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'Israel should go back to 1967 borders' - Christinia Fernazdez Argentinian

Well, rich Arab countries should have poured development aid money into Palestine if they really cared for Palestine's independence.

Thats the whole point. They say they are "brothers", but they will disown them. They will bleed their heart out for them...on paper. In reality if you see:

1. Israel provides medical care for a lot of Palestinians
2. Israel provides electricity for a lot of Palestinians.
3. Israel drops leaflets every time, they bomb. So that civilians can move away as much as possible. Tell me 1 country which does that?
4. Israel never targets civilians. The civilians that die is because of collateral damage.
5. Israeli Arabs get to live in Israel with full religious and political freedom, and standard of living equal to that of a fully developed country, whereas the Palestinians live in pathetic conditions - conditions brought on by their own doing.

But if you see Hamas dudes, they will not only target school buses but also bring death for their own people. Infact they slaughtered their own Fatah members, in a bid to get to power.

They will disown their own people - Egypt, Jordan

And those who are refugees will forever be refugees. They wont give them citizenship and absorb them into their countries. Cuz they dont wanna get their hands dirty.

But Israel absorbed all the Jews that were thrown away in North Africa and Europe and provided a life for them.

Thats why I say, that Israel invested in life. A future. Whereas Arabs invested their everything in death. The death of the Jews to take away THEIR future. And they get the same thing back.

While I do not condone Israeli atrocities in that region, the same way I dont condone the Indian Army brutalizing Kashmiris etc etc. Israel is politically right here. All of these Palestinians are lying.
No intenational law require a nation to return territories captured in a defensive war..Even then,israel offered to return the captured lands for peace and accept UN peace deal which entitled israel to return the land captured in
war in return of arab acceptence of praceful existence of israel,but the arabs wouldn't comply then.Arab league meeting in 1968 not only rejected the isreali offer but came up with their statement of "3 nos"
“No peace with Israel,
no negotiations with Israel,
no recognition of Israel.”
(egypt and jordan later made peace deal and got their land back)
This is simply amazing-according to former Israeli minister this is the “the first war in history
which has ended with the victors suing for peace and the vanquished calling for unconditional surrender.”

And by what law or justice shuould israel go back to pre 1967 borders now?
Nice..... only if the "Arab" leaders said something like that.. Qatar wants to send its army to Syria instead of Israel....

:disagree: Qatarael and GCCrael....
yah .....we have a saying in here, some of the Arabs are cowards in modern era, they like to quarrel with each other but fails to unite together.
Maybe she should focus on fixing Argentina first before giving grand speeches? Getting advice from her is like asking a homeless man for advice on your stock portfolio. Thanks, but no thanks...

Someone run a bulldozer over this lady! How dare she supporting the palestinian terrorists leaving civilized Zionist beside?? Kill her ASAP, one less terrorist sympathizer on earth
lol its so cute how Indians are siding with Israel just because they are having territorial dispute with a Muslim country. Then they cry why they were not allowed into OIC:cry:

Well, rich Arab countries should have poured development aid money into Palestine if they really cared for Palestine's independence.
They did and still do.
lol its so cute how Indians are siding with Israel just because they are having territorial dispute with a Muslim country. Then they cry why they were not allowed into OIC:cry:

They did and still do.

Ohhh I see (OIC)..:rofl:

OIC is a chai-biskoot organization (ask the meaning from Paks) which gathers once a year for the representatives of the Islamic countries to increase their air miles.

No thanks. We dont care for it.
lol its so cute how Indians are siding with Israel just because they are having territorial dispute with a Muslim country. Then they cry why they were not allowed into OIC

Apparently Indians do, it seems to come up in every thread.

India is keen on bilateral relations. For this reason, they maintain close relations with Palestinians, Arab nations as well as Israel. But most Indians will always side with Israel.

I dont know about India as a country, but having met and made friends with lots of Israelis, I will always side with Israel anyway, personally

But politically speaking, which is what is important here, Israel is right. The Palestinians are wrong. The problem in a nutshell really is, that Israel would probably want to coexist, but the Palestinians dont. Hence why they suffer, while Israel prospers.
lol its so cute how Indians are siding with Israel just because they are having territorial dispute with a Muslim country. Then they cry why they were not allowed into OIC:cry:

Time has changed, we have no interest to join OIC. Now, your Arabs rulers trying to woo India to counter Iran.
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