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Israel-UAE spy base on Socotra targets Iran, China, Pakistan

"Empty vessels make the loudest noise".

It seems UAE is trying very hard to be seen as significant. The problem for them is their artificial state can have a very short expiry date (as such states normally do anyway) if they continue on this road. A single missile landing on Dubai is all it will take for their entire sandy emirate to crumble. And no, that is not an exaggeration, a simple understanding of the nature and structure of their emirate would show that.
"Empty vessels make the loudest noise".

It seems UAE is trying very hard to be seen as significant. The problem for them is their artificial state can have a very short expiry date (as such states normally do anyway) if they continue on this road. A single missile landing on Dubai is all it will take for their entire sandy emirate to crumble. And no, that is not an exaggeration, a simple understanding of the nature and structure of their emirate would show that.
islamic union.png

Absurd situation:

An illegal colonial outpost (Israel) in collaboration with a tinny artificial pseudo country (UAE) have occupied an island of a destitute war torn country (Yemen) to make a base against the neighbourhood giants (Iran, Pakistan, China)! 🤔..:undecided:

Money cannot buy you happiness but can get you an island!!!..
Israel-UAE spy base on Socotra targets Iran, China, Pakistan

Not surprised by this news, as it has been foretold, zionist-israel will exert its power and influence in the lands between River Nile to River Euphrates. It is only fitting to see those "barefooted shepherds" that compete with each other to build tall structures, to have aligned themselves with the zionist-scum.

I believe the time has come for the Muslim Ummah to recognize these najdis for who they really are, as described by Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, "Qarn-u-Shaitaan" (the Age/Era/Period of Satan).

For if you truly proclaim yourself to be Muslim, then you ought to know that any Muslim State which gives legitimacy to zionist-israel by recognizing it, is one which is cursed by Allah, HIS Angels and HIS Prophets. It does not matter whether you're turkey, emirates, qatar, kuwait, egypt, jordan or azerbaijan.
Socotra islands belong to Yemen. What these lot are doing on a forgien land?
"Empty vessels make the loudest noise".

It seems UAE is trying very hard to be seen as significant. The problem for them is their artificial state can have a very short expiry date (as such states normally do anyway) if they continue on this road. A single missile landing on Dubai is all it will take for their entire sandy emirate to crumble. And no, that is not an exaggeration, a simple understanding of the nature and structure of their emirate would show that.
Dubai is built on foreign investment, just a few missiles and the foreigner's will go back to their homes. And then the SANDNIGGAS wud be exposed and have nowhere to hide. These small states are built as frail as a sand castle by the beach.
It appears the Arabs are super materialistic ... the UAE normalized relations with Israel all for the sake of more money making opportunities and F-35s.
Who made this shit?
Probably Iraqis because they're gaining the most territory in that plan. xD

I think we should set a trap for the UAE, get them involved in some war that gives us the opportunity to beat the crap out of them with plausible deniability. The war on Yemen can be such an opportunity.
Probably Iraqis because they're gaining the most territory in that plan. xD

I think we should set a trap for the UAE, get them involved in some war that gives us the opportunity to beat the crap out of them with plausible deniability. The war on Yemen can be such an opportunity.
They arent interested in Iran nor Yemen no more my friend. Libya, and Turkey is where the interests are and Yemen was only needed for Aden port and STC which is a lot different than Saudi goal and achieved already.

Israel deal is tricking the Israelis and Western countries to think it is about Iran but in reality it is about Turkey.

I mean Turkey and Iran might ally one day but thats much complicated alltogether and imo unlikely.
Socotra islands belong to Yemen. What these lot are doing on a forgien land?

Yemen is an Arab owned banana country. What can it do? The only independence is in the North under the Houthis. Yemen western backed government is a banana power.
Probably Iraqis because they're gaining the most territory in that plan. xD

I think we should set a trap for the UAE, get them involved in some war that gives us the opportunity to beat the crap out of them with plausible deniability. The war on Yemen can be such an opportunity.
Why not simply look at the same sort of strategy that the usraeli-nato-gcc tried in syria ie foment an insurgency as a prelude to a regime change.Even if the regime change part fails to eventuate,the uae would still likely be left in very poor shape economically and its regime would be badly weakened.
A better option for this sort of strategy would likely be in saudi or bahrain,as these have large shiite populations,indeed a shiite majority in bahrain, under the domination of repressive sunni dictatorships.These could be quietly armed and trained with the intention of triggering a large scale insurgency whose ultimate goal would of course be the removal of the saud regime and the breaking up of saudi arabia into 2 new republics.These would be created along sectarian lines ie a shiite republic centered on the persian gulf coast and a sunni republic on the red sea coast.Naturally of course the new shiite arabian republic would be strongly politically aligned with iran.
As for bahrain one possibility would be annexing it back into iran proper,tho ideally this would be done thru something along the lines of a national referendum.
In either case iranian military forces would likely need to be stationed in both countries for the foreseeable future to ensure not only local security and order,but also that there would be little to no successful attempts at regional malign mischief making from the usual culprits.
Why not simply look at the same sort of strategy that the usraeli-nato-gcc tried in syria ie foment an insurgency as a prelude to a regime change.Even if the regime change part fails to eventuate,the uae would still likely be left in very poor shape economically and its regime would be badly weakened.
A better option for this sort of strategy would likely be in saudi or bahrain,as these have large shiite populations,indeed a shiite majority in bahrain, under the domination of repressive sunni dictatorships.These could be quietly armed and trained with the intention of triggering a large scale insurgency whose ultimate goal would of course be the removal of the saud regime and the breaking up of saudi arabia into 2 new republics.These would be created along sectarian lines ie a shiite republic centered on the persian gulf coast and a sunni republic on the red sea coast.Naturally of course the new shiite arabian republic would be strongly politically aligned with iran.
As for bahrain one possibility would be annexing it back into iran proper,tho ideally this would be done thru something along the lines of a national referendum.
In either case iranian military forces would likely need to be stationed in both countries for the foreseeable future to ensure not only local security and order,but also that there would be little to no successful attempts at regional malign mischief making from the usual culprits.
Agree first step......Establish Iran's naval base in yemen Houthi held ports..some thing that terrifyes Wahhabbi morons...Bahrain can easily be turned into an independent Iran aligned island (this is probably in Iran's road map just waiting for their hands to be more free from Yemen)...Saudi Eastern provinces where 80% of the oil is can be next in line..without Oil the rest of Wahhabbi arabia will go back to living in tents and UAE will be all alone with their newly found buddies in Israel...

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