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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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Israeli rocket sirens are not active at the moment but some rockets just struck Ashkelon and Ashdod.

The port of Ashdod was targeted.
Impressed that Hamas has the capability to hit strategic targets in Israel and evade the Iron Dome. Wonder what will happen if they had more advanced weaponry.
What's the best Telegram link for the legit statements? I can barely tell the fake ones because there's so many on Telegram

They have an official one but I don't have the link for it. Elint news or Aurora Intel usually post the legit statements( even though they are pro-Israel jews). I will post official statements when I see them too.
When Turkish delegation was in Egypt to reset in relations .... same day İsrael attacked Al Aqsa mosque

İsrael has its own agenda to design the region

-- to destroy Al Aqsa mosque and re-build Solomon temple
-- to kick Palestinians out of Jerusalem
-- to use proxies such as PENTAGON , PKK/YPG to design İraq and Syria for İsraeli interests
-- to control Arab Countries via puppet leaders/regimes
-- to control Turkey via organizations like FETO
-- to use İran to create chaos in sunni muslim Countries
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Impressed that Hamas has the capability to hit strategic targets in Israel and evade the Iron Dome. Wonder what will happen if they had more advanced weaponry.

They have better tactics for sure this time around, and they need to hit these targets to make an impact. The airport, ports, airbases, and gas drilling offshore facilities. Israeli media now confirms activity has been paused until further notice in one of their gas drilling facilities. Some French and American flights are now canceled.

The military air bases remain confidential, even if Hamas hits them no details will come out.
If the Israelis stick to a massive air campaign, this'll be Hamas' 2006. Their enemies are weakened (PIJ got the floor wiped with them), they have high legitimacy following successes on Israel, and they now have deterrence.

Which is why most of us think there'll be a ground op
The Israelis miscalculated the entire thing.. Their bluff has been called
Hamas political officials mention they got threats from almost everyone , including Europe. There is a lot of pressure on Hamas to end retailation and this is why it's important to have strong political backing of some sort for better results. Because of lack of political support from neighbors, they cannot achieve much at the table.
Israelis call the occasional massacres in Gaza as 'mowing the grass'. They go there and deplete the Gazans' stockpiles and kill commanders--and of course innocent civilians. And this strategy has worked for Israel, combined with a very strict control over what goes/in out of Gaza. $ussy Israelis, despite the complete backing of the sold-out politicians of the mightiest military force ever existed in Washington are still too scared of Katyushas even through they have more of an advantage than the Native Americans had against the European Settlers; at least the Native Americans had a huge landmass to hide in, which the Gazans dont.

So Israel will keep 'mowing the grass'. Sometimes it would plant its agents to fire from Gaza to start the 'mowing'. The Israelis are hoping that the 5 MILLION Palestinians either leave Gaza/W.Bank on their own or resign to the lives of living on the 'Reservations' like the Native Americans have. But Palestinians are not a mere million, spread over a continent the size of China. The Palestinians are 5 millions, concentrated in a small region and Palestinians are undoubtedly the bravest, the most resilient people I have ever seen in human history, considering the odds against them: They are pitted against blood-thirsty rival well trained by the Nazis and backed by a hypocritical Superpower.

Given what Israel is doing and plan to do. Given that the Arab states, with the exception of Lebanon/Syria have given up on Palestinians. The choices for the Palestinians is to accept their fate to be the boot-polishers of the European Transplants in the region. OR... make the Israelis suffer so much that some sense would come to the Israelis. With Lebanon already in a financial crisis. With Syria constantly bombed by Israelis. With the Iranians constantly attacked by the Israelis inside Iran itself. With those and what is being done in Palestine... so why not hit the Israelis where it hurts the most: Financially?! Join forces and cripple every day life, cripple tourism, make the cowards flee back to Europe and America, and etch into the global memory that Israel is an Apartheid State not worth visiting for 'Holy Cities Tours' or for R&R and is a 'risky' investment destination. There are plenty of safer places in the region. How about Cyprus? Malta?
A lot of foreign journalists and aid workers and so forth going into Gaza are foriegn intelligence agents. The place is literally infested with all kinds of foreign intelligence agents that have no issues serving Israel like slaves.
@Falcon29 I’m aware that the IDF has opened first by bombing 1-2 sites in Gaza including a HQ for Hamas. Now I believe it has developed to targeting missile storage and manufacturing sites if I’m not wrong. Whilst Hamas keeps firing rockets at the NE direction short of Tel Aviv at non residential infastructure but rather storage sites, ports and pipelines.... along with diverting rockets into Israeli settlements. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

I’d like your opinion on how Hamas makes these rockets, and how Egypt should be helping. Thanks.
They have better tactics for sure this time around, and they need to hit these targets to make an impact. The airport, ports, airbases, and gas drilling offshore facilities. Israeli media now confirms activity has been paused until further notice in one of their gas drilling facilities. Some French and American flights are now canceled.

The military air bases remain confidential, even if Hamas hits them no details will come out.

Basically what Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran just learned is that barrages work and they work really well when Iron Dome is reloading.

Also, a lot of people have realized that Hamas does in fact have precision rockets contrary to what a lot of people believed which resulted in them successfully hitting:

-Power Grid
-Oil plant
-Dam (Not sure)

Future targets?

What's the best Telegram link for the legit statements? I can barely tell the fake ones because there's so many on Telegram

Egypt gets snubbed again :lol:

@Falcon26 what's the rationale behind not accepting ceasefire. Hamas can't win long war, soon their stocks will be depleted
With Syria constantly bombed by Israelis. With the Iranians constantly attacked by the Israelis inside Iran itself
While I agree with everything. These are both serious overstatements.

“constantly attacked?“ really? Things have gotten much better for Syria since the last few years and wtf are you talki about Iran for?
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