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Israel war on Iran ‘will eventually happen’: Guards chief


Apr 25, 2012
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TEHRAN - An Israeli war on Iran "will eventually happen," but the Jewish state will be destroyed as a result, the head of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards said in comments published on Saturday.
"War will happen but it is not certain where and when," General Mohammad Ali Jafari said, according to the ISNA and Fars news agencies.
"The shameful and cancerous tumour that is Israel is seeking war against us, but it is not known when that war will happen. They now consider war as the only way to confront us, but they are so stupid that their (US) masters should stop them," he said.
"If they begin (aggression), it will spell their destruction and will be the end of the story," he said.
"This (war) will eventually happen as the (Islamic) revolution is moving towards its goals, and they cannot tolerate this. And finally, they will impose a war situation."
The comments were the first time Iran has acknowledged the probability of open armed conflict with Israel. Previously, it had dismissed such a scenario as bluff on the part of Israel's leaders.
Tensions, though, have risen significantly in recent weeks, with Israel threatening to unleash air strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities.
Israel believes Iran's nuclear programme to be aimed at developing an atomic weapons capability that would menace its own existence, and its current status as the Middle East's sole, if undeclared, nuclear weapons power.
Iran insists its programme is exclusively for peaceful, civilian ends, but it is locked in a deepening standoff with the UN nuclear watchdog and the UN Security Council over the issue.
Jafari said that, "even if they (the Israelis) act rationally, this incident will happen."
He added: "Everyone knows that they cannot confront the power of the Islamic republic.... But there is no guarantee of rationality, and it is possible that they will go crazy" and attack.
He said a war with Israel would contrast with Iran's last war, the 1980-1988 conflict with Iraq that was characterised by invasion and counter-invasion by massed ground troops.
"We should use the experience of the sacred defence (during the Iran-Iraq war) to prepare for the future war, because its nature will be very different from the previous war," he said.
People in both USA and Europe have lost the appetite for more wars, especially in regions as strategic as Persian gulf. Locals are asking of their politicians of what they are doing to get people employed rather than wasting money on wars. If Israels finds Iran as a threat, they should go out and strike on their own. Grow some balls. But they know they can't do it on their own so they want to drag USA in and suffer as well.

What a shameless nation.
isreal doesnt learn from their mistakes 1967 is history now if you look at the results they have since 73 untill now especially 2006 war with lebnon they are not ready their army is more advanced but their soldiers are not willing to fight they have became soft but perhaps there is no wise man in isreal to pervent them from destroying themselves
Well, future will tell who will be destroyed and by whom...
Well, future will tell who will be destroyed and by whom...

The idea is not Israel will be destroyed in this war, but rather the attack will begin a chain of events that will lead to the end of Israel as we know it. Americans call it blow-back.

I see attacking Iran (especially if the conflict escalates) as triggering an irreversible split between Israel and its neighbours. Such conditions is a foreign policy and diplomatic disaster for Israel.
israel will be destroyed in the end but i'll be happy if i see the Persian fall

Insallah , both de-stablising countries , MOSSAD assasinations , bombs , then Irans suicide team in thailand , israels bombing of scientists , iran supporting hezbollah and PKK , israel doing the same , their fight is spilling to other countries constantly , bombing of innocent people in bulgaria , etc both are using coward tactics and killing innocents .
Insallah , both de-stablising countries , MOSSAD assasinations , bombs , then Irans suicide team in thailand , israels bombing of scientists , iran supporting hezbollah and PKK , israel doing the same , their fight is spilling to other countries constantly , bombing of innocent people in bulgaria , etc both are using coward tactics and killing innocents .

Yes to celebrate death and destruction of Humans one Must start with the Word Insallah(God willing).:rofl:
isreal doesnt learn from their mistakes 1967 is history now if you look at the results they have since 73 untill now especially 2006 war with lebnon they are not ready their army is more advanced but their soldiers are not willing to fight they have became soft but perhaps there is no wise man in isreal to pervent them from destroying themselves

Egypt only ever knew humiliating defeat by the hand of Israel, as do all Arabs. What the Persians don't seem to comprehend by reading history books, they will comprehend once they become the new Afghanistan. This is where they are headed, there is no possibility that Iran ,as we know it today, will remain in an event of a full scale war.

People in both USA and Europe have lost the appetite for more wars, especially in regions as strategic as Persian gulf. Locals are asking of their politicians of what they are doing to get people employed rather than wasting money on wars. If Israels finds Iran as a threat, they should go out and strike on their own. Grow some balls. But they know they can't do it on their own so they want to drag USA in and suffer as well.

What a shameless nation.

Keep your delusions to yourself, read a history book and then come back and talk about cowardice.
Egypt only ever knew humiliating defeat by the hand of Israel, as do all Arabs. What the Persians don't seem to comprehend by reading history books, they will comprehend once they become the new Afghanistan. This is where they are headed, there is no possibility that Iran ,as we know it today, will remain in an event of a full scale war.

For Iran to become Afghanistan you'll need to physically invade Iran and remove the Mullahs from power and replaced by some puppet leaders. The Mullahs enjoy popular support from the majority of Iranians and even more so if they are attacked by an outside power. The US may go as far as helping bomb Iran but regime change? Israel is alone on this one.

In this case, Iran will not trigger war but its actions will provoke another to attack it. Israel is more likely to conventionally attack Iran than vice versa. The Taliban weren't removed from power and the nation cast into chaos solely due to air-strikes.
If the fall of Iran is going to bring you happiness i guess then you will also die a miserable Man just like your predecessors.

Our predecessors fought enemies stronger than them by 10-20 times face to face, unlike few who are a shame on humanity and manhood, those who killed them in the dark from behind to avenge their miserable humiliation under their hands. Even the most soft civilizations would be so ashamed to praise such cowards or do what they did, but no wonder, it seems they still exist in this world.
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