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Israel Wants to Formalise Diplomatic Ties With Saudi Arabia – Report

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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In November 2017, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted that despite having no diplomatic relations with Riyadh, the Jewish state has had "contacts" with Saudi Arabia which "have been kept in general secret".

The Israeli TV station Hadashot has cited sources as saying that the country's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is interested in formalising formal ties between the Jewish state and Saudi Arabia ahead of the November 2019 elections in Israel.

The sources singled out unnamed US officials and Yossi Cohen, chief of the Israel national intelligence agency Mossad, who are allegedly dealing with the issue. Netanyahu has yet to comment on the Hadashot report.

Earlier, the Times of Israel reported that the Jewish state is in talks with Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to prompt them to establish formal diplomatic relations with Israel.

In late October, Israeli media quoted the United Arab Emirates news website Al-Khaleej as saying that Saudi Arabia and Israel had held covert meetings "in Washington and London" which resulted in the clinching of a deal worth an estimated $250 million.

The agreement specifically stipulates the transfer of Israeli espionage technology to the kingdom. Neither side to the alleged deal has confirmed the information.

In September, Al-Khaleej reported that Saudi Arabia had allegedly purchased Israel's Iron Dome missile defence systems to fend off Houthi missile attacks.

In March, Israeli Prime Netanyahu confirmed that Saudi authorities had opened the country's airspace for Air India planes that fly from Delhi to Israel.
Earlier this year, he admitted to the Jewish state "having contacts" with Saudi Arabia which "have been kept in general secret".

The same month, Israeli Defence Forces Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot revealed that his country was ready to share intelligence with Riyadh in order to "face Iran", which is considered to be a threat by both Israel and Saudi Arabia.

I don't think KSA will stoop that low and spread its legs for Zionists.. It still has some honour and respect so I don;t expect such a disgraceful act from KSA.. What do you say akhi @The SC
Zionism and wahabism,truly a match made in hell

My mother & father performed Hajj during 2014. When they came, they told us that the we were listening one word so prominently from Khateeb-e-Khana Kaaba, that's "Souriaa in Arabic and Syria in English. And same year, massive influx of Jihadist Groups were poured into Syria, thus using MOSSAD logo "By the Way of Deception Thou Shalt Wage War", amid clamorous channels of Western Media, whole World was betrayed effectively.
View media item 17702
What peoples do not know is that Saudi Monarchy is the result of efforts British Spy called Thomas Edward Lawrence. T.E Lawrence organized Saudis and organized them attacking Ottoman Turks. Hijaz Railway lines were attacked by Saudis and scores of Turks were slaughtered by raiding Saudi groups. It is worth keeping in mind that Major Lawrence died broken hearted (as a matter of fact, he was killed and it was staged as accident), and in the end he felt betrayed, because creation of Saudi empire was his gravest mistake!

Once again, history has brought us to a critical juncture. Let's see what Saudis are upto this time!

View media item 17703
My mother & father performed Hajj during 2014. When they came, they told us that the we were listening one word so prominently from Khateeb-e-Khana Kaaba, that's "Souriaa in Arabic and Syria in English. And same year, massive influx of Jihadist Groups were poured into Syria, thus using MOSSAD logo "By the Way of Deception Thou Shalt Wage War", amid clamorous channels of Western Media, whole World was betrayed effectively.
View media item 17702
What peoples do not know is that Saudi Monarchy is the result of efforts British Spy called Thomas Edward Lawrence. T.E Lawrence organized Saudis and organized them attacking Ottoman Turks. Hijaz Railway lines were attacked by Saudis and scores of Turks were slaughtered by raiding Saudi groups. It is worth keeping in mind that Major Lawrence died broken hearted (as a matter of fact, he was killed and it was staged as accident), and in the end he felt betrayed, because creation of Saudi empire was his gravest mistake!

Once again, history has brought us to a critical juncture. Let's see what Saudis are upto this time!

View media item 17703

Lawrence worked with the Hashemites not the Saudis.
I don't think KSA will stoop that low and spread its legs for Zionists.. It still has some honour and respect so I don;t expect such a disgraceful act from KSA.. What do you say akhi @The SC

Why not?... Israel is an angel compared to a lot of the despot Muslim nations.
Why not?... Israel is an angel compared to a lot of the despot Muslim nations.
Sarcasm.. I guess :partay:..
Well. that's the double standard they have and that is why I say we should not scared of these disgraceful creatures and do whatever is in our national interests. Having an ICBM with an appropriate range for defence purposes is Pakistan's right.
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