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'Israel should go back to 1967 borders' - Christinia Fernazdez Argentinian

I don't like India's attitude towards china, but I'd doubt most Indians would care about joining in a organisation about some made up Arab cult and Mythology..

I believe your name is misleading. it means servant of Allah! Change it.
I believe your name is misleading. it means servant of Allah! Change it.

What does him saying, Arab cult have anything to do with Islam anyway?
Israel already went back to 1967 borders in Gaza.

Did Gaza Arabs became more happy? - No, on contrary.
Did Gaza Arabs became more peaceful and less anti Israel? - No, on contrary.
Did Israelis around Gaza got more security? - No, no on contrary.

On the other hand West Bank, where Israel stayed is peaceful and blooming.

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Time has changed, we have no interest to join OIC. Now, your Arabs rulers trying to woo India to counter Iran.

If India joins OIC, it will mean only paid vacation for Indian bureaucrats and politicians with money going from Indian tax payers. India has good thing going engaging various middle-east countries on bilateral basis and it does the trick. It does not need OIC.
Islam is not a cult retard. 200 million Indians will agree. You should also change your name, since it means slave of the Arab God.

I don't like his comment but it's true. It:disagree:s a mythology. Angels and burning in hell for music is a work of cultist.
Someone run a bulldozer over this lady! How dare she supporting the palestinian terrorists leaving civilized Zionist beside?? Kill her ASAP, one less terrorist sympathizer on earth

Words of wisdom, but no killing. I'm sure she'll make one hell of a R-Rated actress one of these days. ;)
Funny how every Indian here ignores the fact the every year, the entire world except for US and Israel vote to end the conflict by asking Israel to withdraw from the west bank, but of course US vetos the resolution every single year for the past 45 years. Even though its also the policy of every US president that the path towards peace should be based on 67 borders give or take. That's Indian policy as well, but beef-free diet is bound to have an effect on ones cognitive abilities.
Israel already went back to 1967 borders in Gaza.

Did Gaza Arabs became more happy? - No, on contrary.
Did Gaza Arabs became more peaceful and less anti Israel? - No, on contrary.
Did Israelis around Gaza got more security? - No, no on contrary.

On the other hand West Bank, where Israel stayed is peaceful and blooming.

Oh so you consider the siege on Gaza and having 1.5m people trapped in an open air prison as going back to borders?
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Funny how every Indian here ignores the fact the every year, the entire world except for US and Israel vote to end the conflict by asking Israel to withdraw from the west bank, but of course US vetos the resolution every single year for the past 45 years. Even though its also the policy of every US president that the path towards peace should be based on 67 borders give or take. That's Indian policy as well, but beef-free diet is bound to have an effect on ones cognitive abilities.
Oh so you consider the siege on Gaza and having 1.5m people trapped in an open air prison as going back to borders?

It's funny how people like you ignore the fact that once Gaza got their "land for peace" deal, thousands of rockets and terrorist attacks came from Gaza.
Yes, Israel should give more land and freedom to terrorists whose word is as honorable as their way of life, which is death.
Blind ignorance.
It's funny how people like you ignore the fact that once Gaza got their "land for peace" deal, thousands of rockets and terrorist attacks came from Gaza.
Yes, Israel should give more land and freedom to terrorists whose word is as honorable as their way of life, which is death.
Blind ignorance.

I am sure that you are aware that Hamas only broke the cease fire because of the cruel siege lied on them by Israel and Egypt. I am sure you are more intelligent than to think Hamas was bored and thought" Oh I have a brilliant idea, lets start an unprovoked war with Israel because we are terrorists and we like nothing more than for Israeli air force carpet bomb us". So, lets put empty propaganda on the side, it serves no purpose.
I am sure that you are aware that Hamas only broke the cease fire because of the cruel siege lied on them by Israel and Egypt. I am sure you are more intelligent than to think Hamas was bored and thought" Oh I have a brilliant idea, lets start an unprovoked war with Israel because we are terrorists and we like nothing more than for Israeli air force carpet bomb us". So, lets put empty propaganda on the side, it serves no purpose.

The only propaganda is what you've been fed on, Banu Umayyah.
Hamas has in it's charters that they wish nothing more than to see the destruction of Israel and they've repeatedly said publicly that all Jews should be killed. What would one expect from such creatures?
They teach their children to idolize death and glorify suicide bombing, they do it as we speak.

There can never be peace with while an entire nation of people are bred on hatred and mindless loathing generation after generation.

They've brutally murdered their own people who they had disagreements with, what do you think would happen with 2 such entities both surrounding Israel? Any logical person who has read a history book can answer this. The same thing that happened in Gaza after the unilateral withdrawal.

As, before, the same thing happened in Lebanon after Israel withdrew.
Oh so you consider the siege on Gaza and having 1.5m people trapped in an open air prison as going back to borders?
1) There is not a single Israeli between Egypt and Gaza. You can pass there anything you want. Thousands of people go in and out daily.
2) Israel sends into Gaza over a hundred huge truckloads daily + electricity + water + fuel.
That's Indian policy as well, but beef-free diet is bound to have an effect on ones cognitive abilities.

Tell me the diet you eat , Oh great soudi...I want my cognitive abilities to grow to the level of making me think that allowing the ladies to drive a car would make the men gays.:disagree:
I don't like his comment but it's true. It:disagree:s a mythology. Angels and burning in hell for music is a work of cultist.

Dont get me started kid i know what ur mythologies are, since one of my subject is Chinese civilization..n i can tell You guys were on some strong sh it to believe all tht n now when u r all turning to atheism atleast respect ur ancestors religion n also try to respect ur ally's religion coz talkin **** about our religion is no good for our relations n believe me ur best friends will become ur worst enemies so for me u can go to hell or heaven or just rot in the grave IDGAF but next time keep ur mouth shut about my religion

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