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Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict 2v

MUST READ AND WATCH!!!! LET THIS BE UNDENIABLE proof that not a word from Israel's mouth and media can be trusted about their casualty claims and that hamas claims are much more credible:

And now the video

Does that look like an "attempt" on an empty bus? Hamas claiming atleast 10 soldiers were in that bus
they had jews! off course they dint die...zionist and hindutava are like cockroaches you cant kill them fked just dont die!
The bus was slowly moving and it is clear from the video. Therefore, the Israeli claims of the bus being at stationery is false. And looking at the extent that the Israelis are denying the casualties from this bus, it is very obvious they suffered a much bigger casualty than they're admitting.

But then again they also claim 99% of rockets were stopped by their Banana..., I mean Iron Dome :laughcry:. I guess them and bakhts do have a lot in common after all (i.e. shooting down an F-16 with Mig-21 without firing a single missile and not losing a Su-30 :D)
This conflict was a blessing in disguises after this a rapid reponses unit against Israel has to be developed with 500k strong consisting mostly of muslim nations armed wih nuclear and latest technology and that unit is only specifically dedicated for Israel at the event of next escalation commited by the Israeli miscalculation you take them out completely.. The target is for them to not make it passed alive as a nation the next major escalation if the Jerusalem issues not solved now it will be the curiousity that killed the cat..

Nobody will be able to rush to their aid as all entry are by default blocked.. Even if others enter to their assistance they will have it extremely difficulty to fight in that theatre do to being far away from it and ocean separating them their entry point via ocean and carriers are just walking burial places in this era... Israel will disappear into the night quickly.. Their airforce will be obsolote including defensive systems
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IRGC head praises Hamas commander Deif as 'living martyr'

In a letter to Hamas’s military commander Mohammed Deif, the commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force called him a “living martyr” and wrote that he was confident of the victory of the “resistance” in Gaza, according to Fars News. A reputed copy of the letter was also posted online. “O’ you living martyr who has spent his life in the front row of Jihad and is confident of victory; I address you as a brave and devoted commander and I say to all the commanders and Mujahedin of the resistance groups on my behalf and on behalf of the leadership of the Islamic Republic and I promise that you will be victorious and you were faithful to your promise and to the enemy,” the posted version reads.

In the letter he claimed that Israel was tasting “fear, defeat and humiliation.” He also wrote greetings to the people of Gaza and to Arabs living in Israel, as well as Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. “The Palestinian people have proved to the whole world that they are alive and that over the years they will not be able to forget their rights, as the delusional people thought.” He said that now Iran and its allies are in the midst of a “great operation” called “Saif al-Quds” or “Sword of Jerusalem,” which has begun and entered a new phase of battle against Israel. The letter says that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “has emphasized that the countdown to the destruction of the enemy has begun.”

This is in line with statements made in Iran over the past two weeks. It gives evidence of Iran’s direct planning and role in Hamas attacks on Israel. Iran and Turkey have long backed Hamas. Turkish media has encouraged a pan-Islamic alliance of Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan and Malaysia to fight Israel.

Meanwhile Iran says Hamas has struck at Israeli airports, a key part of the Iranian plan apparently. In Iran IRGC commander Hossein Salami who had predicted Israel could be defeated with one large tactical operation gave a speech where he also praised the “strong resistance put” up by the Palestinians in the face of Israel. “More than two-thirds of Zionist cities were attacked by Palestinian rockets from Gaza, leaving no safe haven for them. All of the Israeli regime’s missile defense systems have failed against thousands of Palestinian missiles.” Iran thinks the Hamas “rocket intifada” has weakened Israel. Israel faces a major crisis, Iran says.

No one should fall for Israel's intentions in this propaganda here. They want to present the current war between them and Palestinians as one inspired and directed by Iran.

The truth is this war was triggered by the repeated Israeli violations of Al-Aqsa mosque and the planned evictions of Palestinian residents in Sheikh Jarrah areas in East Jerusalem. The Israeli goals here are to obscure their occupation of Palestine; their lack of respect for the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque; the continued expansion of settlements; and their endless killing and mass arrests against Palestinians as the root causes of this conflict.

The Israelis do know that Hamas is an independent entity that takes no directions from anyone, and has come to the point where their military strength is growing and delivered a huge blow against Israel. So they want to hide all of that and wants to paint every action against them as one inspired by Iran. It is like a criminal denying the crime that he's committed and always throws the blame on someone else.

It is the occupation, the occupation, and the occupation that is the root cause of this conflict.

IRGC head praises Hamas commander Deif as 'living martyr'

In a letter to Hamas’s military commander Mohammed Deif, the commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force called him a “living martyr” and wrote that he was confident of the victory of the “resistance” in Gaza, according to Fars News. A reputed copy of the letter was also posted online. “O’ you living martyr who has spent his life in the front row of Jihad and is confident of victory; I address you as a brave and devoted commander and I say to all the commanders and Mujahedin of the resistance groups on my behalf and on behalf of the leadership of the Islamic Republic and I promise that you will be victorious and you were faithful to your promise and to the enemy,” the posted version reads.

In the letter he claimed that Israel was tasting “fear, defeat and humiliation.” He also wrote greetings to the people of Gaza and to Arabs living in Israel, as well as Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank. “The Palestinian people have proved to the whole world that they are alive and that over the years they will not be able to forget their rights, as the delusional people thought.” He said that now Iran and its allies are in the midst of a “great operation” called “Saif al-Quds” or “Sword of Jerusalem,” which has begun and entered a new phase of battle against Israel. The letter says that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei “has emphasized that the countdown to the destruction of the enemy has begun.”

This is in line with statements made in Iran over the past two weeks. It gives evidence of Iran’s direct planning and role in Hamas attacks on Israel. Iran and Turkey have long backed Hamas. Turkish media has encouraged a pan-Islamic alliance of Iran, Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan and Malaysia to fight Israel.

Meanwhile Iran says Hamas has struck at Israeli airports, a key part of the Iranian plan apparently. In Iran IRGC commander Hossein Salami who had predicted Israel could be defeated with one large tactical operation gave a speech where he also praised the “strong resistance put” up by the Palestinians in the face of Israel. “More than two-thirds of Zionist cities were attacked by Palestinian rockets from Gaza, leaving no safe haven for them. All of the Israeli regime’s missile defense systems have failed against thousands of Palestinian missiles.” Iran thinks the Hamas “rocket intifada” has weakened Israel. Israel faces a major crisis, Iran says.

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Israel warns Iran allies are learning how to fight IDF in widening conflict

An Israel Defense Forces official speaking to Newsweek has warned that the country's Arab neighbors and Iran-aligned militias operating from within these nations and across the region are studying how the IDF wages its war in Gaza in the event these forces become engaged in their own conflict with Israel.

Israel has rolled out land, air and sea capabilities in its ongoing battle with Gaza-based movements such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which continue to fire thousands of rockets despite the bombardment. The worst conflict in years has wrought devastation and drawn international attention, some of it unwanted from the perspective of Israel, a country with an existential history of fighting multi-front wars.

"I think that all the countries and different terror organizations, of course led by Iran, that surround us, they look at this conflict, and they want to learn, learn about the IDF, its capabilities, its defense capabilities, its aerial and naval capabilities," an IDF official told Newsweek. "It's not surprising that all the eyes of the world are watching, and all the eyes of the terror organizations are watching the Gaza Strip."

As Israel's fourth major confrontation in Gaza continued to erupt, signs of unrest have already broken out along Israel's other nearby flashpoints.

Rockets fired Wednesday from southern Lebanon were intercepted by the advanced Iron Dome defense system near the Israeli city of Acre, marking the third such launch from across the northern border over the past week. On Friday, rockets reached Israeli territory from Syria, coming across yet another hostile border.

Neither incident resulted in any reported damage, but the implications were clear: nearby forces were reminding Israel that they too could strike at any time. Even closer to home, a spate of attacks conducted by Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank in solidarity with fighters in Gaza signal another worrisome development for a nation besieged by foes.

"Specifically, the IDF is, of course, focused right now on the Gaza Strip, but we never forget that we have other fronts as well," the IDF official said, "either the Lebanese or Syrian front or the Judea and Samaria West Bank front, and the other farther fronts, and the IDF is always on guard on all the fronts."

The IDF official issued a warning to those trying to take advantage of the considerable resources Israel was dedicating to its fight in Gaza.

"I think it will be a mistake from their side to try and test us when we are focused on the Gaza Strip," the IDF official said. "We have the capabilities to defend ourselves, even with multiple arenas, even if we're very much focused right now on the Gaza Strip and the Gaza conflict."

No one should fall for Israel's intentions in this propaganda here. They want to present the current war between them and Palestinians as one inspired and directed by Iran. The truth is this war was triggered by repeated Israeli violations of Al-Aqsa mosque and the planned evictions of Palestinian residents in Sheikh Jarrah areas in East Jerusalem. The Israeli goals here are to obscure their occupation of Palestine; their lack of respect for the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque; the continued expansion of settlements; and their endless killing and mass arrests against Palestinians as the root causes of this conflict.

The Israelis do know that Hamas is an independent entity that takes no directions from anyone, and has come to the point where their military strength is growing and delivered a huge blow against Israel. So they want to hide all of that and wants to paint every action against them as one inspired by Iran. It is like a criminal denying the crime that he's committed and always throws the blame on someone else.

It is the occupation, the occupation, and the occupation that is the root cause of this conflict.
Propaganda? We haven't even scratched the surface

Yahoo here making fools of everyone must be called by his real name
Benjamin Mileikowsky!
Undo, the shrade, Yes, this guy and his comrades pretend to be Middle Easterners!
Drop the fake names already.
I'd ask everyone to not help this yahu by calling him and his gang by his and their pretend names.
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Pakistani MP calls for use of nuclear weapons against Israel

"Did we make atomic bombs to show them in a museum? We don't need missiles, atomic bombs or a huge army if they can't be used to liberate Palestine," says Maulana Chitrali.

He didn't stop there, though, and called on his country to use its nuclear weapons against the Jewish state.

"Did we make atomic bombs to show them in a museum? We don't need missiles, atomic bombs or a huge army if they can't be used to liberate Palestine.

Chitrali's comments came after Pakistani Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram on Sunday called on the UN Security Council to initiate steps to "hold Israel accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity."

"Above all, the Security Council must promote the full implementation of the relevant UN resolutions especially for the realization of the two-state solution through the establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) as its capital," Akram told the Security Council.

At the root of Pakistan's foreign policy in regards to Israel is Islamabad's absolute dependency on investments from Turkey, which has been spearheading an extreme anti-Israel stance in international bodies.

I love this tough man..
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Pakistani MP calls for use of nuclear weapons against Israel

"Did we make atomic bombs to show them in a museum? We don't need missiles, atomic bombs or a huge army if they can't be used to liberate Palestine," says Maulana Chitrali.

He didn't stop there, though, and called on his country to use its nuclear weapons against the Jewish state.

"Did we make atomic bombs to show them in a museum? We don't need missiles, atomic bombs or a huge army if they can't be used to liberate Palestine.

Chitrali's comments came after Pakistani Ambassador to the United Nations Munir Akram on Sunday called on the UN Security Council to initiate steps to "hold Israel accountable for its war crimes and crimes against humanity."

"Above all, the Security Council must promote the full implementation of the relevant UN resolutions especially for the realization of the two-state solution through the establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state with pre-1967 borders and Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) as its capital," Akram told the Security Council.

At the root of Pakistan's foreign policy in regards to Israel is Islamabad's absolute dependency on investments from Turkey, which has been spearheading an extreme anti-Israel stance in international bodies.

Liberate Palestine by destroying it with nuclear weapons.
Really stupid.

Heard about the story of King Solomon?
Two mothers argue who is the actual mother of a baby in front of the king.
The king suggests to cut the baby in half and kill it, each mother receives one half.
One mother approved of his suggestion, the second mother begged the king not to, and told the king to give the baby to the second mother.
That way he knew which one was the real mother, the latter.

Same here, Palestinians are burning their allegedly "own" nation, launching rockets that might as well hit their own holy sites, and Muslims around the world like this fool you've shown suggests nuking the whole place to "liberate" it, along with 2 million Muslims that live in Israeli cities, along with all Muslim holy sites, , along with beautiful landscapes and along with the Palestinians.

And you've got Israel that offers peace plans that get constantly rejected, protects the land and takes care of it.

Liberate Palestine by destroying it with nuclear weapons.
Really stupid.

Heard about the story of King Solomon?
Two mothers argue who is the actual mother of a baby in front of the king.
The king suggests to cut the baby in half and kill it, each mother receives one half.
One mother approved of his suggestion, the second mother begged the king not to, and told the king to give the baby to the second mother.
That way he knew which one was the real mother, the latter.

Same here, Palestinians are burning their allegedly "own" nation, launching rockets that might as well hit their own holy sites, and Muslims around the world like this fool you've shown suggests nuking the whole place to "liberate" it, along with 2 million Muslims that live in Israeli cities, along with all Muslim holy sites, , along with beautiful landscapes and along with the Palestinians.

And you've got Israel that offers peace plans that get constantly rejected, protects the land and takes care of it.

Israel is now a Muslim country? The new propaganda of Israeli supporters is getting weird and dumber by the minute. :lol:
Liberate Palestine by destroying it with nuclear weapons.
Really stupid.

Heard about the story of King Solomon?
Two mothers argue who is the actual mother of a baby in front of the king.
The king suggests to cut the baby in half and kill it, each mother receives one half.
One mother approved of his suggestion, the second mother begged the king not to, and told the king to give the baby to the second mother.
That way he knew which one was the real mother, the latter.

Same here, Palestinians are burning their allegedly "own" nation, launching rockets that might as well hit their own holy sites, and Muslims around the world like this fool you've shown suggests nuking the whole place to "liberate" it, along with 2 million Muslims that live in Israeli cities, along with all Muslim holy sites, , along with beautiful landscapes and along with the Palestinians.

And you've got Israel that offers peace plans that get constantly rejected, protects the land and takes care of it.

Solomon was indeed wise King may Allah be pleased with him but Nethanyu truly helped the far-right in every muslim country with his escalation in Jerusalem and weakened the current ruling liberals in the muslim world. I said it early in the escalation that the biggest losers would be the current ruling liberal elite in the muslim world.. Nethanyu helped these who wanna see him gone gain more power within the muslim world... They have been in silence or nobody listens to them because they live only for confrontations and lack two elements in the brain but with irrelevant escalation they will gain foot-hold and power.. They got the fuel they needed to usurp higher positions in governments now and gain power
this pakistani MP is the mirror image of the zionist pig Sheldon adelson who asked the US to drop nuclear bomb on iran...both extremist ...I doubt Islam allows mass murder ..but ,zionisem which has nothing to do with any religion does not have such moral compass...

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