. But he is 81 and his health is failing.

Egypt is in a very similar position as Iran, in fact also identical. Think about this: They have comparable population, land, media, military, etc. Even they both have challenges of "modernizations" VS "tradition". There a movements for more liberty in expression (clothing, food, technology), as well as a strong counter movement to 'preserve' native culture.

Egypt & Iran are friendly nations. Both despise the zionists and hypocritical "west". :cheers:

i agree people of Egypt are not same as their politicians.and generally one person is not representing his country, but when he defend Sadat at least we can say he is supporting Camp David.
I hope egyption live in peace and prosperity. but if any of them claim on Persian Gulf name Iranian consider them as enemy and attacker to Iran territory.
Do you know the oldest fossils, human habitation, etc are found in Asia, and in particular China???

when we talk about civilization it does not mean fossiles or where had the first human been. it mean the group of people who could make a society and community to live together and create knowledge and technology.also i do believe what has happened in everybody mother land nothing honor or shame for us.
finally i am not a historian but what i read from text prove so far recorded civilization in Iran (not only land of life) is back to 7000 years ago by discovery of " Burned city" . and what Chinese right in there text as their civilization is back to 5000 years ago( i learned this in a Chinese university).
i do believe we should not ignore any even new nation even with 200 years history while i do believe china has a great history.
To seek the spread of Islam is one thing. but to seek it's spread by Iranian style revolution is another. That is what it appears he is saying.

Let me ask you this. Has Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ever called for the overthrow of the Saudi Monarchy? Has he ever threatened to break the teeth of Pakistan? Has he ever called for the overthrow of the Egyptian Government and the establishment of an Iranian style theocracy?

never. before revolution Shah was anti arabs and pro Israeil and US for sure, but after revolution Khomeni changed public mind in Iran for better relation with arabs ( not Sadat and Saudi's king). but arabs leaders did not want their people learn from Iranian so they started Iran phobia project.
if what you say is true (you have the biggest navy in ME)bro, i am sorry to say why you lost to Israeli? is not for that your leaders and soldiers are not brave enough to fight with your side-door enemy?

Egyptian soldiers are the best not my talk but its belng's to prophet muhammed's صلي الله عليه وسلم when he said اذا فتح الله عليكم مصر فاتخذوا منها جندا كثيفا فذلك الجند خير اجناد الارض. صلي الله عليه وسلم

What happened in last war was lessons and we have understood it ,,don't you know how a small rocket boat saked the israeli eilat go and read,,,don't you know how egyptian commandos destroyed the bet shefaa &bet yaam and the militry pave go and read son and come back to talk,,,,israeli leaders said so that egyptian navy are double than israeili
This speech was about it. To spread the idea of revolution.

Dear Thomas, what you are saying about Khomeini:
- i never heard directly from him what you said about Saudi. If any source , it would be welcomed. Saudi is not an exemple of democracy any way. Guess you agree with it?
- Pakistan .. that's our history between our two countries. Many times some people in my country were thinking Pakistan was doing bad actions against our country. But it improving. And i hope we smartly be friends more and more. We have to otherwise we will remain weak.

It is something very different that saying words when you are upset and having a speech like the one you said about .. about spreading the revolution idea

Saudi Arabia Enters the Twenty-first ... - Google Books
Egyptian soldiers are the best not my talk but its belng's to prophet muhammed's صلي الله عليه وسلم when he said اذا فتح الله عليكم مصر فاتخذوا منها جندا كثيفا فذلك الجند خير اجناد الارض. صلي الله عليه وسلم

What happened in last war was lessons and we have understood it ,,don't you know how a small rocket boat saked the israeli eilat go and read,,,don't you know how egyptian commandos destroyed the bet shefaa &bet yaam and the militry pave go and read son and come back to talk,,,,israeli leaders said so that egyptian navy are double than israeili

i wish i could accept what you say. but what was the final result? we dont care about ant small battle there. the final was you along other 3 arab forces lost the Israeil. and thanks to Allah that Hizbollah a small militia( not even one Vlasic army won in war with Zionist regime
Then you flunk. People don't do "genetic research" on bones. Are you aware most tests done of DNA sequencing is done using enzymes that chop up the dna and then the pieces are separated. To do actual DNA sequencing is a much LONGER process, and most studies take short cuts -- for example, using Mitochondria only. The newest machines are developed in China with the fastest and most accurate combination. Before this sequencing the ENTIRE DNA of a single individual took weeks (using the then fastest machine). If you are representative of the standard of education in Iran, then it is sad.

You Iranians are making fools of yourselves. I didn't want to bring up it before, but you need to wake up from your propaganda.

Do you know the oldest fossils, human habitation, etc are found in Asia, and in particular China???

When I saw Iran, I could help but laugh. Dude, wake up man! Your great Persian "empire" was nothing more than a few hundred men on horses, and the rest of them barefoot. There was no "great" Persian empire. It is comparable to Afghans today.

Are you aware of the great civilization is SE Asia??? It makes the Roman "empire" look pathetic! I kid you not kiddo.


But getting back to topic, I do understand how you feel betrayed by Egypt and the Arabs. But keep in mind that Egypt only "signed" the papers to support Iraq against Iran through coercion and because of a few dictators. That did not represent the people of Egypt. Keep in mind USA was very powerful back then, and with the recent fall of USSR (and before the emergence of China).... not many countries dare challenge the USA. If the same thing happened today, we'll see much less than 53 countries giving their "support".

As you can see, although Iran is a significant player on the world stage, it is till a small tiny little fry. Yes, you will attempt to justify the lies and propaganda that has been instilled upon you since birth --- but it won't change reality.

To be filled with delusion and stupidity is not a good thing. Once you realize how small and weak you are compared to your neighbors, you'll become better off.

The iranian members are deluding themselves with iran's power to a certain extent,but some of the facts are right.

The mesopotamian civilization is called the cradle of civilization,ie in modern day iraq-iran.
The first known empire was that of the assyrians.same geographical area.
The persian empire was hardle a few men on horses.The sassanid persians were a powerful empire,that they kept the romans at bay.
The chinese empire was a great civilization but the roman empire is widely recognized as the GREATEST empire in human history.I know ur from china but facts are facts.i am from india and could easily have claimed indus valley civ to be earliest ,but mesopotamian civ is historically regarded the first.
Unfortunately iranians delude their current situation with glories of their ancestors.
Thank u.
The iranian members are deluding themselves with iran's power to a certain extent,but some of the facts are right.

The mesopotamian civilization is called the cradle of civilization,ie in modern day iraq-iran.
The first known empire was that of the assyrians.same geographical area.
The persian empire was hardle a few men on horses.The sassanid persians were a powerful empire,that they kept the romans at bay.
The chinese empire was a great civilization but the roman empire is widely recognized as the GREATEST empire in human history.I know ur from china but facts are facts.i am from india and could easily have claimed indus valley civ to be earliest ,but mesopotamian civ is historically regarded the first.
Unfortunately iranians delude their current situation with glories of their ancestors.
Thank u.
we didn't just keep Romans @ bay, we killed 2 roman Emperors and captured one ALIVE!!!
Persians were the only people in history to capture a roman emperor alive. You guys can check it out.
Winners write history and unfortunately everything we know today is from the libraries of ancient Greeks. Every library in Persia was burned by Alexander and later by the muslim arabs. Also, b/c of the bad publicity we get today, it is very easy to make a case against us but in the end we know our own history and that's what matters.
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