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Israel refuses to sell Barak-8 to Turkey

Actually, Neither Turkey asked Israel to order Barak-8 missiles, nor Turkey needs Israeli weapons anymore. Israeli media and their extends like composing and playing their own scenario, After being Owned hard at foreign politics against Turkey. You can not show me any single source implying that Turkey has interested in Israeli Barak-8 missiles, Before Israel-Turkey relations went worse. All those news are interested in cheap Israel propaganda...
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While Turkish Roketsan is an official partner of ESSM missiles and producing many parts of those missiles for Turkey and ally countries as well and While Turkey is modernizating many obsolete frigates with Mk-41 VL systems to integrate those missiles and upgrading the command-control center of all Turkish frigates to fire ESSM missiles, Why Turkey goes Israel to order Barak-8 missiles ?

ESSM missiles are carrying many Turkish parts designed and developed by Roketsan...


Cheap Israel propaganda!!! The writer of those articles are a jew !!!
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"Turkey said it wanted to buy the Spike non-line-of-site (NLOS) anti-tank guided weapon, the Namer heavy infantry fighting vehicle, and the Israel Aerospace Industries' (IAI) Barak 8 theater-defense missile system for its navy, according to UK-based Jane's Defence Weekly."

Those article have also typed by same jew and published in Jane's defence !!!

According to him, Turkey wants to order Israeli Anti-tank missiles and an IFV called Namer but Israel refused Turkish demand cause of some politic reasons !!!

Completely wrong... I repeat my above claim. You can not show me any single source implying that Turkey have interested in Israeli NLOS AT missile, Barak-8 missile and Namer IFV, Before relations between Israel-Turkey went worse.

Turkey has 4 different type Anti-tank missile development program and Many of them will complete trials in this year. Why We needs Israel AT missiles ? Absurd !!!

Turkey has also an 35 tonnes IFV development program along with 60-65 tonnes Altay MBT and First prototipes will be ready until 2012. FNSS has already producing and exporting ACV-300 and ACV-S 18-20 tonnes APC-IFV's. Why Turkey needs Israeli armours ? Absurd !!!

Turkey has 3 different air defence missile development program. At the beggining of the road, Despite Officials described all those missiles to meet the requirements of Turkish Land Forces, You are going to see the naval variants of them because All of them are vertical launchable systems with TVC controls...
Well I dont see PAkistanis, Chinese, Americans, French! flipfloping the way you do.

You need to read up a bit on your own history. Pakistanis here have been calling them all sorts of names starting with back stabbers.

So still for me you are the Hippocrates.

When you are not prepared to shed your biases, I cant do anything to help. You are emotional stuck in the past, but that is not the way the world works.

You accuse us of buying 2nd rung stuff and that too from an inferior status of i-will-make-do-with-whatever-you-got..

That is not an accusation, but fact.

Well guess what still good enough to give yall a sour mouth.
stretching a point ?

And what military projects have you guys collaborated on that turned the world upside down, other then shoving money in the pipeline, buying it from others and then claiming it to be your own. And what I had mentioned earlier, I still stand by it,

lets start with PAK-FA. The secret part of Indo Israeli relationship. The rapidly expanding Navy. Tejas for AF.
A month ago the Turks were the great partners of yours and today you guys have all kinda issues with them, jumping from branch to branch eh.

Are you saying the relation between 2 nations is dependent on opinions of individuals on a forum? Do you think PDF drives the India Turkey bilateral relationship? Dont grow bigger than your shoes allow you.

And guess what great troll of trollistan the French deal will not go through as the case is already in the SC and they have already put a hold onto proceedings. So when trying to Troll come up with complete information or just shut it. :pakistan:

And your point being, pointless?
After Israeli massacre against Palestinian people,

-It was Turkey that Owned Israeli government many times at foreign policy...
-It was Turkey that kicked Israeli space institue out of Turkish tender because This institue offered Turkey a restricted usage rights of their Ofec satellites at a likely cooperation..

-It was Turkey that issued a painfull penatly for IMI cause of M-60T SABRA Delays..
-It was Turkey that issued a hard penalty to IAI cause of Heron MALE UAV long delays.
-It was Turkey that kicked Israeli Airforces out of Anatolian Eagle exercises so Israeli officials have to beg Greece to use their airspace for tranining...

and It is Turkey that making pressure to International associations to check-remove Israeli Nuclear bombs from this region.
It is Turkey making pressure Israel to stop constructing new buildings in Palestinian lands.

After all those events, I think Israel is trying to find an excuse to save their pride againt Turkey so They are composing and playing their own scenario at international media...
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@ nakodo

Well go back and read the crap that most of your brethren were spewing about the Islamic hheritage of the Turkish president. And also for the rest of the facts read Cabatlis posts. And that is why I had called you all hypocrates. But I guess you are blind to any criticism that comes your way, even if it is based on facts. So rather then picking on me go back and lectures the ones who are jumping branches. The rest of your post is full of cr@p as usual.
A good decision. There are possibilities that Pakistan may get access to the air defence system through Turkey.

Do not worry My Friend, Pakistan do not need Israeli technology ordered by India before. If Pakistan needs, They are going to access everything about 1st hand technology from air defence to anti-tank missiles. Turkey have tonnes of such programs and You know How Turks become happy, When they heart something about Pakistani achievements. It is just a matter of desicion for Pakistan to acess every part of Turkish programs..
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I must tell you again if you missed it, PDF does not nudge India Turkey in any direction. Anybody posting here has as much leverage on the two countries as say Pakistan on Hawaii. Also if it is hard for you to assimilate, it does not automatically become cr@p.

What people here may have had a problem with is the ruling parties hardline leanings, which had caused friction with their own Army (the self anointed guardians of Turkey's secularism). Since you are in a system that is far removed from such an ideal, you cannot appreciate their apprehensions.
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Do not worry My Friend, Pakistan do not need Israeli technology ordered by India before. If Pakistan needs, They will access everything about 1st hand technology from air defence to anti-tank missiles. Turkey have tonnes of such programs and You know It is just a matter of desicion for Pakistan to acess every part of Turkish programs..

they don't know turkey provide us 10 years f-16 parts and send us ammo in 1971 even war was over. :P and tukey the great will give us acsess to f-35
@ nakodo

I must tell you again if you missed it, PDF does not nudge India Turkey in any direction. Anybody posting here has as much leverage on the two countries as say Pakistan on Hawaii. Also if it is hard for you to assimilate, it does not automatically become cr@p.

And neither does the Indians here or any where in the world or ur Gov.

What people here may have had a problem with is the ruling parties hardline leanings, which had caused friction with their own Army (the self anointed guardians of Turkey's secularism). Since you are in a system that is far removed from such an ideal, you cannot appreciate their apprehensions.

A common Turk elected the party in power so what is the issue with the indians, or they cant digest any thing Islamic can they. And what ever is the problem in Turkey it is their internal matter and not for indian to worry about, at least you should understand after you are a democracy arnt ya, and ghatya harkat once more taking shots at Pakistan. Well its in your blood so its cool. And indian having problems with Turkish internal matter have has as much leverage on the two countries as say india on Hawaii. Also as it is hard for you to assimilate, you are continuously arguing in circles so yes when that happen what ever comes out of it is cr@p.

This is the end of my discussion with you.
Wow turkey became tukey the GR8 just bcoz u wish they will give u access to F 35..and what will turkey bcom if they dont give u access to F 35 ??

They would still be our brothers, and that is something that you guys will never understand. Because unlike you guys we actually dont base our foreign relations entirely on the bases of profit and loss and benefit that we can avail from other countries.
That little country which can have the best techs.
that amount of space.. will get owned if its full scale war.

Turkey dont need israel.
Turkey needs to send troops to palistinian ground just like it was in 1960(est).
And then create buildings,hospitals airport and such as that.
also most importantly a very limited army but very skilled and modern units.
then turkey will retreat or build a base there.
palistinians will have freedom.
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