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Israel/Settlers' terrorism Watch 2023

Yes,war is bad,but you don't go blow yourself up among women and children. And I didn't say Palestinians are terrorists. Don't fall for this guy's stupid comments. Palestinians have been fighting for more than half a century for their freedom. Not all of that fight was terrorist attacks. You know I haven't said anything like this.
Of course they are terrorists, because that's what Israel wants them to be.

Israel destroyed every chance for a peaceful resolution during the Yasar Arafat era and then they eventually killed him.

It's good for Israel that palestinians are radicalized. Decades of psychological warfare went into this.

When the palestinians ask for peaceful dialogue that's trouble for Israel. If they just want violence, they can be easily crushed and the problem is solved.
I don't know the context of your discussion with him. Here's my views

Israeli civilians shouldn't be targeted. There are many who support a just and fair treatment of Palestinians.

Settlers are fair game because they are not civilians. They are often armed.
Even if not, they are daylight robbers and you reserve the right to resist by any means in defense of your life and property.

They are scum who are making things difficult for both jews and palestinians for their selfish gains.

I was just seeing this

'Israeli civilians shouldn't be targeted'
You do know even Israeli kids get military training. Every man woman and child is trained to hate arabs.

So what civilian? Every Israeli does military service and every Israeli has a weapon.

The rest of your post is very fair

Re @Foinikas contrary to his understanding I don't dislike the guy. I have an issue he only speaks negatively of the palestinains.
He will never condemn the Israeli evil occupation. When kids as young as 5 are in prison. Where killing kids is a sport. Where violation of musjids and churches is an accepted practice at an institutional level. If he is fair then he should speak fair. He only condemns one side and gently of the other just like the western media. Here is an example.

Palestianins died during IDF operation
Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists.

This is how he speaks and I call a spade a spade and he hates it.

Hell he can't even condemn the nazi Jews when they attack Christians on Easter... some Christian. 😆 🤣 😂
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'Israeli civilians shouldn't be targeted'
You do know even Israeli kids get military training. Every man woman and child is trained to hate arabs.

So what civilian? Every Israeli does military service and every Israeli has a weapon.
Bro, until they are active combatants, they are treated as civilians. I don't have the references but I think that's according to Shariah. At the conquest of Makkah, those who didn't' fight were spared.
Regarding the potential threat, all able bodied Muslim men, are required to fight. So, by this logic, me and you, our families and friends who go about their jobs, unarmed, untrained civilians are potential threats. Would it be justified in your opinion

The rest of your post is very fair

Re @Foinikas contrary to his understanding I don't dislike the guy. I have an issue he only speaks negatively of the palestinains.
He will never condemn the Israeli evil occupation. When kids as young as 5 are in prison. Where killing kids is a sport. Where violation of musjids and churches is an accepted practice at an institutional level. If he is fair then he should speak fair. He only condemns one side and gently of the other just like the western media. Here is an example.

Palestianins died during IDF operation
Israelis killed by Palestinian terrorists.

This is how he speaks and I call a spade a spade and he hates it.

Hell he can't even condemn the nazi Jews when they attack Christians on Easter... some Christian. 😆 🤣 😂
I think other than israelis and some indians, everyone here accepts the fact that zionist occupation is pure evil. Doesn't need to be said. I haven't discussed the palestianian issue in detail with him. So far, I haven't seen him defend zionists. That's just from what I know and that's really all I have to say
He will never condemn the Israeli evil occupation. When kids as young as 5 are in prison. Where killing kids is a sport. Where violation of musjids and churches is an accepted practice at an institutional level. If he is fair then he should speak fair. He only condemns one side and gently of the other just like the western media. Here is an example.
How many times do I have to repeat myself? I have been condemning the occupation. I've condemned the occupation since you were a kid,running around your house.

How are you NOT seeing that I am not in favor of Israeli occupation? I've stated it dozens of times on this forum.

I've even said it on earlier posts. And you still say that I am in favor of the occupation. You're trying to spread lies about me.
How many times do I have to repeat myself? I have been condemning the occupation. I've condemned the occupation since you were a kid,running around your house.

How are you NOT seeing that I am not in favor of Israeli occupation? I've stated it dozens of times on this forum.

I've even said it on earlier posts. And you still say that I am in favor of the occupation. You're trying to spread lies about me.
OK.. as u think this is personal and its NOT, I will not comment on this matter unless I see you clearly siding with the nazis again.
Enjoy Easter eggs and get fatter. Have a nice day
Hell he can't even condemn the nazi Jews when they attack Christians on Easter... some Christian.
You idiotic buffoon. How many times did I tell you to check my first post? You suddenly care about Christians. Suddenly. You,the Panislamist from Britain. Problems between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Israeli government have been going on from time to time and almost always resolved between them either directly or also with the Greek government. What they discuss and decide,I don't know. But a few days ago,our Minister of Foreign Affairs talked with his Israeli counterpart.

Yet,you run around the forum going like "You don't condemn them! Lol some Christian..."

Would you like me to start posting on the forum about your lack of support and enthusiasm for Kashmir?

OK.. as u think this is personal and its NOT, I will not comment on this matter unless I see you clearly siding with the nazis again.
Enjoy Easter eggs and get fatter. Have a nice day

You're clearly trying to start a fight. That's what you've been doing for pages and pages.
You idiotic buffoon. How many times did I tell you to check my first post? You suddenly care about Christians. Suddenly. You,the Panislamist from Britain. Problems between the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Israeli government have been going on from time to time and almost always resolved between them either directly or also with the Greek government. What they discuss and decide,I don't know. But a few days ago,our Minister of Foreign Affairs talked with his Israeli counterpart.

Yet,you run around the forum going like "You don't condemn them! Lol some Christian..."

Would you like me to start posting on the forum about your lack of support and enthusiasm for Kashmir?
More name calling @waz (don't ban him as he is entertaining but have word).
Yet its me that's personal. Ummm. See even here you call problem when the Christians of Palestine call it oppression.
You just cannot condemn them

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That screen shot is old and you conveniently didn't include the date. Loooooool thats when waz asked me not to get personal with you. see how u are a liar. Exposed lol
Old? Are you dumb? Here's my reply to your post that was deleted.

Screenshot_2023-04-17 Israeli Settler Family Crying for deaths of family who left the UK.png

It was on Great Wednesday. You've got some nerve calling me a "liar",after you pulled the victim card again,pretending to not having insulting me first.

You get likes from your fake Turkish friend with the foul mouth...but you are more than friends arnt you no wonder you get likes from him.
Oh @LegionnairE did you know that you're a fake Turk? Yeah man,I'm sorry. Trango said you're not a real Turk. Give your passport back.
OK back to the topic.

The so called chosen ones of the Mighty estate agent whom they worship use their own urine and holy faecal matter in "g-ds" cause.

Old? Are you dumb? Here's my reply to your post that was deleted.

View attachment 925137

It was on Great Wednesday. You've got some nerve calling me a "liar",after you pulled the victim card again,pretending to not having insulting me first.

Oh @LegionnairE did you know that you're a fake Turk? Yeah man,I'm sorry. Trango said you're not a real Turk. Give your passport back.
Real turks don't bark swear words like this friend of yours. And you are diving left right and centre asking people for support.. This so called turk..I don't see his messages...he speaks badly about mothers and talks about their privates which ofcourse shows the repsct he has for his own women. But he writes in Turkish. Loool fake and cowardly acts. Not Turkish behaviour
Of course they are terrorists, because that's what Israel wants them to be.

Israel destroyed every chance for a peaceful resolution during the Yasar Arafat era and then they eventually killed him.

It's good for Israel that palestinians are radicalized. Decades of psychological warfare went into this.

When the palestinians ask for peaceful dialogue that's trouble for Israel. If they just want violence, they can be easily crushed and the problem is solved.
In the same breath, this ridiculous little Turk will cry about Kurdish terrorism and how Turkey is a victim of terror.
Oh @LegionnairE did you know that you're a fake Turk? Yeah man,I'm sorry. Trango said you're not a real Turk. Give your passport back.
Dog barks, caravan moves forward. Pay no mind to barking of dogs buddy.

In the same breath, this ridiculous little Turk will cry about Kurdish terrorism and how Turkey is a victim of terror.
Cry? You're welcome to go join them in the mountains. We don't cry, we hunt them down and kill them.

Violence is the easy part. Dealing with their US and Israeli backers is the main issue.

If only you were not a gay Greeks pet b1tch

How long before you permaban this whoreson?
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. . .
OK back to the topic.

The so called chosen ones of the Mighty estate agent whom they worship use their own urine and holy faecal matter in "g-ds" cause.

They deserve every worse thing they get

Please listen this... @villageidiot @IceCold @Mohsin A @Foinikas @HGV

Ex Jew Told One by One Israel's Hidden Facts! Masjid Al Aqsa, Zionism, Freemasons!


@waz @Jango

Please delete irrelevant talks/posts. Thread got derailed.

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