It seems someone just hit the nail. But anyways Hate isn't just bread one sided, just because Israelis have the means and western support plus the military hardware and that puts them in a position to dictate terms, does not mean whatever they say become automatically correct and others follow with their heads down and not a word out of their freaking mouths or else.
As for not mentioning history or not being there like you said, well one doesn't have to be in the past to understand things, time machine hasn't been invented yet otherwise most of us might even decide to have a look in person, and that is why history as a subject was there to educate the modern world about what happened in the past and how did it change the modern world. So every rite to drag old issues out in reference to the debate going on.
Firstly get something correct.
I never said hate was one sided. Look at the list I put. Most have a hatred of someone else at least if not several.
I never raised the issue about Israel and western backing and what they say goes.
I said and have always stated its about time Israel pulled out of West Bank and Gaza and let the Palestinian get on making a state. In fact I suggest Israel does some serious nation building there and within itself.
I also state that it is about time if Hamas really wants to govern a state it has to drop the garbage and baggage about obliterating Israel. That is no way to stat making a world recognised government or nation. It is pure kindergarten behaviour.
Now you comments re history. History is only good if you bother to provide a balance to your argument. Which is something that so called bit of history did not bother to do as it no doubt was too difficult to think.
What I said about history it must be balanced to be worth using. Failing that the argument goes don the drain, where it belongs.
Lets us start here:
And how about Bush and Blair for the illegal war of Iraq and the torture of captivities outside the Geneva convention
Garbage. There are not POWs as there is no formal war. Hence they do not have the right under the Geneva Convention. QED.
WWII: though it seems the poster got a bit confused between WWII and Vietnam.
dropping two atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
I see this seems to be the only bit of history the poster seems to have stuck in its head.
How about a bit more history and lack of the Geneva Convention with the treatment of allied POW by the Japanese on the Burma Thailand railway?
Let us not also forget Changi Prison and the atrocities inflected on the then Indian soldier by the Japanese. You were part of India then. But I suppose that was all OK and no problem?
But this was not brought up, why?
Also on the topic of history lets start on the issue of the atrocities the Japanese military inflected on the local natives in PNG.
There are documented cases of the Japanese butchering natives and their women for no reason, slicing of the womens breasts and mutilating genitals while they were alive, using POWs as bonnet practice while a live, tying them to trees with barb wire and then bonneting each limb first before beheading them.
Add to the whole thing I note that NO mention was made of the Russian atrocities on Germans, of the deplorable fire bombings of Germany and London and the list can go on.....
In Vietnam history I see no mention of the VC butchering villagers because they helped the SVN Govt/USA, etc. taking food from villages and leaving them with little.
Please get a life and do a bit of real history.
Ok use history but dont just be as obviously biased as so far presented.
If you do insist on the biased presentation it only makes you look stupid.