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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Why are Muslim now crying for Secular West?

The Secular Human Friendly West has already been stabbed by the Muslims in their back. The Muslims in Europe didn't integrate in the local culture and brought a huge problem of conflicts in the European local societies, which ultimately made the Secular Voices weaker, and the voices of the right wings in Europe became stronger.

Problem is this Muslim community prefers Sharia over the democratic secular laws. They impose their Sharia laws in their Muslim countries, but demand secular laws in Europe and India, where they are in minority. These DOUBLE STANDARDS of Muslim community are not going to last long. By doing this, it were Muslims who stabbed the Secular forces in the West.

We see Jeremy Corbyn of Labour party was supporter of Palestine and against the Israel occupation. But Muslim community in UK pushed UK towards right through their non-integration behaviour. Thus ultimately secular people like Jeremy Corbyn have to pay the price of this Muslim community behaviour.

My message to Muslim community:

Do follow the Secular values without any hypocrisy. Only then you will get the World support against Israel. Otherwise everyone will turn against you sooner or later. China, India, Myanmar have already turned against you openly. But with your double standards, sooner or later Western countries will also stand up against you.
Get out of here with your vitriol. We are not crying for Western countries. We are asking for muslims to be united to confront your double standards with might and unity.
those might have actually been SRBMs now that I look at it. Way to fast acceleration
Lol, I down believe it for a second. don't be so naive. They do it to gather intel on who's supporting whom. get your family background, how dangerous you are to them. Ask these "regulars" where their extended families are? yep, all in Israel or settlers. Some admittedly have mental problems so they are pro palestinain in the morning and then they forget to take their pills and support Israel for a week. The are all very mentally unstable people (both types), they like to sing loudly in inappropriate places. be very careful.

do you think any of us here know something that their intelligence service doesnt know. come on.

Gaznas have drones and get fed satellite Intel by iran. Iran gets it from its own satellites, Turkish or Pakistani assets. Israel knows all this. They can turn on your mobile phone and see everything thats in it. Unless its a Chinese phone on a Chinese network. event then they can access your voice calls on viber and all those messaging apps that they designed.

gulfies and saudis divert all their money to Israel to help with its defence against the terrorist Palestinians.

These guys are the most dangerous, manipulative, two faced snakes you will ever see. You seem to know little about them. if you knew what they did to the people in Europe, you would not believe it. Palestinians have gotten off very very lightly. Europeans have suffered 10's of millions of casualties because of them in various forms. Zionists, secularists, communists, socialists, capitalists. You have only limited experience with them. only 70 years. Why do you thin Europeans sent them down your way.

That's true as well, they needed a final solution and this was the only way.
Hate is so deep now. Isreal has a very short time to implement 2 state agreements or the next Nakba day will be more lethal. People deny or accept, Palestinian factions are much stronger and much organized and... seems very well trained compare to past.
After watching the last few weeks of activity and extreme hate, when Israeli citizens start attacking their Arab Palestinian neighbors... Isreal's existence seems now in deep danger. Also, it seems the US is tired of defending Israel, not much interested. Again, US main issue is right now Taiwan, currency, trade tariffs, etc, and the South China sea.
The US can't go against Israel. The Israeli lobby, that mostly controls the financial institutions, will not allow that to happen.
If they have ballistic missiles they will not use them now and would strike targets of strategic value like Israeli gov't buildings.
I agree, but I’ve also seen so many BM launches, it looked just like one. But I agree let’s just leave that speculation aside till theirs evidence .
All intercepted
Looks like.
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