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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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keep dreaming about this mythical Islamic power dude. Israel will without hesitation deploy nuclear weapons against Iran or any other nation if they enter a large scale conventional war.

This is why Iran has used the boiling frog method against Israel, to make life as difficult as possible for Israel so that change happens locally.

The last few days proves how Israel has no strategic depth and without a ground victory against their enemies, the next 10-20 years are going to be very difficult.
Couldn’t agree more. It’s the only long term strategy. Generate problems along the border by arming groups, coupled with a high Palestinian growth rate and you have many sets of issues.
These aren’t even my words, I’ve watched videos from Israeli think tanks replicating about this very idea and the increasing difficulty as the years go by
Guys so you want me to thread ban anyone who takes a dig at what other countries are doing to help Palestinians?

Don't go that way.. just focus on what Palestinians are doing and what they will do tonight and how Israel responds.

No need to bring what Iran/ Pakistan/ Turkey has done.. No one has done enough.. They have only increased the problems of Palestinians.

Thank you.. Any insult on any country/ race/ nationality.. or any false bravado will result in a thread ban.
israel dont care money sir for god sake its been 60 years we are reading it sir . they have 180bn$ reserves and west will happily fix all these damages even pay them more aid . money is issue for jew ? this paper money is scrap israel can take as much as they need with few clicks .

You have no idea what you are talking about, if Hamas fires 100 rockets, it cost Hamas $50,000 to fire them and it costs Israel $8,000,000 to intercept them.

Avg Hamas rocket cost = $500
1x Tamir interceptor cost = $40,000

At least 2 Tamirs are fired from Iron Dome to intercept 1 Hamas rocket. If Hamas fires 100 rockets, Israel fires 200 Tamir to intercept them.

Here is breakdown:

100 rockets * $500 = Total cost for Hamas is $50,000 to fire 100 rockets
2x Tamir * $40,000 *100 rockets = Total cost for Israel is $8,000,000 to intercept 100 rockets

Israel has to spend $160 for every $1 Hamas spends
keep dreaming about this mythical Islamic power dude. Israel will without hesitation deploy nuclear weapons against Iran or any other nation if they enter a large scale conventional war.

This is why Iran has used the boiling frog method against Israel, to make life as difficult as possible for Israel so that change happens locally.

The problem with Israel is that the enemy is so close so nukes won't factor much unless they will hit themselves in suicide..

Israel is inferior to everyone in the region except the none-state actors + Lebanon when it comes to an actual conventional engagement and conflict.

Their F-35s will definitely be taken out of the skies and as I said previously before the Iron dome failed I call it to peoples attention.. Israel will have no other choice then getting their hands dirty and engaging an army in conventional engagement on the ground
If anyone wants to know the reasons why no one helps Palestinians, its evident from this thread. Iranians fighting turks, iranian fighting arabs, arabs fighting turks and iranian, Pakistanis fighting everyone and then the indian rats jump in with their crap.
only two passed through Iron Dome.
From what you Israelis are telling us, IRON DOME has "90% effectiveness rate", and only 2 of the 130 rockets like u said landed......SO WHY IS ISRAEL ON FIRE THEN???? lmao.....your propaganda still doesnt get u far does it.
keep dreaming about this mythical Islamic power dude. Israel will without hesitation deploy nuclear weapons against Iran or any other nation if they enter a large scale conventional war.

İsrael is shit ... and cowardly pathetic puppet muslim leaders are full of shit

I respect N.Koreans and their brave leader who gave a lesson to The US

on the other hand cowardly and useless 1,8 billion ISLAMIC World
Blah blah. This Hindutva is dying from COVID and here he is to tell us how a country of 200+ million would be defeated by Israelis LOL Even if we pissed on Israel it would drown in a few hours.

Go and fetch some COVID bodies from Ganges you ugly Hindutva rat.

Israel is technically advanced/much better equipped and military power than Pakistan. .....Stay on topic please, do not bring India into it..
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Hamas missiles cost between $300-800

Iron Dome Tamir missiles are $40,000 a shot, usually fired in pairs, so $80,000 total per intercept.

This is another way to defeat the enemy make the cost of war go up. One of the reason
why Soviet Union broke because the cost of war in Afghanistan was too high.
If anyone wants to know the reasons why no one helps Palestinians, its evident from this thread. Iranians fighting turks, iranian fighting arabs, arabs fighting turks and iranian, Pakistanis fighting everyone and then the indian rats jump in with their crap.

their are trolls on this thread who are very insistent on bringing up their country amazing power against Israel instead of sticking to the topic here which is Gaza. They come and turn everything about themselves
Israel’s leadership taken by surprise, in a conflict it failed to see coming

On one of the most shattering nights in recent Israeli history — with hundreds of Hamas rockets battering the country, and a violent minority of Israel’s own Arab populace targeting its Jews — the most disconcerting moments were those that showed the nation how profoundly our political leaders and security chiefs were taken by surprise.

Hours after Hamas launched what appears to have been its most concentrated rocket assault on central Israel, with a reported 130 rockets fired from Gaza, the prime minister, defense minister, army chief and Shin Bet head convened a joint press conference late Tuesday whose goals were plainly to reassure a nation under attack and to urge the population to heed life-saving security precautions.

The call to the public to head to safe rooms and bomb shelters as and when ordered came through loud and clear. Not so the reassurance.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Hamas would pay a heavy price for its aggression, and that its leaders’ “blood is on their heads” — the kind of language that he has used often in the past in situations far less threatening; routine words for a situation that was anything but.

Sounding still further out of touch, IDF Chief Aviv Kohavi told the worried watching nation that the army was “fully deploying our air defenses to thwart the rocket fire, with great success, even if not hermetically” (emphasis added).

Israel’s astonishing Iron Dome missile defense system has indeed been achieving great success, reportedly hitting up to 90% of the incoming rockets at which it has been directed. But what the evidence of the previous few hours had shown was that Hamas and its fellow terror groups were nonetheless able to maintain their attacks almost at will, firing so often and so intensively as to occasionally evade even the most sophisticated defenses. Barely four hours later, Hamas proved the point, unleashing another colossal rocket barrage everywhere from southern Israel to north of Tel Aviv.

Of the political and security quartet, only Shin Bet chief Nadav Argaman indicated tacit recognition that Hamas, rather than Israel, was setting the agenda in an escalation Israel’s intelligence assessments had failed to predict. Keeping his remarks to a minimum, Argaman said curtly that it was “insufferable” for a terrorist group to be threatening Israel, and that “now is not the time for talking.”


What was highlighted in the plea for help Tuesday night from Revivo — a former Likud election campaign chief and robust ally of the prime minister — was that the authorities failed to fully internalize where all those processes might lead. When parts of the Arab sector erupted overnight Tuesday — with Lod at the forefront, but violence too in Jaffa and Acre and other Jewish-Arab areas — the police were unprepared, and the government was, as with the rockets, forced frantically to react to events that others were setting in motion.

This current conflict could yet become considerably more complex for Israel to handle. Hezbollah, the other quasi-state terrorist army, across our northern border, has far greater rocket and missile capabilities than Hamas, ready to fire the moment that Iran gives the signal. Relatively speaking, the West Bank has thus far been conspicuous in the disinclination of its residents to enter the confrontation, despite the best efforts of Hamas. One of the many reasons the government and the IDF have for years preferred not to engage in major conflict with Gaza is precisely the concern that it could trigger major conflict on multiple fronts.

The events of the last two days, and the evident surprise by which the government and military have been taken, underline the long-bewailed consequences of our years of political dysfunction, marked by endless election campaigning, narrow bickering and transitional government — a paralyzing concoction antithetical to strategic thinking and clear policymaking.

Where Gaza is concerned, “there is no policy,” the former Mossad officer Sima Shine opined on Tuesday afternoon. For years, said the former national security adviser Giora Eiland, there has been no serious, strategic government discussion of options for Gaza.

Gloating at having briefly shut down the Knesset, disrupted Jerusalem Day, and sent half the country dashing for shelter, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh declared late Tuesday that his Gaza-ruling terror group had created “a new balance of power” with Israel. As the Shin Bet’s Argaman said, that is “insufferable.”

At the leadership’s disconcerting press conference, Defense Minister Benny Gantz cautioned Israelis: “We must not be dismissive about the situation we are in.”

Rarely was advice more appropriate and necessary.

If anyone wants to know the reasons why no one helps Palestinians, its evident from this thread. Iranians fighting turks, iranian fighting arabs, arabs fighting turks and iranian, Pakistanis fighting everyone and then the indian rats jump in with their crap.

This is more or less what my Eid is like with family.
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