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Israel refuses to sell Barak-8 to Turkey

The article explains that Iran may exchange critical tech in lieu of nuclear and missile tech from Pakistan. You may add a precession of ROFLs but that is not an entirely unlikely scenario.

Although personally I believe flow from Turkey to Pakistan is a more clear and present threat.

Have you ever seen Turkish & Iranian military exchange ?? Any rumors of Turkey supplying some kind of western tech to Iran. Any major Turkish weapon systems in Iranian arsenal. What weapon system in Iranian arsenal has something to do with Turks. Plz let me know.

So if Turks have not done such a thing in the past, they won't do in future also, as this is not doable, Turks are western allies, part of NATO, thus they doing such thing is not thinkable for now and foreseeable future.

And as for Pakistan, as i said, tell which Iranian missile has influence from Pakistan. And when China and Russia are assisting them in nukes and missile program, why do they need Pakistan for. Their missile program has now grown and they can make their own ones with or without foreign help.

And :rofl::rofl: was for a scenario which is entirely based on a phobia, which is called Pakistan phobia, that such a long chain of tech transfer made from an entirely unlikely scenario which will ever happen.

And Turkey may have close relations with us, but it doesn't means they are gonna let us have a look into everything. Even if we do, there is not much which can be done.

And take care with your these sarcastic remarks, and concentrate more on the material posted.
I'm just happy that we are getting Barak 8. Guess since we funded the development, we get a say in deciding who does not get it.

Works fine for me.
Israel 'cuts arms sales to Turkey'

TEL AVIV, Israel, April 26 (UPI) -- Israel will impose a temporary freeze on the sale of advanced weapons systems to Turkey, once a key ally, because of blistering criticism of the Jewish state by Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Jane's Defense Weekly reports.

The latest outburst from Erdogan, who has been moving closer to Iran, came April 7 in Paris when he branded the Jewish state "the principal threat to regional peace" in the Middle East.

Meantime, the Israeli air force, blocked from Turkish air space and bracing for possible long-range attacks on Iran's nuclear infrastructure, is scouting for new training skies in Europe and Asia.

India has close military ties with Israel and that is being mooted as one option for the Israeli air force.

Jane's reported that the arms exporting arm of the Israeli Defense Ministry has ruled it will evaluate Turkish requests for Israeli-made weapons and equipment on a case-by-case basis.

One issue under review by the ministry's Foreign Defense Assistance and Export Organization, known by its Hebrew acronym, SIBAT, is a Turkish request for Israeli electronic warfare systems, the London magazine reported.

Turkey's military has also shown interest in the Spike anti-tank missile manufactured by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems and the Barak-8 naval air-defense missile produced by state-run Israel Aerospace Industry.

Relations between Israel and Turkey have been steadily deteriorating since the Israeli military invaded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Dec. 27, 2008, ostensibly to stifle rocket attacks, and fought a 22-day war before withdrawing Jan. 18, 2009, in the face of international condemnation.

Some 1,300 Palestinians, mostly civilians, were killed in the all-arms onslaught. Israeli casualties were 13 killed, nine of them soldiers.

That effectively ended a landmark 1996 military cooperation agreement, which covered a wide range of intelligence-sharing, between Israel and Turkey, an overwhelmingly Muslim nation and NATO's only Muslim member.

Israel's defense industry benefited from big-ticket sales to Turkey over the years.

Relations soured even further over delays by Israel in delivering six Heron unmanned aerial vehicles ordered by Turkey under a 2005 contract for 10 of the surveillance drones. IAI, Israeli defense manufacturer Elbit and Turkish Aerospace Industries were partners in the $183 million deal.

Jane's Defense Weekly reported that despite the nosedive in diplomatic relations, Israel and Turkey have maintained "a cautious business relationship" and discussed the joint sale of upgraded U.S.-built M-60 main battle tanks to Colombia.

Israel Military Industries and Arselan of Turkey delivered the last of 170 upgraded General Dynamics M-60A1 tanks to Turkey's army on April 7. Jane's Defense Weekly said a senior Colombian general attended the handover ceremony.

Erdogan's government excluded Israel from routine NATO air exercises last October in Turkey in reprisal for the Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip the previous winter. It later banned Israeli aircraft from deploying in Turkey, where the Israeli air force, constrained by the Jewish state's small size, regularly conducted exercises in Turkey's extensive air space and varied terrain.

This lack of air space apparently has hampered air force training for possible long-range airstrikes against Iran, whose alleged nuclear arms program is viewed by Israel as an existential threat.

In recent years, the air force has intensified its long-range training schedule, presumably because of the growing threat from Iran.

The most prominent of these operations was a May 2008 exercise in which some 100 Israeli warplanes, including aerial tankers and command aircraft, flew the length of the Mediterranean from Greece to Gibraltar in what was widely seen as a dress rehearsal for an assault on Iran.

"We're looking for new places where we can fly," a senior air force officer told The Jerusalem Post.

"As a result," the newspaper reported, "the Defense Ministry is looking to continue an agreement it signed in 2006 that allows fighter jets to deploy in Romania.

"The (Israeli air force) sent jets to Romania for training in 2007 and plans to deploy aircraft there again later this year."

Two Israeli air force Gulfstream G-500 Shavit electronic intelligence aircraft were spotted over Hungary in March in what may have been an Israeli air exercise in Europe. The appearance of the aircraft caused a political controversy and the head of the air traffic department at Hungary's Transportation Ministry was subsequently dismissed.

Israel 'cuts arms sales to Turkey' - UPI.com
So if Turks have not done such a thing in the past, they won't do in future also, as this is not doable, Turks are western allies, part of NATO, thus they doing such thing is not thinkable for now and foreseeable future.
The loose cannon Erdogan has probably shaken that confidence.

And as for Pakistan, as i said, tell which Iranian missile has influence from Pakistan. And when China and Russia are assisting them in nukes and missile program, why do they need Pakistan for. Their missile program has now grown and they can make their own ones with or without foreign help.
ArmsControlWonk: Missile Development Consortiums

As I said, given the current situation, it is not an unlikely scenario.

As with sarcasm, if you don't like sarcasm you shouldn't play with it either.
I think this move by Israel might not be because of pakistan or india, it will probably be putting direct and indirect pressure on Turkey to make sure they(turkey) never raise its voice again against Israel when they try to masacare the palestinians next time.
Can't go by what DEBKA says. Sometimes they get it right, but hey, a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. That doesn't mean one should rely on it.
Good going ISRAEL. Keep it up. Turkey has always been a secular country and the present Prime Minister of Turkey has gone bonkers. Long live India Israel Russia USA

Never ever give Turky anything.
Below is the part of the article that makes me skeptical of the authenticity of this news.....

No doubt Israel wont be selling any "critical" hardware to Turkey for a plethora of reasons.....
The main being as Ahmad pointed out....."To teach Turkey a lesson"....
The Iran Pakistan connection is a bit far fetched......

As for the below, why would Turkey risk its NATO alignment, its secular policies that have gotten it where it is, and a reliable technologically advanced weapons supplier like Israel to align with loose cannons Iran.....

Something doesnt add up.....does anyone have any news on the below from a source other than Debka?

debkafile revealed exclusively last November, the Turkish Prime minister and Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad signed a secret military pact on Oct. 28, 2009, requiring Turkey's military intelligence, its air force and navy to help Iran repel a possible Israeli attack on its nuclear facilities. It included a provision for the sharing of any data and technology on Israeli weapons systems in Turkish possession, which the IDF might use for a potential strike.
Now let's see.. mod delete your post or not.....

Because if it written by indian member then i am sure mod delete it within a sec:coffee:

Strange, Nobody replied? hope the trolling poster knows Turkey denied Naval guns ti india?at does he consider tht? ............. i hope hes and others like him(retarded) understand wat im talkin about.:drag:
Now let's see.. mod delete your post or not.....

Because if it written by indian member then i am sure mod delete it within a sec:coffee:

quit whining and post something useful!!

by the way, why have you copied my user name?!?

Russia + India


Turkey , Israel, EU , USA, Japan , Pakistan , UK, Egypt

China (Undecided)

Man you are a dude

I love your imagination:rofl::rofl:

Now let me imagine.....

Friends of India....

1. Russia- Nothing to say

2. Israel- Pakistan does not have any sort of relation with Israel. How can you make alliance?? Moreover Israel supports India on Kashmir(Just a Fact)

3. China- Apart from arms sale, India and China are very good friends. Their annual trade is more than the total trade of many countries. Both the nations are part of a very famous group known as BRIC(Brazil Russia India China)

4. EU- Any single reason as to why they will form an alliance with Pakistan??

Other Countries

1. Turkey- Most Probably will support Pakistan

2. USA- Friend of nobody

3. UK- Will always follow USA...I guess no doubt about that.

4Japan- Have bad relation with China so cant really say.

5 Egypt: Your side

BTW Why u need whole world to counter India-Russia Alliance:azn:
intelarpit if china is ur friend tht im a hindu ;) go see indian COAS giving retarded statements to going war with China and Pakistan and bullshyt....P.S get some knowledge.
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