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Israel planned to kill Erdogan



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Feb 14, 2009
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Turkish media sources detail information implicating the Israeli Mossad in a plot to assassinate Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

An e-mail found on a personal computer belonging to one of the members of the underground Ergenekon organization exposed Mossad's role in the failed assassination efforts against Erdogan, Turkish media outlets reported on Friday.

The organization has been accused of orchestrating a coup plot against the current Turkish administration.

The indictment list tabled by the Turkish prosecution against the organization says that an Israeli journalist had sent the e-mail to a number of Ergenekon figures to inform them of Israeli readiness to assassinate the Turkish premier.

According to sources in the Turkish press, the e-mail promised support for Mr. Dugo -- whose identity has not been revealed -- against Erdogan after coordination with Mossad chief Meir Dagan.

The e-mail explained that the Mossad would wait for a green light from Mr. Dugo to carry on with the assassination plans.

Turkish sources have claimed Mr. Dugo to be Turkish Labor Party head Dugo Prinitchek -- who is suspected of leading the secret organization.

The news of an alleged Israeli role in the plot comes after a report last month suggested that Tel Aviv sought to stage regime change in Turkey in response to Ankara's condemnation of Israeli crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Tensions between Israel and Turkey emerged in late January, when Erdogan stormed out of a Davos forum after a heated debate with Israeli President Shimon Peres on the military aggression brought upon Gaza.

The Turkish prime minister walked out of the debate -- attended by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and other panel members --, while complaining that his comments on the conflict were cut short by the Washington Post's moderator David Ignatius.

Erdogan had told Peres at the Forum, "When it comes to killing, you know very well how to kill."

The criticism was leveled at the Israeli killing of over 1,350 Gazans amid a crippling 20-month blockade on the densely-populated Palestinian sliver.

"I know very well how you hit and killed children on beaches," he lashed out.

Press TV - Israel planned to kill Erdogan: Report
Wow shocking & interesting! another eye opener for the world to see the evilness that Israel lives for they should be shamed of them selves !
It sounds like an idiotic story to me. To use the most common measure of things in the middle east, Israel would gain nothing by the death of this Turkish politician. Furthermore, Israel just doesn't do assassinations just because of somebody's political opinion.

So there are two likely possibilities: either some other country wanted to kill him and Israel's name is substituted to protect the investigators, or else the whole thing is phony, just another episode in the spreading "hate Israel" campaign that so many people, it seems, desperately want to believe in.
It sounds like an idiotic story to me. To use the most common measure of things in the middle east, Israel would gain nothing by the death of this Turkish politician. Furthermore, Israel just doesn't do assassinations just because of somebody's political opinion.

So there are two likely possibilities: either some other country wanted to kill him and Israel's name is substituted to protect the investigators, or else the whole thing is phony, just another episode in the spreading "hate Israel" campaign that so many people, it seems, desperately want to believe in.

Are you kidding????
Israel does not do Assassinations???
Let me point you out to the assassinations in LEBANON, PALESTINE, and SYRIA that Israel has been doing to political leaders. I can also direct you to the kidnapping of political figures and ALSO civilians that are held in Israeli dungeons(Jails). Why shouldn't someone "hate" a terrorist country that steals the natives land, kills their people, oppresses someone, and cries out anti-Semitic so NO ONE can question their evilness.

Do you actually believe that Turkey WOULD lie about something like this???
If you didn't know Israel and Turkey were very close allies and I don't think for one moment that they would be making this up.
Are you kidding????
Israel does not do Assassinations???
Sure Israel does - but to those who are terrorists or who direct terrorists. Just expressing an anti-Israel opinion isn't enough. I thought everyone knew that.
Let me point you out to the assassinations in LEBANON, PALESTINE, and SYRIA that Israel has been doing to political leaders.
I think that in many countries Israel is blamed because it's safer for the investigators and it brands terrorist collaborators as agents of the "hated" Israelis. Yes, it's all perverse.
Why shouldn't someone "hate" a terrorist country that steals the natives land, kills their people, oppresses someone, and cries out anti-Semitic
"Terrorist" country? You mean like the oppression in Hamas-run Gaza? I don't know, but it seems a lot of Israelis pity the Palestinians, or else they wouldn't be so keen on feeding them and providing them with medical aid, rather than do the Arab thing of rape, massacre, and cutting off the water supply. Nobody would stop the Israelis if they wanted to do it, you know.

"Stealing" land? What should we do from here, would you have all Arabs return to the Peninsula? Or everybody but American Indians to Europe? And the Turks to Central Asia? Israel itself is at least as legitimate as Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary - all states that were formed in the wake of the twin collapses of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, with the purpose of giving their peoples their own nation-states instead, as a way to reduce ethnic conflicts. If Israel was formed immediately after WWI as originally envisioned by the League of Nations the Arab-Israeli conflict might today be just a simmer, as with Greece and Turkey today.

Do you actually believe that Turkey WOULD lie about something like this???
For now, it is only one newspaper, not the entire country. And for publishing a story like this, true or not, the reporters and editors can count on nice invitations to dinners and events run by embassies of Arab states and access to more potential sources, at the very least.
I'd concur w/solomon2 here.

There's no doubt that Israeli intelligence will target terrorists anywhere. OTOH, the liklihood of an Erdogan targeting is miniscule in the extreme.

Not the Israeli M.O. and WAAAAAY too much below-the-radar cooperation between their armed forces and defense industries. Davos was a rough moment in Turkish-Israeli relations but is strictly a diplomatic issue.

Paranoia, false-flag, whipping-boy, etc. all fit the possible origins but there's no rational basis for this. The tangible gains would have to FAR exceed the potential pitfalls of assassinating a major NATO leader.:rolleyes:

Turkey is not yet a strong voice for human rights and Mr. Erdogan's comments could have followed a more circumspect path had he displayed the composure to choose so. He didn't. That, though, is a small matter and not worthy of a death sentence from Mossad.
Sure Israel does - but to those who are terrorists or who direct terrorists. Just expressing an anti-Israel opinion isn't enough. I thought everyone knew that.

Hams, Hezbollah ARE NOT terrorist the only terrorist I see is Israel. Did you forget about the invasion of Syrian airspace and attacking a compound by terrorist State Israel??? Did you also forget about the t-shirts being sold in Israel about the killing of innocent women and children????

I think that in many countries Israel is blamed because it's safer for the investigators and it brands terrorist collaborators as agents of the "hated" Israelis. Yes, it's all perverse.

Israel is being blamed because it's the biggest terrorist in the world. They kindap thousands of PALESTINIAN civilians as well as Lebanese civilians and put them in Israeli dungeons (Jail) for NOTHING.

"Terrorist" country? You mean like the oppression in Hamas-run Gaza? I don't know, but it seems a lot of Israelis pity the Palestinians, or else they wouldn't be so keen on feeding them and providing them with medical aid, rather than do the Arab thing of rape, massacre, and cutting off the water supply. Nobody would stop the Israelis if they wanted to do it, you know.

Hamas doesn't OPPRESS NO ONE. They were the elected government whether you want to believe it or not. You said a lot of Israeli's pit Palestinians???? lol....Is that why they building illegal settlements STILL and planning on another illegal settlement project. Is that why they steal Palestinian resources such as gravel and take it to Israel??? Is that why the bomb civilian houses??? Is that why the bomb schools??? Is that why they tell people to leave KNOWING they DONT have anywhere to go so they can kill them???

"Stealing" land? What should we do from here, would you have all Arabs return to the Peninsula? Or everybody but American Indians to Europe? And the Turks to Central Asia? Israel itself is at least as legitimate as Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary - all states that were formed in the wake of the twin collapses of the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian empires, with the purpose of giving their peoples their own nation-states instead, as a way to reduce ethnic conflicts. If Israel was formed immediately after WWI as originally envisioned by the League of Nations the Arab-Israeli conflict might today be just a simmer, as with Greece and Turkey today.

First off all THEY SHOULD NOT have gave land that was not theirs. Whether or not Palestine was a country or not. The Palestinians were rightfully living there. How can you go somewhere you haven't been in how many thousand years as they say???? So then we can return U.S. to Native Americans and the Mexicans???? The Palestinians were rightfully living there and should NOT have been forced out their homes and their land giving away. You can't give land away that's NOT yours. ISRAEL IS NOT legitimate THEY came from Europe and went to live on land that WAS NOT theirs or HAVE EVER LIVED ON. Don't try to say ohhhh they lived there back a few thousands years ago. IT WAS NOT THEM maybe their ancestors but NOT THEM and they have no right to be their. This is like Mexicans claiming the land that U.S. stole BUT HAVE NEVER LIVED ON. They were refugees from Europe and they had NO right to have land that was not theirs.

For now, it is only one newspaper, not the entire country. And for publishing a story like this, true or not, the reporters and editors can count on nice invitations to dinners and events run by embassies of Arab states and access to more potential sources, at the very least.

I DIDN'T NOT SAY IT WAS TRUE. I was merely freaking posting it because this is a freaking chat and I have the right to post articles that I think are good READ. Do you understand???? Whether you agree with it or not I don't really give a crap.

Too much to freaking write back too lol. I almost decided not too. I don't have time to write whole pages for you.

LET ME MAKE ONE THING CLEAR TO YOU. I don't mind Jews living there in peace with us but to go as far as driving us from our homes and kill our brothers and sisters IS WHAT I DISAGREE WITH. Everyone should have equal rights and Israel should NOT EVEN HAVE EVER EXISTED. If you take a look at the West Bank it's like Swiss cheese more HOLES than the actually cheese.

One thing I know they won't stop till they have ALL of our land. For example look at the illegal settlements still going on in the West Bank and you cannot LIE about that. Take a look at the West Bank and you see their is more holes than cheese.

Voices - Tell-Tale Map
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Hezbollah ARE NOT terrorist the only terrorist I see is Israel...Hamas doesn't OPPRESS NO ONE. They were the elected government whether you want to believe it or not.
I don't think you're willing to look. Why don't you ask the Gazans how gentle and lawful Hamas is?

Did you forget about the invasion of Syrian airspace and attacking a compound by terrorist State Israel??? Did you also forget about the t-shirts being sold in Israel about the killing of innocent women and children????
These actions, regardless of their veracity and context, do not appear to be the stuff of terrorism.

Israel is being blamed because it's the biggest terrorist in the world. They kindap thousands of PALESTINIAN civilians as well as Lebanese civilians and put them in Israeli dungeons (Jail) for NOTHING.
Hezbollah itself says there are no Lebanese prisoners remaining in Israeli jails, and celebrates the last one released for his brave act of murdering a little girl by bashing her brains out with his rifle butt. Do you class the Palestinians in Israeli "dungeons" with this man? How innocent could such people be?

Is that why they building illegal settlements STILL and planning on another illegal settlement project. Is that why they steal Palestinian resources such as gravel and take it to Israel??? Is that why the bomb civilian houses??? Is that why the bomb schools??? Is that why they tell people to leave KNOWING they DONT have anywhere to go so they can kill them???

I think you know quite well the answers to these questions. You just don't like them, that's all.

First off all THEY SHOULD NOT have gave land that was not theirs. Whether or not Palestine was a country or not. The Palestinians were rightfully living there. How can you go somewhere you haven't been in how many thousand years as they say????...I don't mind Jews living there in peace with us but to go as far as driving us from our homes and kill our brothers and sisters IS WHAT I DISAGREE WITH.
You need an education, and you'll find it here.

I DIDN'T NOT SAY IT WAS TRUE. I was merely freaking posting it because this is a freaking chat and I have the right to post articles that I think are good READ. Do you understand???? Whether you agree with it or not I don't really give a crap.
In other words, you knowingly engaged in persecution of the righteous - in the narrow sense of those who were previously cleared of or whom you knew to be innocent of a criminal accusation. You defend that as freedom of speech. That is defamation, and is itself a crime.
What a load of utter tripe and horse cack.

The Israelis are the biggest perpetrators of crimes against humanity and are most definetly terrorists. For you to condone their "self-defence" tactics by killing women and kids in the 1000s only leads me to conclude you to be nothing more than scum.

It is regrettable that you see them as noble "do gooders" but understandable in light of two facts.
1) Your country (U.S) is as guilty as the Israelis when it comes to respecting the sanctity of human life. History ofcourse shows this - before you get your thong in a twist.
2) The Israelis/jews run the show state side and y'all are just mere puppets.

Now in light of the above, I hope you can find it in your heart to accept that a good a yid, is a dead yid.

peace in the middle east.

just my two pence worth...
Think logically here guys: Why would Israel attack a moderate Muslim country that HAS relations with Israel and is involved in helping Israel negotiate peace with Arabs? And this "attempt" comes right after the Gaza war? They would be idiots to do this, but they are not.

Seems more like a politically motivated story trying to disgrace some party in Turkey.
And neither Pakistan nor Great Britain carry any particular moral ascendancy to lean in on this issue.

"I hope you can find it in your heart to accept that a good a yid, is a dead yid."

Gotta report that one, scumbag.:usflag:
Solomon2 Your BS is leaking out your mouth.

I don't think you're willing to look. Why don't you ask the Gazans how gentle and lawful Hamas is?

They are perfectly fine with Hamas. Didn't you see the mass crowds for Hamas and more people turning towards hamas???

These actions, regardless of their veracity and context, do not appear to be the stuff of terrorism.

What about your ****** soldiers shooting women and children???What about white phosphorus dropped on civilians??? What about kidnapping civilians and putting them in your dungeons???? What about my cousin's cousin shot dead for NOTHING??? What about that I still have family inside your dungeons, who have done NOTHING???

Hezbollah itself says there are no Lebanese prisoners remaining in Israeli jails, and celebrates the last one released for his brave act of murdering a little girl by bashing her brains out with his rifle butt. Do you class the Palestinians in Israeli "dungeons" with this man? How innocent could such people be?

BS...There is many civilians in Israeli jails that have DONE NOTHING. If they did a crime ok you do the time, but most people in your jails have done NOTHING. You just don't want to face the facts that Israel is a murderous country. Well for sure I know I have relatives in your Dungeons and they have done NOTHING. I know that you pick up little teens playing of the streets, beat them, and take them to your dungeons for NOTHING.

I think you know quite well the answers to these questions. You just don't like them, that's all.

I want you to answer it. RETYPE.....I want to hear your BS. Is that why they building illegal settlements STILL and planning on another illegal settlement project. Is that why they steal Palestinian resources such as gravel and take it to Israel??? Is that why the bomb civilian houses??? Is that why the bomb schools??? Is that why they tell people to leave KNOWING they DONT have anywhere to go so they can kill them???

You need an education, and you'll find it here.

Thank you very much but I already got one. You should maybe stop drinking BS and sniffing illegal substances.

In other words, you knowingly engaged in persecution of the righteous - in the narrow sense of those who were previously cleared of or whom you knew to be innocent of a criminal accusation. You defend that as freedom of speech. That is defamation, and is itself a crime.

Blah blah blah....The only crime I see is that Israel is still robbing Palestinian of their land, slaughtering people, still building illegal settlements, and cry out Antisemitism, so no one can dare question Israel's atrocities.

Defamation is when you and your BS news media twists Ahmadinajad words around. Everything you say and do is BS. Your media is BS. Israel is BS.


PALESTINIAN LAND LOSS MAP LINK -----> Voices - Tell-Tale Map

Look at how Israeli terrorists work. Look at the West Bank Now it looks like SWISS CHEESE more holes than the actually cheese. Israel once again is still building illegal settlements and are working on a NEW project soon. Israel wants ALL of Palestine and their is no doubt about that. Israel is nothing but the biggest terrorist nation in the world. ZIONISM is NAZISM
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They are perfectly fine with Hamas. Didn't you see the mass crowds for Hamas and more people turning towards hamas???
Mass coercion is more like it.

What about that I still have family inside your dungeons, who have done NOTHING???
I'm glad you can cite a specific case. Please remember I am an American, not an Israeli. I know there are legal and human rights groups available to assist you in finding the answers. Have you tried this route?

You just don't want to face the facts that Israel is a murderous country.Well for sure I know I have relatives in your Dungeons -
If they are in prison, Israel couldn't have murdered them, yes?

I want you to answer it. RETYPE.....I want to hear your BS. Is that why they building illegal settlements STILL and planning on another illegal settlement project.
To many Palestinians, there are no legal Israeli settlements.

Is that why they steal Palestinian resources such as gravel and take it to Israel???
I once read of Palestinian contractors who shipped gravel into Israel for construction. It's kind of ridiculous to ask people to be outraged about some lost gravel. If this is the sort of "crime" Israel commits, you don't have much to complain about.

Is that why the bomb civilian houses??? Is that why the bomb schools???
The houses sheltered snipers and were used to launch rockets. The U.N. said the school bombing story was a fib. I understand the Israelis did bomb the University - the rocket studies department.

Is that why they tell people to leave KNOWING they DONT have anywhere to go so they can kill them???
Just a rumor, it seems. Apparently many people in Gaza know or experience Israeli soldiers telling them to move to safer locations. It was only natural for Hamas and other terror groups to try to dissuade them through fear so they would remain to be employed as human shields.

That is one topic I think worthy of debate: The moral question of how many human shields must a terrorist surround himself with before he is considered immune from attack. Israeli Arabs who came under Hezbollah bombardment in 2005 publicly declared that if Hezbollah continued to bomb them they would join the Israeli Army and hunt down Hezbollah themselves - perhaps without the kind of restraint Jewish soldiers employed in Lebanon. Nasrallah apologized, but it may have been too late; I think Israel may permit Arabs to join its army soon.

Blah blah blah....The only crime I see is that Israel is still robbing Palestinian -
Read and learn.

Defamation is when you and your BS news media twists Ahmadinajad words around.
I'm not familiar with what the news media says about Ahmadinajad. Why do you mention him at all?


The British declared their intent in favor of a Jewish state before they conquered Palestine from the Ottomans, and the League of Nations legitimized that. The Brits delayed, but the Holocaust made everyone realize that its formation was an imperative that could be delayed no longer. If it was just a matter of "who did it" don't you think the world would have carved a state for the Jews out of Germany?

Israel wants ALL of Palestine and their is no doubt about that. Israel is nothing but the biggest terrorist nation in the world.
If Israel wanted ALL of Palestine why did it sign the Oslo Accords? Why didn't it kick out the Arabs long ago? Why did it give back so much land? Why did the Jews evacuate Gaza - even those whose families had lived there for centuries?

You've acknowledged that there are "terrorist states" in the world. It is clearly very important to you to think of Israel as one, regardless of facts. You're making a leap of faith to see Israel that way. Do you understand why? If you could make a wish and have every Israeli "crime" ever committed vanish yet have Israel itself remain as a separate Jewish state, would you do it?
I'm glad you can cite a specific case. Please remember I am an American, not an Israeli. I know there are legal and human rights groups available to assist you in finding the answers. Have you tried this route?

Thank you but my aunties and uncles have been contacting them. It's not doing much if any at all.

If they are in prison, Israel couldn't have murdered them, yes?

I was saying Israel is a murderous country not saying they murdered them. They did however kill my teachers family. I think war of 67 or 73 don't remember. He is dead now. They destroyed his entire village and watched many of his family die at the hands of Israeli terrorists. He was brought to our town with nothing. He didn't even know if any of his family was left alive. May he RIP. I myself had family and friends who have died from those Israeli terrorists.

To many Palestinians, there are no legal Israeli settlements.

I don't give a crap. I was citing the illegal settlements in West Bank. Do you understand??

I once read of Palestinian contractors who shipped gravel into Israel for construction. It's kind of ridiculous to ask people to be outraged about some lost gravel. If this is the sort of "crime" Israel commits, you don't have much to complain about.

I said they STOLE it not paid for it and I was just using this as an example "Sigh".

The houses sheltered snipers and were used to launch rockets. The U.N. said the school bombing story was a fib. I understand the Israelis did bomb the University - the rocket studies department.

Yet their is no proof but I can show you a few videos of Israel Using human shield like that kid handcuffed to an Israeli Jeep. Well you know in Lebanon they hit their airport....did you know that???

Just a rumor, it seems. Apparently many people in Gaza know or experience Israeli soldiers telling them to move to safer locations. It was only natural for Hamas and other terror groups to try to dissuade them through fear so they would remain to be employed as human shields.

Where can they go???? Israel basically hit everything. All borders and are blocked and there are many reports of Israel refusing the medics to go in. Israel once again has been PROVED to using human shields like that kid who was handcuffed to an Israeli jeep or the teens that were FORCED to go in front of little chicken sh_t Israeli soldiers when they went door to door. Their is NO PROOF that Hamas used human shields and if they did they would NOT have any supporters. You are nothing but BS. Their is however proof os Israel using human shields.

Read and learn.

TY but I already know....you need to read and learn.

I'm not familiar with what the news media says about Ahmadinajad. Why do you mention him at all?

Just giving example. Why I can't give an example???

The British declared their intent in favor of a Jewish state before they conquered Palestine from the Ottomans, and the League of Nations legitimized that. The Brits delayed, but the Holocaust made everyone realize that its formation was an imperative that could be delayed no longer. If it was just a matter of "who did it" don't you think the world would have carved a state for the Jews out of Germany?

You mean when they told the Jews that they were going to give them the land and then went around and told Palestinians they were going to give it to them??? Screw the stupid British wankers who gave the land away that was NOT theirs. I'm not talking about all brits by the way. I don't give a flying horse crap about the holocaust because it has NOTHING to do with Palestinians and we should NOT have had to pay for what Hitler did. I feel bad for what was done to the Jews but that does NOT mean we are going to be forced out our own home so they could get a homeland because of what happened to them. Israel SHOULD NOT have happened. I don't mind them living with us but I don't like them stealing our land, killing us, and oppressing us. Illegal settlements are STILL going on and once again the West Bank looks like Swiss cheese more HOLES than cheese.

If Israel wanted ALL of Palestine why did it sign the Oslo Accords? Why didn't it kick out the Arabs long ago? Why did it give back so much land? Why did the Jews evacuate Gaza - even those whose families had lived there for centuries?

The Olso Accords is the biggest BS EVER. It gave back so much land??? I still see illegal settlements going on in the WEST BANK. Just about an hour or so their is military bases and illegal settlements with lousy settlers. I don't disclose the location I live in or my name by the way.Hmm the evacuated Gaza???? Yeah I agree....They evacuted because it was only I believe like 12,000 settlers and because the invasion was planned and they wanted to make sure their land stealing settlers were not harmed. Why haven't they withdrawn from the West Bank and why are they still building illegal settlements????....I tell you why because THEY want EVERYTHING.

You've acknowledged that there are "terrorist states" in the world. It is clearly very important to you to think of Israel as one, regardless of facts. You're making a leap of faith to see Israel that way. Do you understand why? If you could make a wish and have every Israeli "crime" ever committed vanish yet have Israel itself remain as a separate Jewish state, would you do it?

Israel is a terrorist whether you want to say it or not. The facts????....hmmm....Lets see....Israeli soldiers have murdered innocents for how long????...my grandma and many people used to tell me of the horrific things did. Don't tell me your BS. My grandpa is over 100 years old may he RIP. He is over 50 years older than the terrorist state Israel came to being. I have even witnessed murderous Israeli soldiers doing what they do best, which is murdering innocents.
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