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Israel decides to build a cafe /Museum of Tolorece on Top of Muslim Cemetary 1400 year old

All ur talks doesn't change the fact that there's a tiny little country in the middle east called Israel and she's here to stay

Her right to existence is NOT ans issue, her occupation is!

No. Currently they are fine. I am talking about the not so near future. Civilizations fall into complacence. Then they fall. But have no doubt, unlike the Israelis, the Palestinians will not let one single Israeli Jew alive - women, children, old men - all will be fair game when that happens.... Unless, Israelis correct their demographic problem and adopt a harder line.

Sure they are. Stop they US Aid and then see them implode!

To date zionist terrorists have been slaughtering Palestinians and defining barbarism and atrocities. But following a policy of " an enemy, of an enemy, is my friend", you want to twist facts to support them. Quite disgusting, I must say!

That was the point of the lie slandering Israel, of course.

The only lying and slandering on this forum, is done by the likes of you, and your hindu-zions!
No. Currently they are fine. I am talking about the not so near future. Civilizations fall into complacence. Then they fall. But have no doubt, unlike the Israelis, the Palestinians will not let one single Israeli Jew alive - women, children, old men - all will be fair game when that happens.... Unless, Israelis correct their demographic problem and adopt a harder line.

Correct their demographic problem? It has some very disturbing connotation as the usual means of pro-creation and Jewish immigration is hardly going to make a mosquito size dent when you compare the projected Jewish population in Israel to combined Arab + Iran + Pakistan population.

India is indeed fortunate in this regard, I must say.

Harder line? Again how much harder? I consider their present policy to be on the edge of extremism, one step further and they would be counted amongst the likes of Stalinist Russia.

Israel my friend has a long and dark road ahead and as US turns inwards I see no way ahead of them but to capitulate unless they are mad enough to use their nukes. I have nothing but sympathy and solidarity for Israel.
To date zionist terrorists have been slaughtering Palestinians and defining barbarism and atrocities. But following a policy of " an enemy, of an enemy, is my friend", you want to twist facts to support them. Quite disgusting, I must say!
No. They are not. They are only taking out those who raise their voices against them, taking up guns against them with massacres once in a blue moon. The Palestinians try the same, but are unable to do so - not because of lacking of desire...but that of means.

That said, I agree that I, as a non Muslim, am a natural supporter of Israel. Not because of any love for Judaism as such (which I don't have anyway).
The only lying and slandering on this forum, is done by the likes of you, and your hindu-zions!
How much longer do you think you have before your countrymen get tired of this nonsense and squish you like a grape? Pakistan, unlike Israel, isn't particularly noted for tolerance.
Her right to existence is NOT ans issue, her occupation is!

What occupation ?? Israel belongs to jews, judesm's Birth place is Israel. It was invaded and occupied by Romans, Chrisians and Muslims. now she has been reclaimed. If arabs of israel wants to live in peace in Israel they can. no one object them.. there're lots of them living peacfully and serving in IDF.
No. They are not. They are only taking out those who raise their voices against them, taking up guns against them with massacres once in a blue moon. The Palestinians try the same, but are unable to do so - not because of lacking of desire...but that of means.

That said, I agree that I, as a non Muslim, am a natural supporter of Israel. Not because of any love for Judaism as such (which I don't have anyway).

Thank you for stating the obvious!

How much longer do you think you have before your countrymen get tired of this nonsense and squish you like a grape? Pakistan, unlike Israel, isn't particularly noted for tolerance.

You conveniently forget, the millions of dead Palestinians that vouch for your tolerance!
Correct their demographic problem? It has some very disturbing connotation as the usual means of pro-creation and Jewish immigration is hardly going to make a mosquito size dent when you compare the projected Jewish population in Israel to combined Arab + Iran + Pakistan population.

India is indeed fortunate in this regard, I must say.

Harder line? Again how much harder? I consider their present policy to be on the edge of extremism, one step further and they would be counted amongst the likes Stalinist Russia.

Israel my friend has a long and dark road ahead and as US turns inwards I see no way ahead of them but to capitulate unless they are mad enough to use their nukes. I have nothing but sympathy and pity for their state.
I can give some theoretical points -

1. Israel needs to monitor their Islamic population (minus the Druze) and evict all who don't fit the profile. It's not tough and won't be noticed if done during a 'war with Hamas'.

2. India is fortunate in this regard as our demographics have stabilized for all practical purposes.

3. Harder line as in eliminating entire blocks without warning with napalm if rockets are fired from them. The Iron Dome is the only thing standing between them and a massive Jewish massacre. Surgical strikes (Israel's current doctrine) takes out the threat but leaves 10 more local Muslims to take the place of the fallen. They should build an exclusion zone for Muslims, like the Arabs have evicted Jewish communities entirely. Once the internal apparatus is homogeneous, even a smaller perimeter can be held properly.
You conveniently forget, the millions of dead Palestinians that vouch for your tolerance!

Millions? Any link to support that they have dead in such numbers?

But that is besides the point. The terrorists and all those who shelter them must DIE.

I envy Israel's intestinal fortitude in this regard but at the same time mourn those innocents who die.
Millions? Any link to support that they have dead in such numbers?

But that is besides the point. The terrorists and all those who shelter them must DIE.

I envy Israel's intestinal fortitude in this regard but at the same time mourn those innocents who die.

Nobody ever credited you with intelligence, did they!

You wield no facts. You're out committing slander with all the courage of an internet warrior.
While the only facts you can provide is from a terrorist publication blog, called elders of zion. What a shame!

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