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Israel wants a Sunni - Shia war. Syria is the path.

I just picked something because I had too. My nationality is not of importance, I consider nationalism as kuffar. Got anything ontopic to add?
Please don't be a Pakistani please please!! :no:

why, are you the recident troll here, lol.. :cheers:
why dont you go away..

ontopic: Israel wants to defend herself. But this war is due to sunnis and shias themselves. If assad had agreed or sunnis had backed off, we wont be having war.

Every country has the right to defend itself not just Israel. As for the Syrian conflict, some people happen to have a blinkered way to interpretate it. If it's one sect vs another, then Assad wouldn't run the country for 13 years. We never had an issue with him but the bloody crackdown on the Syrian people is unbearable.
Every country has the right to defend itself not just Israel. As for the Syrian conflict, some people happen to have a blinkered way to interpretate it. If it's one sect vs another, then Assad wouldn't run the country for 13 years. We never had an issue with him but the bloody crackdown on the Syrian people is unbearable.

well then you agree its not someting israel did or primarily responsible.
same prayer comes out when tourists get raped and rapist turns out to be indian :chilli:

lol... rapes inside india will be done by indians and terrorism done inside pakistan will be done by pakistanis.. mostly...
not much room for prayer there.. :chilli:
What you call Baluchistan is the Afghan adjoining Quetta and Parachinar, and all the hell broke by a shia regime and mind it.. it is not shia getting killed.. if you want to count than than i bet dead non shias are 4 times more.
Terrorists are protected by Afghan regime which is again shia and Iran puppet.
Only, those will be willing to fight on sectarian base, who are fed with hate about there fellow countrymen.. in there homes and majalis.
BTW.. foreign funding is not enough... you need training grounds, weapons, strategy and objective... without profit no one will invest in terrorism too. Destroying Pakistan AWACS and anti submarine aircrafts.... is a strategy and objective is to prepare a weaker Pakistan for the Gazwa hind.
Those who grew up... seeking revenge of karbala carnage from fellow countrymen, shall better get the grip of matter and start respecting Pakistan and its guardians.

I agree. But I dont agree Afghan govt is supporting a shia killing terror org. This is a US job and its an expert in doing it. On the border of Iran and Paksitan CIA has been active for a long time to create unrest in Iran so it be blamed on Pakistan and vice versa. Abdur rehamn Rigi was arrested by Pakistan and he admitted working for CIA. He was a man whose org was doing suicide bombings in Sistan.

Suicide bombings are a typical signature of the occupiers. No suicide bombing in Pakistan before 2004, and no suicide bombing in Iraq before 2003 Iraq invasion. Isn't it strange that suicide bombing dont take place against the armies that are occupying but directed at the occupied?

This is how nations these days are brought to confront each other. I dont think there ever will wars between militaries. War has been redefined especially after fake 9/11 terrorist act.

Afghan is a US puppet, Iran has little or influence there. Its geography plays an important role but thats where it ends.

I m not an Iran advocate here. But I dont want this shia sunni debate to ever make us confront each other. This is a dangerous argument to carry and its a bait enemies would love us to take.
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