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Israel test a missile with the capacity to travel 5,000 miles and capable of reaching Russia


May 1, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Israeli missile test mere saber-rattling: Christopher Walker

Press TV has conducted an interview with Christopher Walker, defense expert, London, about Israel recently testing a missile with the capacity to travel 5,000 miles and capable of reaching Russia.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: This test firing of a new long range ballistic missile that can reach Russian cities and even beyond Russia, do you think this is going to be seen as a threat by Russia?

Walker: I think it’s not going to be viewed very sagely because it just sounds like a bit of saber rattling.

I can’t see that Israel would really be taking on the might of Russia. But it’s telling people as it does all the time in its own subtle way that they have increasing fire power. Of course, the bizarre question mark now is - What’s the point of having these missiles if you don’t have the nuclear capability to arm them?
As you reported everybody knows there are at least 200 warheads available in Israel and possibly more. I think this will ensure increased pressure on Israel to come clean - I can’t see that it ever will.

But the Russians will not take kindly to be told that they’re now, as it were, in nuclear range of the Israelis with whom they don’t have the closest or the best relations especially opposed to what’s going on in Syria where Russia is supporting President al-Assad.

Press TV: Do you think that Russia’s role in Syria is what has actually caused this message to be given to Russia? Do you think that this is specifically Israeli message to Russia concerning the situation in Syria?

Walker: Well it is I suppose a crude message. As you said in 2008 they issued as it were, a threat to Iran by saying they had these missiles.

I don’t think frankly it will come to any surprise to Russian intelligence that the missiles exist; it’s just the timing of making them public, as it were, always ratcheting up the pressure in the region, which is already almost at boiling point.

PressTV - Israeli missile test mere saber-rattling: Christopher Walker
Mohsenam, do you know where Israel got the help from? I'll give you one guess...
Israeli missile test mere saber-rattling: Christopher Walker

Press TV has conducted an interview with Christopher Walker, defense expert, London, about Israel recently testing a missile with the capacity to travel 5,000 miles and capable of reaching Russia.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: This test firing of a new long range ballistic missile that can reach Russian cities and even beyond Russia, do you think this is going to be seen as a threat by Russia?

Walker: I think it’s not going to be viewed very sagely because it just sounds like a bit of saber rattling.

I can’t see that Israel would really be taking on the might of Russia. But it’s telling people as it does all the time in its own subtle way that they have increasing fire power. Of course, the bizarre question mark now is - What’s the point of having these missiles if you don’t have the nuclear capability to arm them?
As you reported everybody knows there are at least 200 warheads available in Israel and possibly more. I think this will ensure increased pressure on Israel to come clean - I can’t see that it ever will.

But the Russians will not take kindly to be told that they’re now, as it were, in nuclear range of the Israelis with whom they don’t have the closest or the best relations especially opposed to what’s going on in Syria where Russia is supporting President al-Assad.

Press TV: Do you think that Russia’s role in Syria is what has actually caused this message to be given to Russia? Do you think that this is specifically Israeli message to Russia concerning the situation in Syria?

Walker: Well it is I suppose a crude message. As you said in 2008 they issued as it were, a threat to Iran by saying they had these missiles.

I don’t think frankly it will come to any surprise to Russian intelligence that the missiles exist; it’s just the timing of making them public, as it were, always ratcheting up the pressure in the region, which is already almost at boiling point.

PressTV - Israeli missile test mere saber-rattling: Christopher Walker
Mohsenam, do you know where Israel got the help from? I'll give you one guess...

Israel could launch SLV's so an IRBM or an ICBM is only a function of political will.
believe it or not...Israel at one time worked real closely with Iranian scientists ...and in all their early missiles, Iranians played a big role...

Iran test missles against Israel,support Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and at the same time work with Israel on its missles? :P
JEWS have a problem with the slavics, they always want them to kill each other or to kill them directly

JEWS created communism and then nazism when communism didn't obey them anymore after the humiliating death of Trotsky

Only askhenaz converted JEWS were killed not sefarad JEWS
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