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Israel seeks a game-changing relation with India in exchange for counter-terror tips

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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  • Israel seeks a game-changing relation with India in exchange for counter-terror tips

By Kallol Bhattacherjee/TEL AVIV

Israel has very few real friends. And they are not known for their love for Palestine. Except India. India, perhaps, is the only non-West Asian country that still swears by the Palestinian cause, yet is wooed by Israel. How the Israelis see their relation with India is entirely different from how Indians see their relationship with Israel. India needs Israel for its technology and expertise on counter-terrorism. But what does Israel seek from India?

Israel seeks a game-changing relation with India. Proof of this offbeat relation is in the guerrilla trade practices Israel has adopted to befriend Arabs and Iranians, with tacit help from India. Israeli companies are coming to India, repackaging their products and shipping them off to the Arab and Iranian markets from Mumbai and Kochi ports. “We have no problem with this practice as it benefits Israeli companies, consumers in the region and the Indian manufacturing sector. India is the springboard Israel wants to use to reach the world, because it makes more economic sense,” says Anat Bernstein-Reich, an international trade specialist. Subterfuge trade collaboration is the latest in India-Israel ties.

With Israel making peace with countries like Egypt and Jordan, and its growing interest in the huge market of Dubai, India’s importance as a partner has grown. “Dubai is a natural market for Israel and we have to do business there through indirect means,” Bernstein-Reich says, referring to the “friendly trade initiatives” aimed at the Arab countries.
An Israeli passenger jet flying to Mumbai or Kolkata spends less fuel than the one flying to Shanghai or Beijing. It is this fuel economics that scores in favour of India over China to be a strategic partner of Israel.

Bilateral defence cooperation has dominated most part of India-Israel diplomatic ties since 1992 (when India established formal diplomatic relations with Israel). Earlier this year, Israel delivered the first Phalcon AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) attached to an IL-76 aircraft to India. It has to deliver two more AWACS.
Defence cooperation, which has been peaking over the last two decades, has now branched out to intense bilateral anti-terror cooperation. Lt Col Avitai Leibowitz, spokesperson for the Israeli Defence Forces, says Israel is training Indian forces in urban warfare. “Israel is a fully urbanised country and terrorists here indulge in urban warfare. Due to this, we have developed effective counter-terror mechanisms for cities. We have extended this to Indians post 26/11,” Leibowitz told THE WEEK.

Mumbai 26/11 has reinforced the importance of growing cooperation in counter-terror. Post 26/11, defence minister Ehud Barak reportedly expressed dissatisfaction over the way the rescue operation at Nariman House was handled. But Israelis are not willing to repeat Barak’s lines over Mumbai attacks. “We believe our Indian friends are doing their best in controlling terror. We have to stay ahead in the race for knowledge to beat terrorists,” says defence spokesperson Major Gen. Jonathan Davis.

Israel’s interest in India is thus driven by strategic dimension, economic adventurism and common sense geography. Israel is surrounded by hostile states like Syria or ambiguous friends like Egypt and Jordan, whose streets break into protests each time the Palestine-Israel crisis flares up. A bulky friend like India helps Israel, but how much political help is Israel extending to India? “There are moments when India’s partnership with Israel appears unconvincing, given our dramatically different sizes and strategic environments. After all, Israel lacks geographical strength vis-a-vis its rivals in the region and this is its major weakness,” says Qamar Agha, a New Delhi-based strategic commentator.

Leibowitz explains: “Israel did not have a strategic partner in its neighbourhood. Turkey became Israel’s partner over time, but it has secular versus Islamic problems. The only one great power geographically close to Israel is India.”
Indian commentators, however, raise bigger doubts over Israel’s proximity to India over and above the Chinese allure. “We have had some cooperation with the Chinese, but it is the cultural acquaintance to western liberal democratic traditions that smoothens our interaction with New Delhi,” says Ruth Kahanoff, deputy director general for Asia and Pacific affairs at the Israeli ministry of foreign affairs. India, as a functioning democracy modelled on western liberal tradition, finds ready acceptance among average Israelis than the communist China, says an Israeli foreign ministry official. “There is also the civilisational conflicts over Islam’s interpretation that ties Israel and India,” Kahanoff remarks.

Sino-Israeli ties have not been smooth, though it is said Israel played a role in opening US-China ties during the Richard Nixon era.

Post Cold War, Israel-China ties have been subject to US pressure. In a 2006 article in Middle East Quarterly journal, Prof. P.R. Kumaraswamy of Jawaharlal Nehru University said Israel’s upgradation of China’s unmanned surveillance aircraft Harpy irritated the US. In 1999, Ehud Barak had to cancel delivery of AWACS to China under pressure from the Bill Clinton administration. The dispute reached such a level that in 2004 Pentagon threatened to exclude Israel from the joint development of F-35 joint strike fighter programme. In July 2005, Israeli defence minister Shaul Mofaz cancelled a trip to the US after Washington demanded a written apology from Tel Aviv over its defence ties with China.

But post Cold War, post 9/11, and post nuclear deal, India-Israel ties have the blessings of the US. “India’s growing ties with the US obviously help Israel-India ties,” says Professor Asher Susser of Moshe Dayan Centre of Middle Eastern and African Studies. Such is the pull of the US factor that even a different Indian opinion over Iran has not dampened Israel’s pro-India tilt.
US-centrality provides a kind of stability to India-Israel ties that has helped the players to branch out into non-strategic areas. In the bilateral future, it will be non-military cooperation that will call greater shots, says Rachel Adatto, head of the Indo-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Association.

Echoing Adatto, V. Sasikala, CEO of State Bank of India’s Tel Aviv branch, says almost 50 per cent of India-Israel trade will be centred on diamond trading in the near future. “Diamond trade in Israel is heavily influenced by the Palanpuri Jains of Gujarat. Earlier, the west did not have a market for dust diamonds, but now they do, thanks to the Indian traders and craftsmen,” Sasikala says.

Palanpur is 200 kilometres from Banaskantha district in north Gujarat, whose diamond traders are known for their traditional knowledge of diamond cutting and trade. Indian companies like TCS are also providing jobs to the Israeli workforce.
According to Israeli policy makers, current bilateral trade of $4.3 billion is expected to touch $12 billion in less than five years. The signs of the future of India-Israel ties can be seen on shop windows on Tel Aviv’s Allenby Street and Jerusalem’s suburbs, which stock ethnic Indian fabrics and designs. Ramblan Street near Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport is known for colourful Indian ethnic garments.

India-Israel relations are becoming more private sector-driven, and there is growing mutual cultural appreciation. “Israeli businessmen are straight talkers and they end up offending Indian partners, who are slow to start with and are hard bargainers. Basically, Israelis are impatient for quick profit and Indians are thinking of long-term gains. As trade increases, this kind of cultural factors will have to be understood by both sides to conclude deals successfully,” Bernstein-Reich says. “I tell Israeli businessmen that they will certainly be successful in India with a little patience. You cannot do business with Indians the way you do with the west,” she cautions.

The structure of Indo-Israeli ties will thus have three main pillars—commerce, defence, and high-tech industries—though the centrepiece will still remain defence and anti-terror cooperation. Some of India’s most renowned scientific institutes are collaborating with their Israeli counterparts on frontline research. “We are collaborating with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, on nuclear physics,” says Professor Ben Zion Shilo of Weizmann Institute.

Indo-Israeli ties have thus grown into an adult of 17, with defence, agriculture cooperation, IT and communications, textiles, tourism, diamonds, and even “guerrilla trade wars” as its personas. Next in line are the collaborations with Bollywood and joint artwork projects and exhibitions, says Israeli artist Shira Richter.
Israeli film director Dani Vachksman has already made Auroville his base. Novels like Open Heart by A.B. Yehoshua have also made India popular in Israel. Richter says Israelis look at India as a strange, powerful and life-transforming experience. Many Israelis like Richter are convinced that India is the friend Israel has been waiting for.

Guerrilla trade
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Its typical friend , back when Ottoman Empire was strong Israel was their best friend and the advisors were part of the cabinet

And :coffee: well we all know what happened

Then US was the bestest friend then economy went kapotz ..

Now india is new friend ...:coffee: there is a universal trend

All Israel has to do is , create two states and allow UN to control the regligious area and consider as a UN heritage site , where both public can go and respect ...

:undecided: and we would have universal relation with israel :coffee:

But anyways
Why is Pakistan so afraid of Indo-Israel relations?
Is that so because they are afraid of that best military technology possessed by Israel that India may get.:sniper:
Pakistanis already know the taste of Israel's military bcoz even their five brothers in West Asia; despite of immnese money couldnt even touch Israel:tdown:.
Richter says Israelis look at India as a strange, powerful and life-transforming experience. Many Israelis like Richter are convinced that India is the friend Israel has been waiting for.

Nice article, Its really nice to know about friendly relations with other countries :cheers:
I think its better to have Israel as a friend rather than an enemy.
Relationship between India (Hindu) and Israel (Jews) are not new. We have learned how Hanood (Hindus) and Yahood (Jews) joined hands and fought against Muslims at the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They have many commonalities and never had any conflict of interest. One is good at Business and other is good at Knowledge. When these two Nations work together, they constitute a greater body by one filling the weakness of the other.

Even if India had no challenges and terrorism to counter and even if Israel was a self-sufficient state, relationships between India and Israel would have been great because its not the trade or security concerns that is holding them together, its how they are built and take world outside.

Out of hundreds of believe systems, only two of them are described as direct enemies of Islam and guess what, they are Hinduism and Judaism. So even against Islam, these two are good partners for each others and after 1430 years down the road, what we are experiencing is nothing but the same that was described centuries ago.
Relationship between India (Hindu) and Israel (Jews) are not new. We have learned how Hanood (Hindus) and Yahood (Jews) joined hands and fought against Muslims at the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They have many commonalities and never had any conflict of interest. One is good at Business and other is good at Knowledge. When these two Nations work together, they constitute a greater body by one filling the weakness of the other.

I had high expectations from you. Such postings from you is so bad.

You need to read history a bit more. At the time of Prophet Muhammad, Muslims were only living in Medina and were trying to invade Mecca. Hindus did not exist there!

In later times, during Calphite, other than what your Mullah teaching is giving you, it was a war between states and so some wars were between rulers who happened to be Hindus and Jews. But when you speak, you state the whole truth not a partial one- there were also many wars between rules who had Muslim faith too!

Even if India had no challenges and terrorism to counter and even if Israel was a self-sufficient state, relationships between India and Israel would have been great because its not the trade or security concerns that is holding them together, its how they are built and take world outside.

Out of hundreds of believe systems, only two of them are described as direct enemies of Islam and guess what, they are Hinduism and Judaism. So even against Islam, these two are good partners for each others and after 1430 years down the road, what we are experiencing is nothing but the same that was described centuries ago.

I speak neither in support or in opposition of Israel. India is only concerned about its own interest. Apparently, Pakistan is more concerned about Muslim identity than a Pakistani identity.

As far your belief that Hindus and Jews as enemies of Islam, you apparently forgot crusades. i.e. adding Christians to the mix. So what you are saying an Islamic Pakistan believes that everyone is the enemy of it. The condition in medical term is called "paranoia".
Relationship between India (Hindu) and Israel (Jews) are not new. We have learned how Hanood (Hindus) and Yahood (Jews) joined hands and fought against Muslims at the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They have many commonalities and never had any conflict of interest. One is good at Business and other is good at Knowledge. When these two Nations work together, they constitute a greater body by one filling the weakness of the other.

Even if India had no challenges and terrorism to counter and even if Israel was a self-sufficient state, relationships between India and Israel would have been great because its not the trade or security concerns that is holding them together, its how they are built and take world outside.

Out of hundreds of believe systems, only two of them are described as direct enemies of Islam and guess what, they are Hinduism and Judaism. So even against Islam, these two are good partners for each others and after 1430 years down the road, what we are experiencing is nothing but the same that was described centuries ago.

I understand what ur saying but not everything is related to Islam. Sure, since you described them as direct enemies of Islam one could presume the the relationship is based on countering Islam but thtdoesn't seem to be the case.
India, perhaps, is the only non-West Asian country that still swears by the Palestinian cause, yet is wooed by Israel

the reason behind this is that india at the same time is anti-muslim and-anti imperialist.

thus indians these days love the israeli relationship from the anti-muslim point of view but dislike whats going on palestine from the anti-imperialist point of view.

as indians start to grow out of their post colonial skins and feel more confident and powerful expect the average indian to be not so friendly towards palestinians, this is something i have observed more and more.

so expect the colonised to become the coloniser and therefore expect attitudes to change thusly.
Can you guys talk about geo politics ever without bringing the Prophet and historical Muslim-Jewish-Whatever rivalries...

I mean, even you must get bored of it by now..
Relationship between India (Hindu) and Israel (Jews) are not new. We have learned how Hanood (Hindus) and Yahood (Jews) joined hands and fought against Muslims at the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They have many commonalities and never had any conflict of interest. One is good at Business and other is good at Knowledge. When these two Nations work together, they constitute a greater body by one filling the weakness of the other.

Even if India had no challenges and terrorism to counter and even if Israel was a self-sufficient state, relationships between India and Israel would have been great because its not the trade or security concerns that is holding them together, its how they are built and take world outside.

Out of hundreds of believe systems, only two of them are described as direct enemies of Islam and guess what, they are Hinduism and Judaism. So even against Islam, these two are good partners for each others and after 1430 years down the road, what we are experiencing is nothing but the same that was described centuries ago.

is it from any holy book or from fear psychosys or what? Well never knew that muslims are tought that Hindus are one of 2 greatest threats. We never teach anyone that any religion is our enemy.
Strange but new piece of information.

Wondering how the hindus are of any threat to Muslims. Whatever.
Relationship between India (Hindu) and Israel (Jews) are not new. We have learned how Hanood (Hindus) and Yahood (Jews) joined hands and fought against Muslims at the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They have many commonalities and never had any conflict of interest. One is good at Business and other is good at Knowledge. When these two Nations work together, they constitute a greater body by one filling the weakness of the other.

Even if India had no challenges and terrorism to counter and even if Israel was a self-sufficient state, relationships between India and Israel would have been great because its not the trade or security concerns that is holding them together, its how they are built and take world outside.

Out of hundreds of believe systems, only two of them are described as direct enemies of Islam and guess what, they are Hinduism and Judaism. So even against Islam, these two are good partners for each others and after 1430 years down the road, what we are experiencing is nothing but the same that was described centuries ago.

Described by who??

Is it described in Holy Koran?? or was it the words of Prophet??. Proove ur claim by sufficient backup. Now, Dont tell me it is the interpretation of some freaky religious fanatic. Considering a whole community as the born enemy is a pathetic ideology.
the reason behind this is that india at the same time is anti-muslim and-anti imperialist.

thus indians these days love the israeli relationship from the anti-muslim point of view but dislike whats going on palestine from the anti-imperialist point of view.
as indians start to grow out of their post colonial skins and feel more confident and powerful expect the average indian to be not so friendly towards palestinians, this is something i have observed more and more.
so expect the colonised to become the coloniser and therefore expect attitudes to change thusly.

Wow, really sublime stuff man, very very deep, I must say.

We are friendly with the Israelis not bacause it was so decreed in some Holy book (I am not sure it does say so - Hindus were really nowhere on the scene in the middle East except as merchants during the life time of Prophet Muhammad and were definitely not at war with Muslims anywhere), but because we need high technology and not many are willing to give that, Israel is. Another reason and a very sound one is trade.

We also believe that the Palestineans do need a home and that Israel should accommodate their just aspirations. Are the two lines of thought really mutually exclusive? I dont think so.

We are also friendly with Iran and expect Israel to respect that.
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