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Israel’s brutal killing


May 9, 2007
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The most recent Israeli criminal behavior against a prisoner is not so astounding given what the fact the Palestinians have been enduring the worse for decades. Arafat Jaradat, a 31-year-old Palestinian, was taken away by Israeli forces last Saturday on the suspicion that he lobbed stones at Israeli troops.



A week later, he died in an Israeli prison after being questioned by the Shin Bet security service — notorious for its brutal torture practices. Israel has a way of legitimizing torture when dealing with Palestinians and it always gets away with it without any recriminations and commendations from the so-called international community.

I am really stunned that why the international community is not condemning this recent crime, which has rightly sparked rage amongst Palestinians? Why a team of international investigators hasn’t gone to Megiddo prison to discover what exactly happened to Jaradat? Why does Israel continue to act with utmost freedom to harass and torture Palestinians? Is Jaradat’s death an Israeli tactic to enrage Palestinians, in order to disrupt and derail any future peace negotiations?

Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been detained by the Israeli security agencies like Jaradat on frivolous grounds, with no suitable legal recourse given to them. In fact, there has been an endless agitation showing solidarity with prisoners held by Israel, highlighting the plight of the Palestinian prisoners languishing in Israel jails.

Israel must understand, no matter how viciously and wickedly it acts against innocent Palestinians, its diabolic designs will not succeed in keeping people from pursuing uprightness and legitimate rights. —
The Insane Brutality of the Zionist Entity

Words fail; ordinary terms are inadequate to describe the horrors Israel daily perpetrates, and has perpetrated for years, against the Palestinians. The tragedy of Gaza has been described a hundred times over, as have the tragedies of 1948, of Qibya, of Sabra and Shatila, of Jenin — 60 years of atrocity perpetrated in the name of Judaism.

But the horror generally falls on deaf ears in most of Israel, in the US political arena, in the mainstream US media. Those who are horrified — and there are many — cannot penetrate the shield of impassivity that protects the political and media elite in Israel, even more so in the US, and increasingly now in Canada and Europe, from seeing, from caring. But it needs to be said now, loudly: Those who devise and carry out Israeli policies have made Israel into a monster, and it has come time for all of us — all Israelis, all Jews who allow Israel to speak for them, all Americans who do nothing to end US support for Israel and its murderous policies — to recognize that we stain ourselves morally by continuing to sit by while Israel carries out its atrocities against the Palestinians. A nation that mandates the primacy of one ethnicity or religion over all others will eventually become psychologically dysfunctional. Narcissistically obsessed with its own image, it must strive to maintain its racial superiority at all costs and will inevitably come to view any resistance to this imagined superiority as an existential threat. Indeed, any other people automatically becomes an existential threat simply by virtue of its own existence. As it seeks to protect itself against phantom threats, the racist state becomes increasingly paranoid, its society closed and insular, intellectually limited. Setbacks enrage it; humiliations madden it. The state lashes out in a crazed effort, lacking any sense of proportion, to reassure itself of its strength.

The pattern played out in Nazi Germany as it sought to maintain a mythical Aryan superiority. It is playing out now in Israel. “This society no longer recognizes any boundaries, geographical or moral,” wrote Israeli intellectual and anti-Zionist activist Michel Warschawski in his 2004 book Toward an Open Tomb: The Crisis of Israeli Society. Israel knows no limits and is lashing out as it finds that its attempt to beat the Palestinians into submission and swallow Palestine whole is being thwarted by a resilient, dignified Palestinian people who refuse to submit quietly and give up resisting Israel’s arrogance.

We in the United States have become inured to tragedy inflicted by Israel, and we easily fall for the spin that automatically, by some trick of the imagination, converts Israeli atrocities to examples of how Israel is victimized. But a military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a residential apartment building in the middle of the night and kills 14 sleeping civilians, as happened in Gaza four years ago, is not a military that operates by civilized rules. A military establishment that drops a 500-pound bomb on a house in the middle of the night and kills a man and his wife and seven of their children, as happened in Gaza four days ago, is not the military of a moral country. A society that can brush off as unimportant an army officer’s brutal murder of a 13-year-old girl on the claim that she threatened soldiers at a military post — one of nearly 700 Palestinian children murdered by Israelis since the intifada began — is not a society with a conscience.

A government that imprisons a 15-year-old girl — one of several hundred children in Israeli detention — for the crime of pushing and running away from a male soldier trying to do a body search as she entered a mosque is not a government with any moral bearings. (This story, not the kind that ever appears in the US media, was reported in the London Sunday Times. The girl was shot three times as she ran away and was convicted to 18 months in prison after she came out of a coma.)


Critics of Israel note increasingly that Israel is self-destructing, nearing a catastrophe of its own making. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy talks of a society in “moral collapse.” Michel Warschawski writes of an “Israeli madness” and “insane brutality,” a “putrefaction” of civilized society, that has set Israel on a suicidal course. He foresees the end of the Zionist enterprise; Israel is a “gang of hoodlums,” he says, a state “that makes a mockery of legality and of civil morality.

A state run in contempt of justice loses the strength to survive.” As Warschawski notes bitterly, Israel no longer knows any moral boundaries — if it ever did. Those who continue to support Israel, who make excuses for it as it descends into corruption, have lost their moral compass.
saddening pics.

hope that peace prevails.
Arafat Jaradat, a 31-year-old Palestinian, was taken away by Israeli forces last Saturday on the suspicion that he lobbed stones at Israeli troops. A week later, he died in an Israeli prison after being questioned by the Shin Bet security service — notorious for its brutal torture practices.

From Ma'an:

A Palestinian prisoner held in Israel's Megido Prison died on Saturday, a Palestinian Authority official said.

PA Minister of Detainees Issa Qaraqe identified the victim as Arafat Jaradat, 30, from the Hebron village of Sair.

Israeli media had earlier reported that Jaradat suffered a cardiac arrest and prison staff tried to revive him to no avail.

Qaraqe told Ma'an that he holds the Israeli government responsible for Jaradat's death and demanded an immediate inquiry into the circumstances behind his death.

Jaradat was arrested three months ago, Qaraqe added, and was not involved in ongoing hunger strike action by Palestinian prisoners.

EoZ comments:

Taking a cab home, the Arab driver was listening to an Arabic station where I could hear the newscaster talking about Arafat Jaradat. I see now that Israel allowed a Palestinian Arab pathologist to view the autopsy and even so he lied about the results saying he died from torture, opposite the Israeli coroner's claims. (Marks on the body were from resuscitation attempts.) I am still amazed that Israeli authorities expected honesty from a Palestinian official.
why jordan does not government say something ?

Jordan is trying all of it's best to end their suffering, Jordan believed in peace after fighting was going on for 5 decades but it seems the Zionist entity won't stop being themselves. However, there are red lines Israel can't exceed and they know that, the most important one is Al-Aqssa Mosque. Their time will come inshallah:

Jordan warns against impact of Israeli measures on peace | The Jordan Times

From Ma'an:

EoZ comments:

Taking a cab home, the Arab driver was listening to an Arabic station where I could hear the newscaster talking about Arafat Jaradat. I see now that Israel allowed a Palestinian Arab pathologist to view the autopsy and even so he lied about the results saying he died from torture, opposite the Israeli coroner's claims. (Marks on the body were from resuscitation attempts.) I am still amazed that Israeli authorities expected honesty from a Palestinian official.

And we are supposed to believe the criminal's story.
The two nation theory is nearly dead, soon only one solution will remain and it will not please the zionists.
The two nation theory is nearly dead, soon only one solution will remain and it will not please the zionists.

As a matter of fact yes, as I always say America will not last forever to protect this Zionist entity.
From Ma'an:

EoZ comments:

Taking a cab home, the Arab driver was listening to an Arabic station where I could hear the newscaster talking about Arafat Jaradat. I see now that Israel allowed a Palestinian Arab pathologist to view the autopsy and even so he lied about the results saying he died from torture, opposite the Israeli coroner's claims. (Marks on the body were from resuscitation attempts.) I am still amazed that Israeli authorities expected honesty from a Palestinian official.

Propogandist changed the time of arrest when the article clearly says one week ago and are using a user comment to try and prove something. :omghaha:

@BLACKEAGLE solomon probably created an account by himself just to comment on the site. :omghaha:
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The Insane Brutality of the Zionist Entity





Note that all these pictures have been stripped of their original context to serve the OP's purposes - and that without context they themselves do not depict either brutality or wonton killing. Nearly all the anti-Zionist photo propaganda is like this as accurately relating context changes the meaning of the pictures, often drastically.

The implication, of course, is that ALL such allegations are false, or else the anti-Zionist propaganda machine would do a better job.
As a matter of fact yes, as I always say America will not last forever to protect this Zionist entity.

More and more Americans are now realizing Israel does not want peace. You can see the change in trend by comments on different news websites. I even notice it on my campus. Heck check the comments on the maan link solomon posted.
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