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Israel will attack Iran in the next few months


Mar 18, 2006
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\05\09\story_9-5-2006_pg1_3
Israel will hit Iran in the next few months: Israeli official
By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear facilities in the next “month or two or three,” an Israeli official has been quoted here as saying.

The unnamed official told Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor-in-chief of the United Press International (UPI), at the recently held national day reception at the Israeli Embassy that he believed Israel would strike Iran first in the next two or three months and that fighter bombers would not be involved as they had been to take out Iraq’s Osirak nuclear reactor before it went critical in 1981. For Osirak, Israel had used 14 F-15s and F-16s. This time, the Israeli said, it would be missiles. Asked if Israel would employ Cruise missiles, he replied, “with a gesture of his hand that went up and down again”, which meant that it would be the weapon of choice.

Asked if tunnel entrances to widely scattered Iranian nuclear facilities would be targeted, he responded that Israel had its own geo-stationary spy-in-the-sky satellite taking constant pictures of Iran with a resolution down to 70 centimetres. “We know far more than anyone realises,” he added.

De Borchgrave’s report quoted a poll of conservative Republicans by a conservative web-based news service, which showed overwhelmingly strong support for bombing Iran. Almost 60,000 people took part in the poll and 88 percent agreed that Iran poses a greater threat than Saddam Hussein did before the Iraq War. To the question, “Should the US undertake military action against Iran to stop their (nuclear) programme?” 77 percent replied yes, 23 percent said no. Forty-five percent said that military action should be taken by the United States, while 35 percent wanted Israel to do that. Twenty percent said neither. As for whether US efforts to contain Iran’s nuclear weapons are working, 93 percent said they were not, while 89 percent said the US should not rely solely on the UN.

According to de Borchgrave, “Israel has developed some 100 Jericho-II medium-range ballistic missiles (which entered service in 1989). Jericho II’s range varies from 1,500 to 3,500 kilometres, depending on payload weight. They are deployed in underground caves and silos. Israel has several satellites in orbit - Ofeq-1 through Ofeq-5 - that were launched by Shavit space launch vehicles (SLV). The first two stages of the Shavit were Jericho II missiles. There are unconfirmed reports of an upgraded Jericho-3 missile with a range of over 3,000 kilometres.
Since the writing of this article in dec 2005....it seems now that Israel is not going to use its Dolphin based Cruise Missiles to take out Iran's strategic installations.


Israel readies forces for strike on nuclear Iran

Uzi Mahnaimi, Tel Aviv, and Sarah Baxter, Washington
ISRAEL’S armed forces have been ordered by Ariel Sharon, the prime minister, to be ready by the end of March for possible strikes on secret uranium enrichment sites in Iran, military sources have revealed.
The order came after Israeli intelligence warned the government that Iran was operating enrichment facilities, believed to be small and concealed in civilian locations.
NI_MPU('middle');Iran’s stand-off with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) over nuclear inspections and aggressive rhetoric from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, who said last week that Israel should be moved to Europe, are causing mounting concern.
The crisis is set to come to a head in early March, when Mohamed El-Baradei, the head of the IAEA, will present his next report on Iran. El-Baradei, who received the Nobel peace prize yesterday, warned that the world was “losing patience” with Iran.
A senior White House source said the threat of a nuclear Iran was moving to the top of the international agenda and the issue now was: “What next?” That question would have to be answered in the next few months, he said.
Defence sources in Israel believe the end of March to be the “point of no return” after which Iran will have the technical expertise to enrich uranium in sufficient quantities to build a nuclear warhead in two to four years.
“Israel — and not only Israel — cannot accept a nuclear Iran,” Sharon warned recently. “We have the ability to deal with this and we’re making all the necessary preparations to be ready for such a situation.”
The order to prepare for a possible attack went through the Israeli defence ministry to the chief of staff. Sources inside special forces command confirmed that “G” readiness — the highest stage — for an operation was announced last week.
Gholamreza Aghazadeah, head of the Atomic Organisation of Iran, warned yesterday that his country would produce nuclear fuel. “There is no doubt that we have to carry out uranium enrichment,” he said.
He promised it would not be done during forthcoming talks with European negotiators. But although Iran insists it wants only nuclear energy, Israeli intelligence has concluded it is deceiving the world and has no intention of giving up what it believes is its right to develop nuclear weapons.
A “massive” Israeli intelligence operation has been underway since Iran was designated the “top priority for 2005”, according to security sources.
Cross-border operations and signal intelligence from a base established by the Israelis in northern Iraq are said to have identified a number of Iranian uranium enrichment sites unknown to the the IAEA.
Since Israel destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq in 1981, “it has been understood that the lesson is, don’t have one site, have 50 sites”, a White House source said.
If a military operation is approved, Israel will use air and ground forces against several nuclear targets in the hope of stalling Tehran’s nuclear programme for years, according to Israeli military sources. It is believed Israel would call on its top special forces brigade, Unit 262 — the equivalent of the SAS — and the F-15I strategic 69 Squadron, which can strike Iran and return to Israel without refuelling.

“If we opt for the military strike,” said a source, “it must be not less than 100% successful. It will resemble the destruction of the Egyptian air force in three hours in June 1967.”
Aharon Zeevi Farkash, the Israeli military intelligence chief, stepped up the pressure on Iran this month when he warned Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, that “if by the end of March the international community is unable to refer the Iranian issue to the United Nations security council, then we can say the international effort has run its course”.
NI_MPU('middle');The March deadline set for military readiness also stems from fears that Iran is improving its own intelligence-gathering capability. In October it launched its first satellite, the Sinah-1, which was carried by a Russian space launcher.
“The Iranians’ space programme is a matter of deep concern to us,” said an Israeli defence source. “If and when we launch an attack on several Iranian targets, the last thing we need is Iranian early warning received by satellite.”
Russia last week signed an estimated $1 billion contract — its largest since 2000 — to sell Iran advanced Tor-M1 systems capable of destroying guided missiles and laser-guided bombs from aircraft.
“Once the Iranians get the Tor-M1, it will make our life much more difficult,” said an Israeli air force source. “The installation of this system can be relatively quick and we can’t waste time on this one.”
The date set for possible Israeli strikes on Iran also coincides with Israel’s general election on March 28, prompting speculation that Sharon may be sabre-rattling for votes. Benjamin Netanyahu, the frontrunner to lead Likud into the elections, said that if Sharon did not act against Iran, “then when I form the new Israeli government, we’ll do what we did in the past against Saddam’s reactor, which gave us 20 years of tranquillity”.

P.S. educated replies will be welcomed, no dumb one- liners please.
Israel Seen As Worlds Sixth Nuclear Power

File photo: The Israeli flag flies confidently in front of an Arrow Missile.
by Staff Writers
London (AFP) May 10, 2006
Israel, which Tuesday warned Iran against any future attack, is regarded as the sixth country in the world to acquire nuclear weapons -- a title its government has never confirmed or denied. Despite its ambiguous position, the Jewish state is widely regarded as owning at least 200 atomic warheads, making it the only nuclear power in the Middle East.
British defence specialist Jane's puts the figure at "between 200 and 300".
This estimate "is based on the production capacity of the country's reactors," said John Eldridge, editor in chief of Jane's Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Defence.
The International Institute of Strategic Studies, for its part, estimates the number of warheads as being "up to 200".
The Nuclear Threat Initiative, a US advocacy group co-created by Ted Turner, the founder of CNN and a former senator, believes Israel's nuclear arsenal "is comparable in quality and quantity to that of France and the United Kingdom."
An unknown number of ground-to-ground missiles, comprising short range Jericho 1 and medium range Jericho 2 missiles, forms Israel's strategic force.
The country also acquired three diesel-powered, Dolphin-class submarines -- a non-nuclear variety -- at the end of the 1990s. Each vessel has the capacity to launch six torpedoes. They can also spend up to a month underwater.
"There is no evidence that their weapons are anything other than conventional, but the nuclear option has been considered since 2003," Eldridge told AFP.
In a hardening attitude towards Tehran, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres warned Tuesday Iran risks its own destruction if it tries to destroy Israel.
Peres, a former Nobel peace prize winner, fired a warning shot across the bows of hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by saying his call for Israel to be wiped off the map would not go unanswered if it was translated into action.
Source: Agence France-Presse
The only way for Israel to exist was the have nuclear weapons, otherwise by now, Isreal would have been in control by the Arabs.

If Pakistan had the oil, and Isreal was its enemy sitting near, it would have been conquered long time ago.
Zeeshan S. said:
The only way for Israel to exist was the have nuclear weapons, otherwise by now, Isreal would have been in control by the Arabs.

If Pakistan had the oil, and Isreal was its enemy sitting near, it would have been conquered long time ago.

Even if Pakistan has oil and Israel was sitting next door, one must not forget the US is "sitting" with Israel.

Right now, if I am not mistaken, even though there is no major quibble with the Talebans per se, yet Musharraf is working hard to implement the US "War on Terror". In the bargain, like it or not, the US airforce seems to "inadvertently" violate Paksitani airspace and hit at targets of their choosing in South Wazaristhan.

Of course, the usual noise is made about condemning such action, but nothing more. Not even one PAF fighter gets airborne to challenge such intrusions. Obviously, there is a tacit understanding for reasons best known to the Pakistani and the US leaders.

Therefore, one has to look at the issues that develop pragmatically and not as a reaction to one's heart's dictates.
Salim said:
Of course, the usual noise is made about condemning such action, but nothing more. Not even one PAF fighter gets airborne to challenge such intrusions. Obviously, there is a tacit understanding for reasons best known to the Pakistani and the US leaders.

They cant man, and every one knows why, thats not INDIA that they can challenge. The only best thing pakistan can do to make those (note that in red)>>pakistani people move out from those areas to some safe place away from border, but again that will cost a lot of money$$$, so thats why the situation is quite complicated **** Govnt.

ISRAEL itself wont attack on IRAN, they will use US for that purpose. And i cant bet this....
melb4aust said:
They cant man, and every one knows why, thats not INDIA that they can challenge. The only best thing pakistan can do to make those (note that in red)>>pakistani people move out from those areas to some safe place away from border, but again that will cost a lot of money$$$, so thats why the situation is quite complicated **** Govnt.

ISRAEL itself wont attack on IRAN, they will use US for that purpose. And i cant bet this....
IF such a scenario were to take place, it would be much easier for the US politically if Israel initiated the strikes, then the US could portray itself as coming to the aid of Israel rather than as the primary aggressor.
In all likelyhood Iran would strike at both Israeli AND US assets if they were attacked, giving the US the perfect justification.
If you don't believe that Israel will perform a first-strike, just remember the Osirak reactor.
parihaka said:
IF such a scenario were to take place, it would be much easier for the US politically if Israel initiated the strikes, then the US could portray itself as coming to the aid of Israel rather than as the primary aggressor.
In all likelyhood Iran would strike at both Israeli AND US assets if they were attacked, giving the US the perfect justification.
If you don't believe that Israel will perform a first-strike, just remember the Osirak reactor.

Man that was like more than 2 decades ago. and after that how many times you've seen ISRAEL participating in a war. They dont have to, they have a full control over US and 80% of the parliament is based on jews and around 6 million jews live in US which is more than 5 million in ISRAEL itself. Why didnt ISRAEL participate in Afghan and IRAQ war. They just have to give orders to US, "YES SIR" will be the words of US.

Politically you are right, but ISRAEL cant afford to loose any Jewish life as they are only in numbers at the moment.
Oh, get off the Jewish Conspiracy crap. Both the Taliban and the Iraq Wars can be traced back to the Kuwait War. Al Qeida was pissed off the Americans came into Saudi Arabia and then didn't leave. Their staging base was in Afghanistan.

After 11 September, Saddam became an intolerbale strategic threat, maybe not because he had any WMDs but that he was stupid enough to try aQ tactics.

And it's the US CONGRESS, not Parliment. Completely different system and I challenge you to find me sources that say it's 80% base.

The Jewish Lobby is extremely powerful but to say that they run the US is pure hogwaash.
OoE is right, Iraq was a different issue and Taleban have nothing to do witj it.
OBL main point on the agenda was US presence in Saudi Arab, for many moslems home to most secred grounds.
OBL used this excuse well to recruit memebrs to fight America.

As for the jewish lobby, the are indeed powerful but have no majority controll over the Parliament.
The jews have power over the industry, financial institutions and prolly much of the campain money the US president gets for elections.
Remember when G. Bush Sr. threatened to stop aid to Israel, billions of $$$ per year as Israel is the largest recipient of US aid, it cost him a the re-election and a lot of support from powerful institutions and individuals belonging to the jewish community.
Its not Parliament but the PotUSA who's controlled by the lobby.

As for Israel attacking Iran....BAD IDEA!
This will not be appreciated by the umma, nor will arab states grant access to Isaeli plances to use their airospace.
A political crisis will easily deteriorate to a religious war...

Nobody's waitng for that to happen including Israel.
It was quite funny during the Desert Storm when Iraqis launched Scuds on Isreal, it was United States who was attacking Iraq but Isrealis were getting phucked. :laugh:
What ever you guyz suggest, but you cant neglect the control of ISRAEL(Jews) over US. Thats what the reality is....
melb4aust said:
What ever you guyz suggest, but you cant neglect the control of ISRAEL(Jews) over US. Thats what the reality is....
Nor can you neglect the control of America by the democrats, republicans, tobacco lobbies, military/industrial complexes, farming lobbies, christian lobbies, islamic lobbies, gay lobbies, conservatives, libertarians, liberals, isolationists, world policemen, neo-conservatives, neo-liberals, NRA, CIA, FBI, UCLA, and of course, the conspiracy theorists.......
parihaka said:
Nor can you neglect the control of America by the democrats, republicans, tobacco lobbies, military/industrial complexes, farming lobbies, christian lobbies, islamic lobbies, gay lobbies, conservatives, libertarians, liberals, isolationists, world policemen, neo-conservatives, neo-liberals, NRA, CIA, FBI, UCLA, and of course, the conspiracy theorists.......

Now this is just a mere extreme reaction:wall: to my post,

There's no need for that,:buck: take it easy.
I mean no offence, It's really hard to understand why u guyz take it so hard when we talk about Israel.........
melb4aust said:
Now this is just a mere extreme reaction:wall: to my post,

There's no need for that,:buck: take it easy.
I mean no offence, It's really hard to understand why u guyz take it so hard when we talk about Israel.........
Not taking it hard at all nor meaning offence, just pointing out that the US is controlled by a whole lot of special interest groups, not just one. I'm certainly not looking to appear extreme;)
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