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Israeli Air Force chief: We are ready to deal with Iran


Apr 2, 2008
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Israeli Air Force chief: We are ready to deal with Iran

We are ready to do whatever is demanded of us" in order to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, IAF commander Maj. -Gen. Ido Nehushtan told German magazine Der Spiegel in an interview published Tuesday.

Nehushtan told the magazine that whether a military strike is eventually decided upon is a political question and not an issue of Israel's military capabilities.

A strike against Iran's nuclear facilities "is a political decision," the IAF commander said, "but if I understand it correctly, all options are on the table… The Air Force is a very robust and flexible force. We are ready to do whatever is demanded of us."

When asked by the paper whether the Israeli military was able to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities, which are spread around the country and partly located underground, Nehushtan said, "Please understand that I do not want to get into details. I can only say this: It is not a technical or logistical question."

Nehushtan said the cutting edge capabilities of the IDF in the region were not only a derivative of the advanced technologies it uses.

"Modern technology is one thing, but the biggest advantage we have is our soldiers and officers. Israel is a small country. We neither have a big population nor natural resources. Our biggest asset is our human resources. And it is the Air Force that makes best use of it," he said.

Nehushtan then addressed the new reality in Lebanon since the integration of Hizbullah into the government in Beirut several months ago.

"Hizbullah has been part of the Lebanese government since this spring. It is not a fringe terror organization - it is supported by the state. Militarily, Hizbullah is stronger than the regular Lebanese army. If they attack us, we might react differently [to how we did in the 2006 Second Lebanon War]," he said.

Asked about deploying missile defense systems to protect Israelis from the Kassam rockets and mortar shells fired from Gaza, as well as the Iranian threat of ballistic missiles, the IAF commander described Israel's huge investments in missile defense as an "insurance policy."

"Each type of rocket requires a different defense system. Up until today, only the Arrow System, is functioning. It can intercept ballistic missiles. In order to defend ourselves against the short-range rockets of Hamas and Hizbullah, we are building the Iron Dome system. In response to the threat of medium-range rockets, we are developing a system called David's Sling. This is all very expensive. It is like an insurance policy: You pay a lot, even if nothing happens. But if something then does happen, then you are satisfied with the investment," he explained.
The Israeli air force is very potent. Aside from being very technologically advanced, they also have excellent pilots, best by far in the middle east. Only the best are chosen to be fighter pilots. Just check their recruitment policy

Pilot Selection and Training

The selection process for IAF pilots can be traced to Ezer Weizman, widely considered the architect of the modern Israeli Air Force, and his aim of recruiting only "the best for pilots." His reasoning was that the skill and bravery of the ground forces would be for naught if they could be attacked at will from the air. As a result, only those thought to possess the innate ability to succeed as Israeli pilots are even invited to begin the training process, and only the most qualified succeed in completing what is seen by many as the world's most demanding military selection course.

Consequently, potential Israeli pilots are identified prior to reporting for national service at age 18, based on factors such as high grades in school and top scores on standardized tests, excellent physical condition and high technical aptitude. Those who meet these and other criteria are invited to participate in a six-day gibush (cohesion), a selection phase involving physical, mental, and sociometric challenges. Recruits are screened not only for their ability to perform the tasks assigned, but for their attitude in performing them —such as how they take hardships and unexpected difficulties, how well they work in groups and how they approach problem solving and disaster management situations. As many as 90 percent of those who commence the gibush will be dropped from further consideration at its conclusion. (The physical demands of the gibush have been lessened recently, following the death of a participant in 2006.)

Those who pass the gibush embark on a three-year journey to earn their wings, which includes extensive flight training, infantry training, officer's course, and studies towards an academic degree (a B.A. or B.Sc.). The prospective pilots are evaluated constantly, and the vast majority of those who begin flight training do not make it through the full program. Those expelled from the course will either remain in the air force in a non-flying capacity, or transfer to an army unit; this is dependent to a large degree on the stage at which they leave the course.

While in flying school, future pilots are sorted and assigned to train on different types of aircraft. Few become fighter pilots (considered by some to be the most desirable assignment), while the remainder learn to fly helicopters, transport aircraft, or train as navigators.

The pilot course was opened to women in 1995, though the first female pilot did not receive her wings until 2001 (Several female navigators graduated earlier.) While Israeli Arabs may volunteer to serve in the IDF, it is unclear whether they can seek air force training. In 2006, an Israeli Arab applied to be considered for the pilot program, but was not accepted.

Israeli Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ok Did they announce they were going to attack Iraq (Israelis that is)NOPE did they announce they were going to attack Syria recently NOPE.so the old saying that dogs that bark do not bite comes to mind.
Just domestic politicking. Israel doesn't have overflight access in Iraq w/o US approval and if they did something stupid before Obama takes office it would not be received well with the new wizards in foggy bottom.
ok Did they announce they were going to attack Iraq (Israelis that is)NOPE did they announce they were going to attack Syria recently NOPE.so the old saying that dogs that bark do not bite comes to mind.

The Israeli's flew into Syria and bombed a shed and then flew back for dinner with no resistance. Was that a bark or a bite?.
That would be a bite obviously. But Iran's case appears to be different.
why dont Pakistan Gives Nuclear Weapon to IRAN rather than technology :D

Like USA Gives Nuclear Weapon to Israel :D
why dont Pakistan Gives Nuclear Weapon to IRAN rather than technology :D

Like USA Gives Nuclear Weapon to Israel :D
Why in the hell should we get into Middle East mess?Look, theres no Muslim Ummah.You want Pakistan to be bombed along with Iran?US can do it because they're powerful; we're not.Plus Iranis have not helped us anyway.They're not Pro-Pakistani.
why dont Pakistan Gives Nuclear Weapon to IRAN rather than technology :D

Like USA Gives Nuclear Weapon to Israel :D

My dear, historically Iran has be aligned with indian and they have given lot of bussiness and job opportunities to indians. If you go to Iran u will find indians working in all resturants and factories.
iranian rulers had not been fair with Pakistan.
They were negotiating covertly with AQK, and middle men were indians working out of Dubai and that's how india suceeded in its nuclear programme and thus detonated its device in 1998.
Imagine the middle men got the technology free while Iran kept paying for the expenses of the dealing.

However every thing is possible but iran have to show same compassion about Pakistanis as you and me have for iran and iranians.
My dear, historically Iran has be aligned with indian and they have given lot of bussiness and job opportunities to indians. If you go to Iran u will find indians working in all resturants and factories.
iranian rulers had not been fair with Pakistan.
They were negotiating covertly with AQK, and middle men were indians working out of Dubai and that's how india suceeded in its nuclear programme and thus detonated its device in 1998.
Imagine the middle men got the technology free while Iran kept paying for the expenses of the dealing.

However every thing is possible but iran have to show same compassion about Pakistanis as you and me have for iran and iranians.

:rofl:. Nicely concocted story you got there. :rofl:
:rofl:. Nicely concocted story you got there. :rofl:

Off course you will never believe any such facts which may hurt ur national pride.
Isn't is this wonder that india failed to suceed indegenously in much simpler technologcal defence products but suceeded in making atom bomb just about the time when AQK was running its network with the help of indians in Dubai.
It is no secret that AQK was selling blue prints of whole nuclear plant incl. sophisticated machines.
Only states who already have infrstructure can be benifitted from such know how.
We all know Israili connection with india and US and later those blue prints were found in possesion of CIA.
Those only poped up in 2001 immediately after 9/11 and when indians were just about done with manufacturing and testing in 1998.

How can we ignore such circumstances? and BTW, the person who have been called to white house was our CoA and he also reached to same conclusion that indian nuclear programme is benifitted from the same blue prints.
why dont Pakistan Gives Nuclear Weapon to IRAN rather than technology :D

Like USA Gives Nuclear Weapon to Israel :D

Nuclear Weapon is not like a gun that you give to someone and the person AIMS and SHOOTS. They must have the technology, the launch facilities and programs.

Also, do you even know what you are talking about? Nuclear Weapon is not something you give to others, which one day could be used against you.
Off course you will never believe any such facts which may hurt ur national pride.
Isn't is this wonder that india failed to suceed indegenously in much simpler technologcal defence products but suceeded in making atom bomb just about the time when AQK was running its network with the help of indians in Dubai.
It is no secret that AQK was selling blue prints of whole nuclear plant incl. sophisticated machines.
Only states who already have infrstructure can be benifitted from such know how.
We all know Israili connection with india and US and later those blue prints were found in possesion of CIA.
Those only poped up in 2001 immediately after 9/11 and when indians were just about done with manufacturing and testing in 1998.

How can we ignore such circumstances? and BTW, the person who have been called to white house was our CoA and he also reached to same conclusion that indian nuclear programme is benifitted from the same blue prints.

Do you even know when did India first tested the Nuclear bomb. It is is 1974. So, please keep your concocted story to yourself.
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