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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Would firing bit under 2000 rockets in 2 days compared to the 4000 rockets fired in the entire 51 day 2014 war, indicate that Hamas stock of rockets is way more than what is being reported?
Dude, how on earth do they smuggle weapons that size into Gaza?
piecemeal and thru the sea?

SORRY, but some people keep saying things cant get into gaza....instead of saying "I DONT SEE HOW THINGS AND EQUIPMENT CAN ENTER GAZA"

JUST BCOS u dunno doesnt mean it doenst exist (saying this in general, not to you Jamal).
Al-Qassam Brigades targeted the two ID stations east of Khan Yunis and eastern Gaza with a number of rocket fire

US President Biden: "I spoke with Netanyahu yesterday. One of the things I have seen so far is that there has been no disproportionate response. The question now is how to get to the point where there is a significant reduction in attacks, especially in missile attacks on population centers. We also talked to the Egyptians, the Saudis and others. The process is in full swing. " @IsraelHayomHeb

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This is not as one-sided as we think it is. The world i.e. Western powers also depend on poor nations. If the poor nations made a fist of things the rich nations will shiver for at least a moment. It will divide the world. Can the rich nations of the world live with a divided world? A world where the power and influence of the rich natons is curbed in poorer nations? The rich world already has a problem with growing influence of China and Russia in the developing world.
Spot on hence my comments regarding muslim countries pushing for two state solution. Agreed with you.
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piecemeal and thru the sea?

SORRY, but some people keep saying things cant get into gaza....instead of saying "I DONT SEE HOW THINGS AND EQUIPMENT CAN ENTER GAZA"

JUST BCOS u dunno doesnt mean it doenst exist (saying this in general, not to you Jamal).

yes, I am just very interested. The place is under siege by both the Israelis and the Egyptians . It would take a virtual logistics train to bring in such large quantities of weapons.

With the state of modern surveillance technology it is an achievement in itself.
Sinai desert next? I'm sorry but you really don't have any information of the Arab-Israeli wars that ended in Israel withdrawing from Sinai completely after the Egyptian Armed Forces launched a major war crossing the canal and taking control of all but one of the Bar Lev posts at the barrier that was the length of the canal and moved in 15 - 20 kilometers and held on to it despite the Israelis creating a gap between the 2nd and 3rd army and trying to surround the third just to have a better hand at negotiating the settlements. By the end of that war, Israel ended up losing close to half the Sinai and then with the peace treaty, neither is allowed to cross the border or they will be of violation on the treaty which will bring to bear the US and its forces against either entity. This was a pact. So please research a bit more before making statements like that. Just like why Egypt can't do anything right now except offer as much aid to Ghaza which it has and continues to do, neither can Israel approach an inch of Sinai. It's been 40 years under this treaty.

Until 2018 when we needed to wipe out IISI in northeast Sinai, we were able to send a rather large military contingency which one of them was several F-16s and Apache helicopters and Beechcraft surveillance aircraft and the EAF F-16 actually crossed into Israeli territory and locked on an intercepting IAF F-15 before it returned over the border.

BTW, Egypt has a HUGE rapid deployment forces and a plan to quickly enter Sinai and stop any dreamed up invasion that they've been practicing for 20 years and keep improving as technology improves.

The talk of individuals on social media and even some representatives in the Israeli government that Egypt should absorb the Palestinians in Ghaza and give them a large share in Sinai was laughed at by everyone, even the Palestinians who don't want that. They want their own land where they've lived all their lives.

Ya sater ya Rab.
What's interesting is how BBC is really trying to be neutral on this conflict and showing both sides, but they are being very careful as to the start of the conflict and by whom it was. Their rep in East Jerusalem said that during the Taraweeh prayers, the Palestinians moved the fencing and tried to barricade the Israeli security forces or whatever you want to call them and that triggered the Israelis to remove them and then the rocks flew and the rubber bullets etc. THEN HE SAID that at the same time, there was the issue of Palestinians being "evicted" out of their homes and that the Israelis claimed that land was their right from 1948.

We ALL KNOW that the Palestinian homes demolitions of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and other places is EXACTLY what started this entire conflict but the press rep in East Jerusalem tried to make it as if the timing was at the same period. Most likely because they Israelis would've kicked him and the BBC out for revealing the truth. Clearly the Israelis were demolishing homes much earlier than any Palestinian retaliation especially at Al Aqsa Masjid. He just couldn't bring himself to blame the Israelis for starting the conflict with the stealing and demolition of the Palestinians homes that have been there as part of the Palestinian neighborhoods in the WB. He wouldn't blame the Israelis and that is a HUGE element that is lacking in MSM media but this was the closest I've seen them get to the truth.

BTW, can you link me the Aljazeera source you're following, pls? Thx. Eid Mubarak and Kol sana went tayeb despite these tough times.

These are preplanned naval exercises for naval preparedness. It doesn't have to be against any particular enemy, my friend. Consider it "practice." Egyptian Navy does it with many other countries. Just an exercise for preparedness which is better than not being prepared, right?

It also helps with comms and seamanship and many things of that sort that are more technically related with a lot of the newer equipment that the EN navy has.

You called it right, ma bro. You were spot on and that is a huge advantage for Hamas. Problem is they need to take advantage of the timing in between Israel replacing the radar which I'm sure you know they're quite effective at doing that and have planned against such a thing.

The same old song and dance, Arad this, Arab that. How about offering your personal solution. I just hope you don't come up with something like Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia should fly all their jets and bomb Israel. Are you even aware that Egypt has sent a delegation in Israel and Ghaza trying to create yet another cease fire before more lives are lost on both sides? What else to you want them to do?

I know, most of you want to see a major conflict with all the cool new weapons all the Arabs are buying against the Israelis and frankly that is nothing but selfish motives. The toughest part is going to be putting pressure on the Biden administration to halt the destruction and eviction of Palestinian homes in Sheikh Jarrah and other homes and make them recognize that those are Palestinian neighborhoods. Thanks to Trump, Biden has been put in-between a rock and a hard place. At least Obama had the guts to tell the Israelis to stop the settlements. Biden is not as strong as Obama was and is hampered by the Trump blow of announcing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
oh i remeber that, at the end of the war Egyptian said brother isreal you take Palestinian lands and give us sina..

despite the initial victory due to surpise attack on Hanukkah ..we end up with peace agreement 4 years later that led to Egypt being KICK OUT OF OIC

anyone can read this..its shame that arabs lost their only opptunrity to get back what was there...eygptians literally agreed that they cant defeat isreal..that fear is there even today..eygpt -syria backed by USSR outnumbered isrealis by 4:1

Dude, how on earth do they smuggle weapons that size into Gaza?
tunnels..even though Egypt and their alley isreal does it best to stop it
yes, I am just very interested. The place is under siege by both the Israelis and the Egyptians . It would take a virtual logistics train to bring in such large quantities of weapons.

With the state of modern surveillance technology it is an achievement in itself.
are you Israeli agent which want to get info ?!
The Turkish news agency Anadolu Agency reports that two of their photographers and a driver were injured in an airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip.
The same old song and dance, Arad this, Arab that. How about offering your personal solution. I just hope you don't come up with something like Egypt, the UAE and Saudi Arabia should fly all their jets and bomb Israel. Are you even aware that Egypt has sent a delegation in Israel and Ghaza trying to create yet another cease fire before more lives are lost on both sides? What else to you want them to do?

I know, most of you want to see a major conflict with all the cool new weapons all the Arabs are buying against the Israelis and frankly that is nothing but selfish motives. The toughest part is going to be putting pressure on the Biden administration to halt the destruction and eviction of Palestinian homes in Sheikh Jarrah and other homes and make them recognize that those are Palestinian neighborhoods. Thanks to Trump, Biden has been put in-between a rock and a hard place. At least Obama had the guts to tell the Israelis to stop the settlements. Biden is not as strong as Obama was and is hampered by the Trump blow of announcing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Have you even read my earlier comments or just high on fossil fuel?
And arabs cant fight for shit 1963, 67 and now Yemen war. We don't expect you to fight neither can you.
Hmm so Arrow-2/3 not deployed??
The missile in its B version can be fired/programmed to act like a cruise missile which makes it impossible for known air defense system to track and down it. If used as a BM, it would have a semi ballistic curve trajectory which makes it more stealth compared to common BMs.
Israel blabbers too much about its SAMs but Palestine proved otherwise.
Dozens of Palestinian casualties in the past hour due to indiscriminate artillery shelling by Israel and strikes on civilian homes. Israeli shelling continues and they are bringing tanks closer to Gaza border. Could be ground invasion later tonight or tomorrow.

Yes sir it is. A Syrian supplied Tochka variant. It flew for 200 KM to hit its targets in northern Israel. Kudos to Palestinians.
It shows that Palestinian have had access to advanced computers. Great achievement to say the least.

Stop lying, that is not a Palestinian rocket and Hamas showed nothing. Hamas do not have ballistic missiles nor ties with Syrian govt at the moment.
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