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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

Boy it took you that long to come up with this "one-liner" ... which is utter non-sense ... for once try to get the sarcasm in my post... i.e. you cannot have ANY moral grounds of making ANY defensive argument when "by design" the opposite party is categorized as gentile... :what:

Where is the genocide?
I agree almost what you termed as defeat EXCEPT in order to rejoice a victory you need to make sure that you are able to maintain peace and have full confidence that you will be able to neutralize ANY form of threat to the lives of a common citizen of your Country in the long run. I am afraid the way things are on the ground NO ONE is 100 % sure how things will turn out.

Peace and stability in Afghanistan is paramount and have a direct impact on the stability of the Countries who share border with it, more specifically Pakistan. The enemies of Pakistan will avail ANY possibility of creating enough CHAOS in Afghanistan to warrant a return of foreign forces and unfortunately ONLY time will tell if a sustained peace will be attained for the innocent Afghani civilians.

I am not aware of any developments so far on the involvement of Countries together sharing border (and probably Russia) with Afghanistan in the implementation and support (monetary, humanitarian and military) to overcome the vacuum that will be created by the return of foreign troops to their respective countries which is of very critical importance. Make note that this is the vary vacuum which is always referred to be used by the "non-state" actors in Afghanistan.

Eradicate the gentiles with utmost ruthlessness ... as gentiles have lesser value... :what:
There is enough Chaos already in Afghanistan which doesn't justify US and NATO forces pulling out. There is no semblance of peace and stability in Afghanistan and the only ones the US and NATO are doing favour for are themselves and no one else. :-" creating enough CHAOS in Afghanistan to warrant a return of foreign forces "
There is enough Chaos already in Afghanistan which doesn't justify US and NATO forces pulling out.
So in your opinion US and NATO should remain in Afghanistan?

There is no semblance of peace and stability in Afghanistan and the only ones the US and NATO are doing favour for are themselves and no one else.
But here it seems US and NATO should leave? am I right?
Palestinians are gentiles. Where is the genocide?
OK ... my argument was when by design you know the lives of your opponent is lesser of a value then all your policies and decision making will reflect that mindset...even if you like it or not.
Silicon Wadi, Israel equivalent of Silicon Valley, USA
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Israel is the highest ranking science and technology country in entire Middle East

This is poor in California. Yet it has among the highest per capita income of US states. All countries have rich and poor enclaves.
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With all the Propaganda work you are doing for the Israelis I hope they are at least paying you a decent Scheckel!
Before Netanyahu came to power there was no real and harsh focus on Israel from Iran. Not at this rate we see today. Blame Netanyahu for inflaming the situation to enrich himself. After all.. his power base is dependent on uneducated people like you.
When has there ever been a "moderate" Israeli Prime Minister. They are all cut from the same cloth. The closest thing to a moderate was Yitzhak Rabin who was assassinated by a fellow Zionist.
You better get some money from them just like the rest of the Hasbaras propagating for Israel. Heck, you are working overtime!
When has there ever been a "moderate" Israeli Prime Minister. They are all cut from the same cloth. The closest thing to a moderate was Yitzhak Rabin who was assassinated by a fellow Zionist.
There are no moderates on either side. As permanent peace agreement would mean end of Israeli right wing headed by Nutunyahoo and Palestinian right wing headed by Hamas. Hence this never ending conflict. If peace was in their interest, they would had it long time ago.
You better get some money from them just like the rest of the Hasbaras propagating for Israel. Heck, you are working overtime!
Thanks but no thanks. My Norway is rich enough to feed its 5 million people.
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If you want the "Wahabis/Salafist Muslim world" to actually get up and do something against Israel, tell them that Israelis are Shia!!!
As long we have Nutunyahoo and Hamas as best buddies, forget about any progress towards peace

What we can learn from the recent war between Palestinians in Gaza and Israel is Hamas' arsenal development has been impressive. In this report, you can see them attacking an Israeli naval ship with an unmanned mini submarine.

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