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Israel Defense Forces








What is this thing on Israeli soldiers head? It seems weird. Other armies don't have it...

What is this? any reason for it? @500

Its a form of camo - it hides the soldiers by distorting their human outline. I can imagine it being especially effective in the dark.
what is the highest Rank a Muslim has achieved in Military and Government in Israel?
what is the highest Rank a Muslim has achieved in Military and Government in Israel?
Abdel Rahman Zuabi - Supreme Court judge.
Raleb Majadele - Minister for Science, Culture and Sport.

In IDF there are some Muslim lieutenant colonels:


Falach Hayib


Wahid Al-Huzeil

Not sure about colonels. In addition there were 3 Arab Druze generals in IDF.
Great Forum, great Topic.

I find it great that military intrested people from around the World can come here and share their Information and other Stuff with eachother (mostly) without hostility except the few Trolls you can find on any Board.

I came from iran to germany and my father was in the imperial iranian air force at a base near dezful as US and israeli pilots were visiting the base regulary to take part in the contest "hit the samawar". this included destroying a small ground target via air craft mounted cannon.

i have no hostility for no one and dont care if someone is from india, pakistan or israel. i only blame the mullahs for ruining my country since 1979 and give iran a bad name in the world.

i am impressed by the fact that so many arabs are successful in israel in politic, legal system and military.
I doubt his fasts or his prayers are getting accepted. There are clear instructions in Quran about Bani Israel (people of israel).

What you said is Absolute Nonsense...

Quran (2:62)...Surah Baqrah

" Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

The verse which people of your mindset quote is the one in which many translators have translated as don't take nasara and jews as friends...which is wrong..cuz word used is aulya..which means don't get in a relationship in which u r always subservient....this is for the foreign policy of that time...when a few jewish tribes of Madina were conspiring with Meccans against Muslims...so it is not applicable in today's context.

To clear your mind from doubts..you should read the story of Rabbi Mukhayriq who faught alongside Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) during battle of Uhud and even gave his life fighting for Madinah and he before his death announced that if he died all his wealth would go to Muhammad (S.A.W)...and Prophet (S.A.W) distributed this endowment among the poor of Madinah...Prophet (S.A.W) also said "He was best of the Jews"....Read more here "He was the Best of Jews" Said Prophet Muhammed

Another one...The mindset that Jews are our enemies is not compatible with the Qur'an Read more here The mindset that Jews are our enemies is not compatible with the Qur'an (30.08.2013)

So if what you are saying is correct then what Prophet (S.A.W) did was wrong...and that can never be possible..so its better that you leave this mentality and become more tolerant of other religions and races. If we assume you are correct then by that definition...3% of the Pakistani Minorities..can claim their prayers won't be accepted as they are proud to be citizens of Islamic republic...thus ( 3% of 186 million)...5.58 million Non Muslims of Pakistan should revolt against Pakistani Government...WTH...lol..dude you need to change yourself..otherwise situation in Pakistan will never improve.
What you said is Absolute Nonsense...

Quran (2:62)...Surah Baqrah

" Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve."

The verse which people of your mindset quote is the one in which many translators have translated as don't take nasara and jews as friends...which is wrong..cuz word used is aulya..which means don't get in a relationship in which u r always subservient....this is for the foreign policy of that time...when a few jewish tribes of Madina were conspiring with Meccans against Muslims...so it is not applicable in today's context.

To clear your mind from doubts..you should read the story of Rabbi Mukhayriq who faught alongside Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) during battle of Uhud and even gave his life fighting for Madinah and he before his death announced that if he died all his wealth would go to Muhammad (S.A.W)...and Prophet (S.A.W) distributed this endowment among the poor of Madinah...Prophet (S.A.W) also said "He was best of the Jews"....Read more here "He was the Best of Jews" Said Prophet Muhammed

Another one...The mindset that Jews are our enemies is not compatible with the Qur'an Read more here The mindset that Jews are our enemies is not compatible with the Qur'an (30.08.2013)

So if what you are saying is correct then what Prophet (S.A.W) did was wrong...and that can never be possible..so its better that you leave this mentality and become more tolerant of other religions and races. If we assume you are correct then by that definition...3% of the Pakistani Minorities..can claim their prayers won't be accepted as they are proud to be citizens of Islamic republic...thus ( 3% of 186 million)...5.58 million Non Muslims of Pakistan should revolt against Pakistani Government...WTH...lol..dude you need to change yourself..otherwise situation in Pakistan will never improve.

Nope, you are wrong. Sorry
Great Forum, great Topic.

I find it great that military intrested people from around the World can come here and share their Information and other Stuff with eachother (mostly) without hostility except the few Trolls you can find on any Board.

I came from iran to germany and my father was in the imperial iranian air force at a base near dezful as US and israeli pilots were visiting the base regulary to take part in the contest "hit the samawar". this included destroying a small ground target via air craft mounted cannon.

i have no hostility for no one and dont care if someone is from india, pakistan or israel. i only blame the mullahs for ruining my country since 1979 and give iran a bad name in the world.

i am impressed by the fact that so many arabs are successful in israel in politic, legal system and military.

Israel is the only true democracy in middle east
well , in short , in wikipedia it says that the idf was always on hard times until the 1973 war and nixon , that they had shortages and they used second hand equipment given to them by eastern europeans , the pix clearly show not.

Israel Today is in a much better position than 1973 which by the way Israel did not lose. Today Israel has peace agreements with Jordan and Egypt which allows Israel to allocate most of its forces on Lebanon and Syria borders .

Now given the fact Syria has been destroyed thanks to the Sunni-Shia hatred along with Hizbullah wasting his resources fighting sunnis Israel does no longer have any threat to deal with since its foes are butchering each other in Syria .

A partitioned Syria will be the best scenario Israel is looking for , they do not want Assad to fall but prefer seeing him weakened and losing his strategic weapon " Russia/USA chemical weapon deal " .

Assad only controls 40% of Syria and most of what he controls is close to Israel border so he would not dare firing a bullet on Israel because it would mean his end . Assad is already sourrounded by enemies from all the sides, Turkey from the north , Jordan from the south apart from the Syrian Rebels who control northern Syria and huge chunks of the south.

I expect Assad at some point will ally himself with Israel to ensure the survival of his Alawi entity inside Syria .

Israel will emerge as the sole strongest state in the region through its alliance with the most populous Arab country Egypt along with Egypt alliances with GCC.

I can even imagine at some point in future Israel might be mediating to solve conflicts and disputes between Sunnis and Shia LOL.

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