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Israel Wants Missile Shield Money, JSF Tech To Not Block Saudi F-15 Sale


Jun 17, 2009
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Israel Wants Missile Shield Money, JSF Tech To Not Block Saudi F-15 Sale

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak arrives in Washington, D.C., next week. And he’s coming with a list of demands for U.S. defense officials. Topping that list: Israel wants money to build-out its multi-layered missile and rocket defense shield and it wants to get its hands on advanced technology from the Joint Strike Fighter program.

If it gets what it wants, Barak suggested Israel wouldn’t oppose the proposed U.S. sale of F-15s to Saudi Arabia; although perhaps not in the numbers being discussed. In an interview with the Washington Post last week, Barak evoked Israel’s qualitative military edge (QME), suggesting that Saudi Arabia’s acquisition of dozens of brand new F-15 fighters could tilt the regional military balance.

“[W]e would appreciate it if we could be compensated and the qualitative edge will be assured as well as certain aspects of the quantity. Beyond certain point, quantity turns into quality especially when the planes themselves are extremely sophisticated one.”
Israel isn’t in a position to dictate who the U.S. sells advanced weaponry to, Barak said; although it really is. If Israel so desires, it can mobilize its powerful allies in Congress to hold up arms sales to Arab nations, especially when it’s something as big as the sale of 84 F-15s.

So what does Israel want for compensation? Barak said he wants money to erect a multi-layered rocket and missile defense shield over Israel, which has been his “vision from day one” in office. Hostile non-state actors such as Hezbollah and Hamas have turned to the poor man’s strategic bomber, the rocket, to menace Israeli cities.

Israel’s in-development, multi-layered defensive shield includes Iron Dome (which we wrote about here) to catch short ranged rockets and artillery rounds and David’s Sling, intended to intercept larger Scud sized missiles. The top layer of the shield, the Arrow and Super Arrow interceptors, are designed to protect against possible ballistic missiles launched from Syria and Iran, Barak said.

“And that kind of system that combined together will cost, in order to be fully deployed and fully protect Israel; we need tens of thousands of the short-range interceptors, thousands of the David Slings interceptors and many hundreds of the upper layers. That’s a big package.

It’s extremely successful science and technology being put together, extremely short R&D schedule. But in order to fully deploy we need some $7–8 billion and expect that in the framework of making peace with our neighbors we will be able to give this answer to make Israelis feel secure.”
As for the JSF, Barak said Israel ultimately wants “several dozen” of the advanced aircraft, although the buys would be stretched out over time. Israel wants to be able to put its own electronics warfare package in the JSF, he said, but also:

“We need of course to be able to participate in production of some parts in our industry as well as making sure that we can continue keeping our real edge which stems out from Israeli electronics and from our weapons’ systems to find the balance, an agreed upon balance between our needs and the American readiness to give us access to these advanced planes.”
He just might get a slap in face this time around :coffee: Israel is a third world nation just happen to get free US tax payer money for free
It amuse me that few weeks ago a news was discussed which was comming from Israeli papers saying Saudi and Israel have agreed on defence co-operation and former will allow later access to airspace for Iran attack.
Today.... every thing seems to be upside down!!!!!!!
First the Germans and now this. Btw where are the pro-Israel Americans on this forum why are they hiding ? Shouldn't you meet Israeli demands and do as they ask need be they need to hit the Zionist lobby button.
Isreal is like the only child to multimillion USA so whatever son needs daddy has to give it to him. Simple
US has been mollycoddling the illegal Zionist entity for long time. What else do you expect from them ?
It amuse me that few weeks ago a news was discussed which was comming from Israeli papers saying Saudi and Israel have agreed on defence co-operation and former will allow later access to airspace for Iran attack.
Today.... every thing seems to be upside down!!!!!!!

Yeah what happend to that undeniable love and trust ? news
First the Germans and now this. Btw where are the pro-Israel Americans on this forum why are they hiding ? Shouldn't you meet Israeli demands and do as they ask need be they need to hit the Zionist lobby button.

You can add the british too I mean its like a SPOILED brat ... instead of solving the problem he keeps asking for more....

Like god damn it look at the US economy , and troubles be understandable but Israel no , same old BIG stomach hungry mouth wide open ... MORE MORE MORE ..
They keep saying they are threatened and they need to have the upper hand. You have 300 damn F-16s and 50+ F-15s with special upgraded versions custom made by them since they have the full source codes to both aircraft what more do they want ?
israel is tiny and has to stay understandably paranoid in order to maintain their lead.
its got a gdp similar to pakistan.
israel is tiny and has to stay understandably paranoid in order to maintain their lead.
its got a gdp similar to pakistan.

Sure does not looks like their spending and luxurious homes and construction and buildings - may be if they solved their mess they could start paying their own bills for a change
Have you seen their military spending. They are the 17th largest spender and have a population of 7.5 million people.

List of countries by military expenditures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel is just living in fear for no good ... all they have to do is normalize their ties instead of living in fear - and US tax payers don't have to pay their living and luxury expenses

Its really shamful that workers in US don't have work or have financial crisis , but billions of dollars are wasted on Israel - they are NOT even at war their problem is self created and reluctance to live in peace

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