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Israel offers expertise to secure India’s borders.

If you don't count Israel and India, why are you posting senseless comments sir?

And what geopolitical problems do you have with Israel and India cooperating with each other.

We dn't count Israel that doesn't mean we didn't keep our one eye towards them, as well as india too.

Geo-politically such a neighbor country we have prob with Indians achievements what is quiet harmful to us.

I said- india can take israeli tec, But why israel consider border issue ? Tec and border issue is it same? Israel knows that very well If they propose india to make secure border that is their own benefit. As well as India too. We can't allow this. Israel can say , buy tec from us, but they can't say we will improve indian border . It is our security insecurity too .

It is our border we can get the tech from whichever country on earth we want.

Bangladesh or Pakistan should be concerned only if they try to illegally cross the border

In fact Bangladesh should be happy that the border is being sealed. You keep on crying that BSF killed Bangladeshis at the border. Every month there are 1-2 threads regarding that topic. The whole problem will be solved with this tech. Once border is sealed no crossing into India , No killing everyone is happy

So you think border crossing tec is getting from israel ? Take SU or else from israel , we have no prob with that . How many indians illegally cross Bd of Pk border ? We have that measurement .

You can take any support from any country , but when a country says that we will secure indian border that is concerned for neighbor countries.

How dare Israel says that they will secure indian border and will give tec to secure indian border . What is israel? a terrorist couuminity those who are killing innocent palestinian muslims everyday . however. They will get their payment one day .

Crossing border isn't related with getting tec.
It is concern for the border security purpose. U can do anything with ur money , but why Israeli will concern about Indian border purpose? This is the question . This is my business bcz india and israeil is a foe sate for bangladesh and for pakistan .

Every country is secure with the tec purpose . For border area we have that capability too . You will get tec from israel and israel will say , indian border is insecure and we should help them. In that sense israel has geo-political purpose to secure indian border from bangladesh and pakistan .

You can buy tec from many countries, We have no prob with that . But when Israel will say , we are concern about indian border security , then it is our major concern . However we dn't count israel. Nor India.

Our border security purpose .
To keep all those illegal BDis and terrorists away from our border .
Again our security is none of your business.

We dont care what you feels about it .
Go and find what is your BD govt doing in there .India will do whatever we want .
And we give two hoots to your imagination
How dare Israel says that they will secure indian border and will give tec to secure indian border .
Israel is not saying it. We are inviting Israel. Israel is giving the tech and we are paying for the same.

Dont worry there wont be any Isreali soldiers on the border
Our border security purpose .
To keep all those illegal BDis and terrorists away from our border .
Again our security is none of your business.

We dont care what you feels about it .
Go and find what is your BD govt doing in there .India will do whatever we want .
And we give two hoots to your imagination

This is our business. Illigal access doesn't make any sense with the relation with israeli help.

If India can't control their border then this is their lackness . U can but arms from israel , but for border issue if israel help india this is complicated situation. Geo-politically they can't help India for border issue. By force how israeli is getting palestanian lands, in the same thing is happening here .

Israel is not saying it. We are inviting Israel. Israel is giving the tech and we are paying for the same.

Dont worry there wont be any Isreali soldiers on the border

Israel says to the experts to save indian border!! What is that mean ? So india is inviting israel to save their border ? congrats.
This is our business. Illigal access doesn't make any sense with the relation with israeli help.

If India can't control their border then this is their lackness . U can but arms from israel , but for border issue if israel help india this is complicated situation. Geo-politically they can't help India for border issue. By force how israeli is getting palestanian lands, in the same thing is happening here .

Israel says to the experts to save indian border!! What is that mean ? So india is inviting israel to save their border ? congrats.

Actually ,Did I already told you ?
Who gives a shit about your concerns?
We will invite anyone in our nation and will spend our money for everything,will develop our own tech ,will acquire Israelis or Aliens tech and you cant do anything about it
Actually ,Did I already told you ?
Who gives a shit about your concerns?
We will invite anyone in our nation and will spend our money for everything,will develop our own tech ,will acquire Israelis or Aliens tech and you cant do anything about it

we are concerned about our national security purpose. We can't take any shit from our foes state.
we are concerned about our national security purpose. We can't take any shit from our foes state.
Why are you concerned? We want to make our borders secure and Israel has the tech to make them secure. We will pay for it and we will use it however we want to.

If Israel says, it wants to help India to secure its borders, it doesn't mean IDF soldiers are going to come and guard the LOC or Indo-bangla border.

Chill. Don't imply geo politics everywhere and everything. If you want to secure your side of the border too, then do it. Don't rant a little bitch.
we help india why not if money is in also pakistan and bangaldesh countries we dont have diplomatic ties with them so we dont care
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