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Featured Israel would oppose any possible F-35 sale to UAE: Netanyahu


May 24, 2017
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Israel would oppose any US F-35 warplane sales to the UAE despite Forging relations with the Gulf Power, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday, citing a need to maintain Israeli military superiority in the region.


US to sell F-35 jets to UAE as part of Israel deal
A senior Israeli source has told "Globes" that the US will sell the fighter aircraft to the UAE despite Israel's opposition.

The sale of advanced US and Israeli defense technology to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an important part of the Israel-UAE peace deal which has been hammered out. The icing on the cake for the UAE would be if it can acquire Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jets, which the US only sells to a few carefully selected allies including Israel. The US recently cancelled a deal to sell F-35s to Turkey.

A senior Israeli defense source has confirmed that the US will sell F-35s to the UAE and say that such a sale would benefit Israel. The F-35 would be in the hands of a friendly state with identical interests and in close proximity to Iran. The source would not confirm whether Israel has actually agreed to this dramatic development, although officially Israel remains opposed. In 1995, the then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin acceded to US President Bill Clinton's request to sell F-16 fighter jets - at that time the most advanced combat aircraft available - to the UAE.

Interviewed by US National Public Radio US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that the move by the UAE to becoming a regional ally of the US, which change the threat assessment about it and help in all matters regarding future weapons deals. He hinted that Israel's position on the matter was of major importance.

An additional dimension on the issue is the US desire to push out the Russians and Chinese as arms seller in the Persian Gulf. The UAE has for some time made its procurement needs known but Washington has hesitated on advanced weaponry like the F-35 because of Israel's position. Russia has tried to fill the vacuum and has been offering its own fighter jets.

UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is himself a combat helicopter pilot who was trained by Britain's Royal Air Force and he is determined to strengthen the UAE's armed forces, especially the air force. This may well be a major reason why the UAE is eager to sign a peace agreement with Israel. Such an agreement would allow open cooperation between the UAE and Israel's defense industries, which would be able to significantly upgrade the UAE armed forces, as well as paving the way for them to buy the most advanced US and European weapons systems.

Israel's Prime Minister's Office insists that Israel has not agreed to the sale of F-35s to the UAE. "The historic peace agreement between Israel and the UAE does not include any agreement by Israel to any arms deals between the US and UAE. From the outset, the prime minister has opposed the sale of F-35s and other advanced weapons systems to countries in the Middle East, including Arab states that make peace with Israel."

The prime minister has expressed a consistent opinion on this time after time to the US administration and it hasn't changed. This consistent opposition to the sale of F-35 jets was voiced again on June 2 when the head of the National Security Council, spoke at the behest of the prime minister with the Israel Air Force commander Amikam Norkin."

"On July 7 the prime minister spoke with US Ambassador Friedman, and the prime minister explicitly expressed his opposition to the sale of F-35 aircraft and any other advanced weapons systems in the Middle East including as part of peace agreements. On July 8, the prime minister sent a letter to Secretary of State Pompeo through Ambassador Friedman clarifying Israel's position even following obtaining a peace agreement. Defense Minister Gantz was updated on this on July 29."

"On August 3, at the instructions of the prime minister, the Israeli Ambassador in Washington Ron Dermer met with Secretary of State Pompeo and repeated Israel's explicit opposition to the sale of F-35 and advanced weapons systems to any state in the Middle East. The peace agreement with the UAE does not include any clause on this, and the US made it clear to Israel that it will always strive to maintain Israel's qualitative edge."

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Lol... Not so smart Zionist-Arabs...

Netanyahu: I Opposed F-35 Sale to UAE; Deal Doesn't Include It

Netanyahu statement comes after Israeli officials told Haaretz that they are concerned that PM agreed to F-35 sale to UAE as part of normalization deal


Noa Landau
Published at 03:43

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next to a F-35 fighter jet just after it arrived in Israel from the U.S.Credit: Kobi Gidon / GPO

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that the agreement to normalize relations with the United Arab Emirates does not include an Israeli agreement for weapons sales between the UAE and the United States.

“The peace agreement with the UAE does not include any clauses on the matter, and the United States clarified to Israel that it will always safeguard Israel’s qualitative edge.”

According to the Prime Minister’s Office, Netanyahu “has opposed the sale of F-35 jets and other advanced weapons of any sort in the Middle East, including Arab states that make peace with the State of Israel.” He added that he has expressed this position in past months to U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Even after bestowing medal to a known fascist, building mandir to appease Hindutva terrorists and recognising Israel won't make you equal to them. In their eyes you will always be a Muslim even if you become their prostitute. Its high time Emiratis realise this fact that only Muslims got eachother back and no one else.
US to sell F-35 jets to UAE as part of Israel deal
A senior Israeli source has told "Globes" that the US will sell the fighter aircraft to the UAE despite Israel's opposition.

The sale of advanced US and Israeli defense technology to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an important part of the Israel-UAE peace deal which has been hammered out. The icing on the cake for the UAE would be if it can acquire Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth jets, which the US only sells to a few carefully selected allies including Israel. The US recently cancelled a deal to sell F-35s to Turkey.

A senior Israeli defense source has confirmed that the US will sell F-35s to the UAE and say that such a sale would benefit Israel. The F-35 would be in the hands of a friendly state with identical interests and in close proximity to Iran. The source would not confirm whether Israel has actually agreed to this dramatic development, although officially Israel remains opposed. In 1995, the then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin acceded to US President Bill Clinton's request to sell F-16 fighter jets - at that time the most advanced combat aircraft available - to the UAE.

Interviewed by US National Public Radio US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said that the move by the UAE to becoming a regional ally of the US, which change the threat assessment about it and help in all matters regarding future weapons deals. He hinted that Israel's position on the matter was of major importance.

An additional dimension on the issue is the US desire to push out the Russians and Chinese as arms seller in the Persian Gulf. The UAE has for some time made its procurement needs known but Washington has hesitated on advanced weaponry like the F-35 because of Israel's position. Russia has tried to fill the vacuum and has been offering its own fighter jets.

UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is himself a combat helicopter pilot who was trained by Britain's Royal Air Force and he is determined to strengthen the UAE's armed forces, especially the air force. This may well be a major reason why the UAE is eager to sign a peace agreement with Israel. Such an agreement would allow open cooperation between the UAE and Israel's defense industries, which would be able to significantly upgrade the UAE armed forces, as well as paving the way for them to buy the most advanced US and European weapons systems.

Israel's Prime Minister's Office insists that Israel has not agreed to the sale of F-35s to the UAE. "The historic peace agreement between Israel and the UAE does not include any agreement by Israel to any arms deals between the US and UAE. From the outset, the prime minister has opposed the sale of F-35s and other advanced weapons systems to countries in the Middle East, including Arab states that make peace with Israel."

The prime minister has expressed a consistent opinion on this time after time to the US administration and it hasn't changed. This consistent opposition to the sale of F-35 jets was voiced again on June 2 when the head of the National Security Council, spoke at the behest of the prime minister with the Israel Air Force commander Amikam Norkin."

"On July 7 the prime minister spoke with US Ambassador Friedman, and the prime minister explicitly expressed his opposition to the sale of F-35 aircraft and any other advanced weapons systems in the Middle East including as part of peace agreements. On July 8, the prime minister sent a letter to Secretary of State Pompeo through Ambassador Friedman clarifying Israel's position even following obtaining a peace agreement. Defense Minister Gantz was updated on this on July 29."

"On August 3, at the instructions of the prime minister, the Israeli Ambassador in Washington Ron Dermer met with Secretary of State Pompeo and repeated Israel's explicit opposition to the sale of F-35 and advanced weapons systems to any state in the Middle East. The peace agreement with the UAE does not include any clause on this, and the US made it clear to Israel that it will always strive to maintain Israel's qualitative edge."

A U.S. Sale Of F-35 Stealth Fighters To The UAE Could Be A Middle East Game Changer


The U.S. may sell F-35 stealth fighters to the United Arab Emirates, according to Israeli media.

If true, it would be Washington’s reward to the UAE for that Persian Gulf nation’s recent decision to normalize relations with Israel.

“U.S. President Donald Trump's administration is set to sell F-35 fighter jets and advanced drones to the UAE in a secret clause that was part of the agreement to establish diplomatic ties between Israel and the Gulf nation,” says Israel’s Ynet news site, citing anonymous U.S. and Emirati sources.

“The clause lifts long-standing Israeli opposition to the sale of the strategic weapons systems to other countries in the region,” it says.

Within hours after the initial news report, the Israeli government denounced the report as “fake news.”

"The peace agreement with the UAE does not include any clause of this kind, and the U.S. has made clear to Israel that it will always ensure that Israel has the qualitative advantage," said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

Since the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, U.S. policy has been that Israel must always have better weapons than its enemies and neighbors, including U.S. allies that use American arms. While there has been occasional friction – such as the Reagan administration’s 1981 decision to sell AWACS radar aircraft to Saudi Arabia despite Israel’s opposition – that policy has mostly held true. Egypt and Jordan, for example, signed peace treaties with Israel: in return, they got American arms such as F-16 fighters and M-1 tanks, but not the most advanced models.

So would the U.S. sell its cutting-edge stealth fighter to an Arab nation that was an enemy – though never a particularly enthusiastic one – of Israel? First, the most important certainty in the Middle East right now is that there are no certainties. Just 10 years ago, could anyone have imagined that Syria would disintegrate, and that Iranian and Russian troops would be on the Golan Heights? Or that the Sunni Arab world would make friends with Israel as a defense against Shia Iran?

In a world turned upside down, it would be no surprise if the Trump administration had secretly agreed to sell F-35s to the UAE as an incentive for a peace deal. Nor would it be surprising if Israel, despite the obligatory public protests, ultimately accepted the F-35 sale.

Israel wants to make friends – or at least non-enemies – in the Arab world. Persian Gulf states like the UAE are small in size, sparse in population and dwarfed by the neighborhood hegemon Iran. They want to take advantage of Israeli technological prowess – and perhaps a discreet Israeli military umbrella against Iranian aggression. The players in this deal have an incentive to make it work.

But as always in the Middle East, the devil is in the details. For example, the F-35 has so far only been offered to the U.S. and its NATO partners, as well as close U.S. allies like Israel, Japan and South Korea. In fact, Israel was given special permission to customize its F-35 Adir variant with features like extra fuel tanks and Israeli-designed software.

How advanced would the UAE’s F-35s be? In Israeli eyes, today’s Arab friend could be tomorrow’s enemy. There is no way that Israel will acquiesce to UAE F-35s without technological restrictions.

Also, if the UAE can get stealth fighters in return for making peace with Israel, then what about the other Arab states? There are reports that Bahrain and Oman may normalize relations with Israel, and even a remote chance that Saudi Arabia – which has already asked for the F-35 — may do the same. How many Middle Eastern nations will receive advanced arms as a reward for a peace deal?

There is also the question of Iran’s response. Iran is already nervous at the prospect of arch-enemy Israel dispatching stealth jets to destroy its nuclear sites. But Israel is a thousand miles away. Tehran will not be happy about Gulf State F-35s on its borders.

One can also ask whether the Middle East needs yet more advanced weapons. However, if a few stealth jets are the price of turning enemies into friends, it may be a good trade.

If this doesnt show those of you who want to run and kiss Zionist jewish butt that they will just kick your a55 then I dont know what will

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